she's AMAZING! UPDATED Ningguang Guide – Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Tips | Genshin Impact 2.8

Ningguang is a Geo DPS, and this video will go over EVERYTHING you need to know in order to make her a powerful character in your teams as of Genshin Impact 2.8.

Note: As 3.0 Sumeru is coming (presumably) very soon, some of the information in this video could change within the next month or so, and though it’s unlikely that it’ll heavily or even noticeably affect this guide’s information, I still felt like mentioning that.

edited by meeee

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by tnbee


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0:00 Intro
0:43 Kit Details & Tips
3:30 Constellations
5:46 Best Artifact Sets
7:34 Artifact Stats
8:30 Best Weapons & Comparisons
13:10 Team Comping (IMPORTANT INFO)

#genshinimpact #ningguang #genshin


39 thoughts on “she's AMAZING! UPDATED Ningguang Guide – Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Tips | Genshin Impact 2.8”

  1. I beg to differ her c1 is big enough to improve her targeting a bit of her dps, only her c4 is a miss but everything else are amazing in making her a great character.

  2. Ningguang is a secret 5 star to me. My first triple crowned charac 👑👑👑 & still play her till today bc she is just super satisfying to use. No matter how many 5 stars I get I will always choose to play ningguang 😘💕

  3. I was forced to do my last abyss while on a business trip. Hutao let me down as I was having trouble canceling while on mobile. Swap in the good old trusty ningguang and zhongli duo. Easy 36star clear. People are sleeping on her. She's solid. Can't wait till she gets a geo support

  4. She has been my main carry pretty much since I got her on xiaos banner (only got 1 copy) and I managed to get her to c5 while pulling for kazuha and I'm gonna buy her 6th when she comes back in the shop, she has my highest damage numbers rn and I always fall back on her (I recently semi benched her since I got kazuha and wanted to try some more elemental teams)

  5. I am using 4-piece shimenawa's remimiscence on mu Nina, and i like this set on her like ALOT. way better then any 2+2 at least. In team with 2 or 3 geo this -15 energy you dont even notice, cos you generate alot of geo energy. Rly a blind spot of this guide

  6. I would recommend Dust if you're good with utilizing crystal shards and want to spend a lot of on field time with her with minimal rotation. It's also arguably one of the better choices for coop situations since she'll be on field the whole time. 4pc Bolide was one of my early holdovers while I was trying to farm a good 2pc glad/petro combo and similarly works quite decent until you have C6.

  7. The only two unfortunate things I can think about her after playing with her since the start of the game is the fact that Hoyoverse is pushing geo characters with defense scaling. They potentially didn’t know where they wanted to go with geo early on, and Ningguang as an older character is a result of that. (You could also say something similar for the newer hydro characters who scale with hp, but not Childe. Guess who also has Childe as a dps. 🙃)

    Catalyst weapons aren’t on the same level as other weapons for other weapon type imo. It’s annoying as a f2p player because the craftable weapons aren’t great for her. I started in 2020, and I still don’t have a widsth let alone one of her 5 star recommendations. Thankfully I was here for Dodoco Tales, but newer players won’t have the same luck.

  8. Idk why, ningguang charge attack feels sluggish. Sometimes it didn't happen even i alrdy hold button. If i slightly push foward and charge at same time, the charge attack have delay animation. It's feel so clunky, compared with yanfei charge attack, yanfei is godly smooth

  9. As far as Yun Jin goes, she's not bad at all for a more ranged attacking Ningguang. The reason why is that Yun Jin likes three things on those she buffs: fast attacks, DMG, and Crit DMG. For Ning, her normals are fast enough, especially with anim canceling, and she fires two per attack, so she can make good use of the charges. And you have her ascension stat, which is DMG, and her wall, for a further 12% DMG. Then there are the catalysts you are likely to use with her, and they are all pretty likely to have either DMG or Crit DMG, or in the case Verity, both. Overall, probably less ideal of a partner than Albedo, but Albedo is a five star, and he also doesn't proc on shields. But yeah, with just Yun Jin and geo resonance, my Ning hits for 11k x2 on normals, compared to 4k x2 without Yun Jin.

