Debunking the biggest misinformation war in gacha game history – Genshin Impact VS Wuthering Waves

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast



  1. EU has amazing voices actors. FFXIV upgraded to them and has used them ever since. It almost feels like Wuwa picked FFXIV's old studio that was so bad they eventually had to apologize and change to a different one. Voice acting matters so much for a game. I've seen a ton of people quit already because the voices made it sound like a budget game that wasn't taken seriously in the West. They have to fix this.
    Also some amazing voices have said they would love to voice act for the game. I would recommend at least getting in contact with them.

  2. Fem Rovers VA has undeniably bad takes. But I kinda hope they stick with it. I'm sure they'll get better over time and I can just just headcannon that she was sounding whack as part of the amnesia 😂

  3. ok now its just getting super childish… its like babies trying to get attention at the mall by fake crying and falling on the floor so their parent has to drag them…. that is so freaking Pathetic at this point….. NAH that even lower than that its inhuman…. are these people humans NO they are not…. Just be happy that we have lots of games….

  4. I can understand why this guy thinks like this I've also thought at some point that Kuro was being sabotaged, by Hoyoverse? No necessarily, but it still feels weird that a company that has experience publishing gacha games has had so many rookie mistakes with their biggest release one after the other…

  5. How are you going to use the based of his use of question marks to to prove they hypothetical yet refuse to when he doesn't. He definitely is stating a fact at the end with statements an no question marks.

    He starts with hypothetical yet his conclusion IS then based on facts an makes them as a statement. Especially with the non use of question marks. The word "abundantly" literally means overwhelming/plentiful…an he's using that in frame in EVIDENCE he does not have.

    Because tectone knows an HAS REACTED TO people who have made accusations with the very same verbiage knowing damn well people could be having a "hypothetical " about accusations THEY are making.

    I'd suggest he watch the full video. He doesn't give actual facts with no evidence yet won't make that lack of accusations clear. He never uses correct wording that would even imply a " hypothetical " scenario when it's all accusatory an not what ifs, or Maybe, or not even "i heard" atleast.

    It's waaay too much leeway given here.

  6. Tectone opens this video immediately swinging against Genshin's community, accusing them of being children and claiming Genshin is the problem stirrer. It turns out to actually be a Wuwa creator and he spends the next 30+ minutes bending over backward to defend them and claim they weren't really saying what they obviously were (this is ruined immediately by that idiot following up CY-YU's video by doubling down on his accusations even more.)

  7. people who say "both sides are wrong" are criminal and whats wrong with this world… okay some people said something wrong from wuwa sure alright but genshin community has a whole shitting sub reddit/ they literally bot comment bombing in twitch channels. How does this moron thinks both sides are equivalent lmao XD

  8. i love watching these videos cuz im pretty new to gacha games still, and i like seeing what the communities are really like. its like, honestly? im just enjoying playing wuthering waves, ill keep playing it as they add new content cuz it feels good to play. i dont care this much about the bad voice acting, or a, b, or c issue, as long as the game is fun ill be playing. its so funny seeing how absolutely insane gacha communities get over this stuff.

  9. You know, most of these videos are just click bait for views… all about $$$ monetized video. They are just farming people who love to see drama between two games.

  10. When you try to find the truth of things when u lack information on a difficult topic an understanding is gained. You now can perceive Saintontas perspective. Lacking empathy and emotional intelligence you will not gain understanding. Someone lacking in that area may not believe they are dysfunctional at all.

  11. They are just being scared of WuWa gonna overcome genshin dead game already.. Point out silly mistake as genshin ehen launched was 100 % perfect… WuWa ha far moore better optimization than genshin dead game…

  12. 25:00 No your the one in the right here tectone. The person reacting to another video that your are currently reacting too sounds like an a hole. Purposely taking lines the wrong way. That or he really is that dumb.


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