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Every other day I get a Decent artifact since I place them on my qiqi first then swap. Cause my qiqi is C4 from losing all my 50/50s so I'm gonna get all my primos worth by squeezing all my luck on her for artifact luck. 😂🍀
It helps a lot for people who already has good artifacts, it saves us some resin because you’ll rarely use 5* as a fodder.
When did i ever get a good artifact? : Never (at least with the standards you told us we should be keeping) ;-;
I did i got perfecf em gladtitor set to replace fkr kazuha
Homely Tenha can do a full geo comp ie the essential geos. Dongli, elevator, puppy dog, and Horn-knee Oni
Adiós gentleman.
Should upgrade that feather to +20 because it look good to me
I really love these THUMBNAILS.. 😂😂😂
Trading 3 trash with another trash
– Mihoyo games 2021
Creating artifacts is terrible if you don't do primo resin refills to farm artifact meaning all the f2p and low spender players but seems fantastic to the whales who have way too high standards for a good artifact at this p point so they have nothing to raise with all those excess badroll artifacts.
can some one gift me some gems cuz im broke no joke my UID 723816003
No, my pure f2p eyes cannot take this-
I just love to watch these gacha videos of crafting artifact strong boxes
Farming for artifacts is pain but when it rolls garbage all the time, man even hart can’t bare that🤓💔
the laughter is of a guy in pain…😂😂😂
It's where I got allot of my good Noblis for my Bennett so it's definitely worth
i hope mihoyo would instead craft 3 4-star artifacts to 1 5-star so it's a fair sacrifice in case it goes to def lmao
I hope crimson will be here
Like a month ago i got an ok artifact
Imagine if they make it so that you can also pick which artifact piece you would want to exchange for, that would definitely ease the grinding nonsense
It's not bad. Don't be greedy and don't all in. If you have artifacts near to full the storage or you just have many bad 5stars, try it often is not bad. I got very good HP sand and crit circlet from it. And it doesn't cause you mora or resin. So, when you are bored, just do it 1 or 2.
Def of course
Thanks for the info Tenha
Depends, if you have a lot artifacts and you’re not leveling yup recycle.
Can you help me play my acc… Im stuck at reitou escort
Please help me
Ok, i subs again after u unban my twitch
It's like saving you some resin
Does this system show how hard it actually is to get artifacts based on the RNG? Is the drop rate for this the same as the domains?
Would be very nice if they had all the artifact sets attached to this system
I find it hilarious that people still run noblesse domain when this exists lol
This crafting is cursed, i lost everything but got nothing in exchange
1:27 I have landed everything in crit roll 😂😂
So when i was like ar30 i got my first 5* artifacts i didn'tknow its bad and i was focus in my atk instead of crits,any 5* i would level it up even tho its def i mean i didn't knew and when i was ar45+ thats when i regret it
This might be random, but let’s convince mihoyo to make Artifact Trading a thing. Bro Imagine if u can just trade artifacts with your friends. This would be a game changer
Guys , can you guys tell me what the best artifact stat + sub stat should i aim for hutao ?
I know she best at witch , so please some guidance ?
Please tell me why too , tq guys
Thanks for this system, I don't need to farming Noblesse domain and get spammed by Bloodstained piece
I expect that my goblet will be perfect cos it has crit dmg and crit chance in sub stats and it also from cryo set. So I dropped lvl 20 artifact into that… I lost my mind when i got 1200 base hp. it was a worse day ever in game. I fell like someone SCAMed me. My suggestion save your time and play something else this game hates people who endup in late game.
Been playing since almost day 1 (download took exactly 24 hours so I didn't get to play day 1) and the last day I got an amazing artifact: Hasn't happened yet.
I have gotten okay/decent, but amazing? hell no.
My best noblesse piece is a circlet with main stat: crit damage, crit rate 5.8% energy recharge: 9.1% def: 10.2% HP: 9.9%
So, yeah, "fantastic".
After a certain point in game,you no longer need to farm artifacts to upgrade other. You can mostly just recycle already leveled shit artifacts. This feature is definitely worth using in end game