Diablo Immortal Is SO MUCH Worse Than Genshin Impact | Asmongold Reacts to Bellular

Asmongold Reacts to “LMAO: Diablo Immortal Is SO MUCH More Greedy Than Genshin” by Bellular Clips, comparing how Pay 2 Win Diablo Immortal vs Genshin Impact is
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-fxgNchk8w
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33 thoughts on “Diablo Immortal Is SO MUCH Worse Than Genshin Impact | Asmongold Reacts to Bellular”

  1. I stopped playing Genshin, but this is a horrible comparison. F2P can get 5* characters they want if they save, The game provide you many free premium currency to roll for a characters. My friend have every 5* characters in the game just from $4.99 welkins subscriptions + consistent grinding. Not only that, but he also maxed out constellations of most his 4* character. You only need to whale if you want to get 5* constellations.

    And there's no pvp in Genshin, your whale friends can only flex on you & mock you for your small damages. Tho I don't see the fun of one shoting a boss.

    The best way to play Genshin is just pay for $4.99 subscriptions to support the dev. More than that is not needed.

  2. yo genshin is one of the cheapest gacha games out there considering quality… dont even put diablo immortal in the same sentence 😂

  3. Its a bit sad that for the clicks many compare Immortal with Genshin just because they are most popular mobile game.
    it just make Genshin like worst game that currently exist in the mobile market.
    While there way many games in the mobile spectrum that's like super bad.

    The more I enter mobile gaming space, the more I like Genshin in term of monetization.
    And probably the most F2P friendly gacha game that I currently play. the more I play the more I think why the hell I should pay for the new character or push for dupe. I don't need them.
    PVE content is just brainless, No event entry barrier or soft lock due to lack of character/power. They give you temporary character to help you clear event/content, and there's no PVP content to make you go mad at Whales. no Pity reset.
    The most important thing, they just let us play the game, no pop-up, no reminder for gacha/top-up, no "BUY NOW OR LOSE IT FOREVER PACK"
    And just like that, Genshin become my new golden standard for Gacha game. [yeah, seems sad, but it is what it is]

    While game like Arknights, Priconne, might be lower on paper, but the power creep in that game just… bad. dont have this one specific character? too bad! we will going to make your life miserable. Oh yeah, we also reset your Pity, so… good luck reach 150-200 PULLS before the banner end.
    let not forget, some game LIMIT how much character you have, and you need to pay for new slots. they engineer the game to be as annoying for non paying costumer

  4. Genshin builds its goodwill in players. There are always whales who will dump in a lot of cash but Genshin works on f2p with goodwill. I spent a year without spending a cent but then I started seeing more character quests and events where I loved the characters and wanted them so I started small with welkin moon. It is psychological (reciprocity) but I don't have an issue with paying for something that I already feel I have had value out of. That's why Genshin has longevity.

  5. For people wondering about Genshin's pity system every pull is a 0.6% chance of a 5 star, however, the 90th pull is always guaranteed. BUT you also have a soft pity from 75 all the way to 89 rolls where the chance of a 5 star is significantly increased. When you get a 5 star, it's a 50/50 chance if you get the promotional character (new character) or a random character out of the older normal characters that were on release, but you get a 5 star nonetheless. If you were to lose that 50/50 to a normal character and you didn't get the new one, your next 5 star pull is also ALWAYS guaranteed to be that new character (and once you get it, it'll reset again back to a 50/50 rinse and repeat). Most people end up getting their character at their 80th pull. The max you'd have to spend for 90 pulls in this game, is around 100$ give or take.

    This is also not including constellations for every character. Every character has a set of 6 constellations. Everytime you get a duplicate of a character you own, you get 1 constellation point which unlocks a lot more abilities & stats and generally makes your character stronger. So losing your 90th pull to a character you already own, isn't even bad either unless you already have that character fully maxed out with everything.

    Just mentioning this here for anyone confused about it. I don't agree with this system as someone who has played the game from day 1, and sometimes i wish the pity was lower. However, in comparison to Diablo Immortal, I am fucking thankful. I'll gladly pay 1000$ for 7 free new jpegs of husbandos and waifus i can play and adore to my heart's content then to spend that money to get a fucking stat item where it isn't even remotely close to you getting it with the money spent because of how low the chance is and there being no fucking pity at all.

