Should YOU Wait For A Ganyu Rerun? – Genshin Impact

Are you saving up for Kazuha, Yoimiya or Ayaka?

0:00 Freeze Showcase
0:18 Intro
0:35 Which Build?
1:05 Weapons
1:26 Artifacts
2:16 Constellations
2:34 Talents
2:59 Aiming Tips
4:22 Team Comps
5:10 Melt Showcase
5:34 Conclusion

Song: Chill Day by LAKEY INSPIRED


24 thoughts on “Should YOU Wait For A Ganyu Rerun? – Genshin Impact”

  1. There’s no reason not to do them both, but im pretty sure I’ll save my primos for the next 3 events so i can be comfortable at wishing characters.
    My current primogems is like 2k+

  2. I have ganyu. I never recommend anyone to pull for ganyu. She is very boring. I havent used her once since March. My main dps are now keqing and dilluc. They are weak but fun.
    You can pull whatever you want but be careful. Also pull whats most fun.

  3. Look I love my Rosaria and my Sucrose but I can’t refuse to pull for a child with a claymore that spins and a cocogoat that can destroy anything that has a health bar

  4. My reasons for pulling Ganyu:
    1) she is my first ever regret in game (didn't like bow back then)
    2) I don't have any 5 star dps except Keqing and what better option than one of liyue's big three.
    3) I have Morgana ready 🙂 just Ganyu remains.
    4) Currently have 12k saved primogems with guaranteed rate up.
    5) Nothing else excites me right now and like I said I need DPS only because somehow I have only pulled supports until now.
    6) I like her lore and aesthetics and want someone who is regarded as the best DPS in the game as a compensation for not having any good gold DPS.

  5. We have Diluc, Hutao, Klee, Yanfei, Yoimiya, Xiangling, and Benett as a capable pyro carries.
    We really only have Ganyu as a Cryo carry because Eula is physical while Diona, Kaeya, Chongyun, and Rosaria are all supports.

    Moreover, we only have Ganyu as a range cryo carry that apply enough Cryo to freeze a group of water minions without using E or Q. She's just so convenient to have. Her attack spread so wide that you can use it to clear small enemies quick.
    Making her an ideal character you can use to farm daily quests, fishing, killing bird/boar and so on.

  6. I have 15k primogems and guaranteed for Ganyu. I don't care about her damage, she's just so cute to me
    Even if Yoimiya does good damage, I don't care because I don't know her personality yet
    She's cute though

  7. I learned how to shot with charge attack after pulling Ganyu, before her I don't like that playstyle. Now defeating enemies (with Xingqiu/Barbara – I don't have Mona) is a piece of cake.


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