    As far as shielder goes, Ning doesn't need one if you play her up close to enemies. As long as you have an off-field character adding elements to the enemies, you'll get a lot of crystalize reactions. Kuki works great for this, as she provides electro status to crystalize, healing for if you do take damage, and great user of the Tenacity buff, which provides more atk% and makes the crystalize shields stronger. And for Diona, the main reason to use her over, say, Thoma, is if you have Shenhe. That way, you get cryo resonance, plus more DMG, and Shenhe will buff Diona's damage.

    Another great thing about her C2: When doing the hydro domain that increases recharge times, you can get around that. Just wait 6s between uses of your elemental skill, and boom, wall destroyed by the creation of a new one, and skill refreshed. Just avoid using the burst.

    For her C1: its value increases if you pair her with Venti, and to a lesser degree, Kazuha and Sucrose. That'll bundle up the enemies, and you will smack multiples. Anemo isn't the ideal element to pair with geo, admittedly, but if you play a decent amount of co-op domains, you'll definitely wind up teamed with Venti and Kazuha often enough.

  10. how is this an updated build? 2pc petra + 2pc glad/shimenawa has always been the default set for ning if you want her to be your main DPS. guides for her using the different sets have been on YT since last year. no hate though, genshin is always having new players so new videos covering already-discussed builds to show that it still works is good. just want to point out that there's no real update on this ning build.

  11. My main Geo team is a C6 Noelle team. I usually run Noelle, Gorou, Albedo and a last flexible slot. I tried Fiscl because she has a good synergy with Albedo, and Yunjin when she came out. But after raising Ninguang, I tried to include her in this spot and I'd say she works very well with this team as a quick swap burst dps. She benefits from Noelle's shield and Gorou's buff, but she can also buff the rest of the team with her screen shield. I have Skyward Atlas but I don't like swapping weapon every time I change my team so I just gave her R5 Solar Pearl. I think it synergizes well with her kit and it's easier to build because of the crit rate stat.

    Now I think I'm gonna try your main dps Ninguang comp with Zhongli, Albedo and Bennet and see what she can do.
    I might swap Bennett for Fiscl in the abyss because I prefer using him along with Xiangling or in a Hyper Raiden comp.

  12. I legit got Zhongli and Ning and Mem of dust in like 20 pulls and they have been in my teams ever since. I like her gameplay and feel that Mihoyo gave me a lucky ning so ima try to use her as long as I can. She's currently triple crowned lvl 90 on mem of dust, and Zhong will not leave her side.

  13. I Heard 3 things in this Vid that made me go "wait what?" 2 of which were just plain wrong, and the last just needing a note… Also an Extra Bit of info on top of that that I'll add

    1. Yun Jin with Nigguang is Totally Viable, Yun Jin Buffs a set number of attacks, and the Bonus Damage she Provides is independent of the scaling of the attacks themselves, so Ningguang's 2X 50.4% Damage probs per attack will recieve TWICE the Damage Bonus from Yun Jin that any other character would with their Single Hit Attacks from their normal comboes. AKA Each Ningguang's normal attacks(not each Jade, each time you hit the button) Get 136% of Yun Jin's Def To Buff them (Multiplied by Ningguang's Geo damage Bonus, and Any Crits, but not Ninggang's actual attack stat), Even though Ningguang's Normal attacks would not generally be considered to be the core of her Damage on her own, With these Buffs they Add up to a LOT.
    2. Bennet's(And Kujou Sara's) Buffs are a Flat Increases to Attack, So it's Value does NOT Diminish as you stack them the same way that other atk% buffs do. An Added 1029 Atk When Buffed is nothing to Scoff at!(With Either Aquila Favonia or Mistsplitter Reforged, Goes down a bit with other weapons, but not all that much, 965 With Alley Flash which is a 4 Star Weapon for Example). It doesn't Matter how many Buffs you Slap on, that benny Buff will remain Exactly the Same Number and will offer exactly the same amount of Extra Damage (With one exception I'll get into in a bit)

    3. 4 Piece Noblesse isn't a bad Idea on a Burst Support Ningguang, since her Burst is easy to recharge and has exactly a 12s Cooldown, Exactly the Duration of Noblesse's Buff, Which means she's one of the few units that can be built for Burst Support that Can Keep that Buff up basically 100% of the time.