    Thing that completely differs between Diablo Immortal from Genshin is the fact that Genshin is primarily 99% a singleplayer game and the only multiplayer aspect of the game is to have people like friends etc. join your world to help you with doing some bosses/domains etc. that you could just do alone. The actual end game content in Genshin (being spiral abyss) can only be done in singleplayer, and can be fully completed even with the shittiest of characters, and the rewards for completing this "end-game hyper content" is more currency to pull characters with that you can get anyways with a few days of doing dailies. Whaling in this game only fucks over your own progress and your own adventure. Do I think genshin is a better game despite having these gacha systems? No. But it's significantly more fair. The reason people whale isn't to progress, it's to get a character they like.

  6. Hey gold so if I'm reading you right you enjoy watching people suffer I thought you were a little different than that but then again I watched you destroy your controller because you are upset with a stupid video game that you said about 150 times you don't understand why people play 🎯 I bet you didn't think that was funny at the time did you .. hypocrite.

  7. In Genshin Impact, I have 6 five star characters and 3 five star weapons for free! I'm Adventure Rank 57 and I didn't spend a single penny to get those five star items.

  8. I quit today DI. Enough is enough. Total spent bit over 30 bucks. Game is just pure crap as f2p. No progression in terms of primary rating. I was at 1800+ for almost week and only got one headgear upgrade that was better. Rest are all crap and paragon 68.

  9. The ridiculous comparison between 2 different games. GI doesnt have PVP except for events, DI doesnt need u to do PVP if u dont want to. GI is a gaccha game for characters while the diablo franchise has always been about grinding gear. U can totally F2p all PVE content without paying a single cent. U guys are comparing characters to damn gems and crests, while i'm irritated by Blizzard by their greed, i give credit while credit is due, my group of friends pay ZERO and we have had fun for the last month. We lasted all of 2 days with Genshin. Go figure.

    $0 for 1 month of fun with friends. Even if i do stop now, i think no other game provides such value. I may be an oldschooler but all u millennials are just complain kings.

  10. The biggest difference to me is Genshin NEVER makes me feel like I need to spend. If you removed the gacha it is still an amazing open world fantasy game. You get a standard cast of characters for free to form a party that can beat the whole game. As you play through the story and quests the questline characters temporarily join the party and you get to play as them. All for free. I've probly spent around $2-300 dollars on the game and have gotten 2 solid years of content with a TON more to come. Every addition to the world map feels so immense and I just can't feel bad about supporting a company that puts this much effort into building an amazing world to explore.

  11. The Genshin Impact Sheet is totally Wrong because Pitty system what they even theyd.
    The Actual Number of genshin avarage 5 Star should be 110 Euro. 220 Euro if you lose your 50 / 50 to the 5 star you want but next time you get your favorite charackter for sure if you lose.
    But genshin impact has Amazing farm possibilitys that you can farm 1 5 star per month atleast.

  12. From a Dolphin view here at Genshin: Welkin Moon and Battle Pass since day one which is less then 15$/€ a month for a AAA game where fails and bugs get u free gatcha money as apologie, for a game that gives u gatcha money every time they turn servers off to implement a new update.
    So far i was able to get every new Char 4*/5* and i spent on top of th15$/month only for the very first one (100$ for double primos) and another 50$ for when i was crazy unlucky with my 50/50s over a few Banners. Ofc im a grinder aswell, Chests, Events, Dailys, Achivements and everything that gives free primogems.
    But to think of full priced games who where bug invested to a point they had to refund them…i gladly pay those 180$/year for a game i know i have fun with and gets regular updates every 6 weeks with new (for free) content to explore.
    And as i said, im a dolphin cause i decided this game is worth it for me.
    I also was a huge Diablo 1/2/3 fan and i liked them alot but whats happening with Blizzard and this *** of Immortal turned me totally away from them.
    Diablo 4? I dont care anymore, after this scam of a game i cant trust Blizzard anymore and i really hope people will show them in the future aswell what a crime they did with Immortal(which i doubt).

  13. Speaking of genshin,the only good thing i would say about it (Played it for a whoe year)is that you can clear all the game content AND have a chance of getting any character you want by pure grinding,tidous and boring?yes but you still ''progress'' in the game,not like immortal


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