    As for the Extra I Mentioned… Ningguang actually has a special Benefit from the Echoes of an Offering Set, not only is it one of the Atk% 2 Piece Sets, but it's 4 Piece Effect is Deceptively Strong, Especially on an On Field Attacker Ningguang… The Set's Effect Gives you a Special Crit that Increases the SCALING of your Normal attacks by 70%, When combined with it's Rate of happening one might be tempted to think that it only boosts overall damage by about 35%, about as Much as a Gladiator Set (But that works with Catalysts and bows), But in Reality it can actually be MUCH more than that. If the Damage Boost of it's Special Crit were just a "Boost Damage of Normal attacks by 70%" then yes it would only be a 35% increase to overall Damage from Normal attacks, But it Increases SCALING, which means that it can actually give Much more than that, Or Less, Depending on which character you put it on… And Ningguang's Scaling wither her Normal attacks is 50.4% at Talent Level 10, Meaning this special Crit actually MORE than Doubles the Damage of the attacks that are effected by it (Passes from 50.4% to 120.4%, Making it essentially a 70% increase to overall DPS from normal attacks when you apply it's overall "Crit Rate" if it applied to only 1 attack). What's more, the effect specifically states that the Special Crit continues to apply for 0.05 Seconds after it's Activated, which May seem like it's saying "it only affects 1 attack", but that's not always the case with Ningguang's Jades that Both hit at the Exact same time(Which happens a lot). Oh and because this is a Scaling Effect, It's Multiplied by All Buffs like Bennett's Thumbs up! Oh and These Special Crits can themselves Crit to be Further Multiplied… Oh, but the special Damage Buff from Yun Jin would not be affected by this special Crit, so don't expect these two things to stack manipulatively like everything else does! Regardless of that one thing that doesn't Synergize, This Set allows for Ningguang's Normal attacks to start Packing a Serious Punch… Just food for thought for those of you that want to try something different not mentioned in this guide…

  14. i have a really weird team with Ningguang.
    Ningguang – Main dps, burst dps, memory of dust for shield str
    Noelle – Sub dps, healer, quick shielder
    Gorou – Geo resonance, favonious battery, geo dmg bonus
    Fischl – Crystalize shield, shield str and atk buff with tenacity.

  15. Im using 2pc glad 2pc vermillion on her since she gets so much geo dmg bonus on her passive already and im using lost prayers its not necessary to use 2 pc archaic anymore since she has a very low base attack

  16. xingqiu yelan jean and ningguang team, all are there to boost yelan's demage so getting ningguang full set of Archaic Petra to get the 35% damage buff with bubble. an alternative setup is yelan xingqiu sucrose noelle, both works well, noelle give me more stability, ningguan gives me higher damage output.

  17. She was my first true main DPS.

    Zhongli, Ningguang, Bennett, Xiangling has consistently gotten me through floors 9, 10 and 11 with 27 stars for a while now. Getting through floor 12 will require a lot of investment, but I can't imagine not using her for it.

  18. Yesterday was an absolute W for my C2 Ningguang. I tried farming the Geo Domain (Guyun) for the first time with my semi-built lvl 70 Keqing. After a tough battle, I beat it with like 40 seconds remaining. I got an Archaic Petra flower that had crit dmg, flat def, and ER. lvl 4 added atk %, and it rolled into crit dmg 3 times in a roll afterwards😀. So literally the first flower I got and I'm done with flowers. A bit later in the day, I got a gold on standard banner at 72 pity, and it was Lost Prayers to the Sacred Winds, exactly what I need for Ningguang cuz I'm still using Mappa Mare on her 😆. Hoyoverse is trying really hard to stop me from switching my main to Keqing lmao.


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