Shenhe Is Not That Good On Paper | Shenhe Kit Analysis + My Thoughts | Genshin Impact Shenhe Review

This is a genshin impact shenhe review & rant for her kit on paper as of now that was requested by my genshin community. I go over her stats, dps potential, and support potential in comparison to her other cryo peers like kaeya, diona, chongyun, ganyu etc. i show what I believe to be the best shenhe builds, weapons, and artifacts. I also show examples of her support potential by providing the numbers along side ayaka with a full build. There is still room & time for change to shenhe since this is a early review prior to her release.

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34 thoughts on “Shenhe Is Not That Good On Paper | Shenhe Kit Analysis + My Thoughts | Genshin Impact Shenhe Review”

  1. Before some of yall get on here crying to me for keeping it real about your favorite waifu please know that this video will only help her become stronger. complaining is gaining fellas, zhongli is a perfect example of that motto! I don't make videos saying someone is not that good for no reason(check my whole catalog). She literally costs more than a weeks worth of groceries, two weeks worth of gas, and a months worth of energy drinks & Snacks bruh. The least mihoyo can do is make the damn character worthwhile!! Don't be an idiot and defend a underpowered character FFS!

  2. She kinda need Main dps (Cryo only) 😂 this must be pain compare to Kazuha buffs everything as long he swirl it.

    Shenhe give me Headache. Mihoyo give her Limit hit in her buffs
    I can't swap my Ganyu (Who can spam her Elemental Burst)

  3. If her kit resolves like this until release, she will break 3 streaks of being a good:
    1 – Liyue limited 5*
    2 – Spear limited 5*
    3 – Cryo limited 5*

    Ironically she's a combination of all three and she'll be like this, lol no.
    Sadly, she's one of my most wanted (After Ganyu and Ayaka) for so long since her model has been mined.

  4. We dont know what her damage will look like until shes in game… Remember folks thought Ganyu damage was going to be trash, and Ganyu was going to be an ok support only… She hits far too hard, and thank goodness they arent making more characters who hit as hard as her regardless how much the community complains for damage buffs for others =/

  5. At first I was like "bro, she is a buffer that adds some mad damage to your units" and now I realise how shit she may actually be. So now I can at least rest easy knowing I can skip her in peace

  6. I thing the OG 4 & 5 stars will be more powerful than most new 5s and new 4s will be very niche. Then they will put out an artifact set and weapon to make the 5s OP and triple dip on a character.

  7. Her kits looks pretty disappointing right now. Her dmg is bad. Her support is mediocre at best and not even 5 star level. Let’s hope mihoyo does something or else we will have to complain like we did for zhongli

  8. This might be a little unintuitive because their elements are different and so they don't directly compete with each other, but I think one of her closest comparisons in terms of role/kit is gorou. They're both niche elemental buffers who really only buff well within their respective element. However, shenhe seems to be out preformed in this comparison as well, since gorou gives great buffs to his geo teammates with much less set up and no twitchy stacking to manage.

  9. I think Raiden will be one of the team character and will work well with electro character.
    xingqiu , I call him the water boy
    Hear me out. I feel this team will work for her.
    My plan Shenhe Rosaria Kazuha Bennett. Not sure if this work.

  10. this my team comp for her:

    Kazuha with VV Set
    Ayaka with Blizzard Strayer
    Shenhe with Noblesse
    Kokomi with Tenacity and TTS

    So for the combo you proc cryo with Ayaka swirl with Kazuha((do not Q because it will take stacks), Shenhe E(do not Q bcoz it will consume stacks), Kokomi E, Then Ayaka Q. the Kazuha Q

    So basically a complicated version of morgana I do not know wich one is better because this is just a theoritical comp so feel free to comment.

  11. So I'm a business analyst for a bank, and your ability to string all this math together (and present it in a palatable way) is mind boggling to me. This is my first vid of yours, won yourself a subscriber

  12. I mean she is a 5* buffer, so I think that it would make more sense to compare her with others 5*ish buffer like Kazuha or Bennett, than with the others cryo support

    But it just makes things worse I guess? Because I think that if I wanted a 5* buffer for a cryo team I would just pull Kazuha to have probably even more utility and to have the possibility to use him in others team because he works in a lot of team

    If she wasn't just a buffer I would get the argument of pulling her for the pleasure of playing her but atm without her C1 and her C2 her gameplay seems lacking tbh

  13. It's not the fact that she's probably a support that bothers me: it's the fact that she would be a 5 star who's only purpose is buffing cryo. Also people are complaining that we have too many Cryo dps units when we also have a ton of supports: Kaeya, Rosaria, Chongyun, Diona, Qiqi, the list goes on.

    Idk about you but I'd rather have a polearm Eula than a powercreeped Rosaria.

  14. The fun fact is Shenhe 5star have 5/7 stacks. Duration 10/15 sec. Cd 10/15 sec. (Deal Cyro dmg only )

    Meanwhile Yunjin 4star have 30 stacks. Duration 10. Cd 15 sec. (Deal any normal dmg )

    For me, They should increase stacks maybe 10/14 stacks and reduce energy-cost to 40.

  15. Yo. If she’s released as it stands, I’m gonna have to skip despite loving her aesthetic and her using my fave weapon type.

    I get pinning full potential behind constellations but this is absolutely ridiculous. A 5 star character should be an account boost at C0 when properly built and kitted out not… this.

  16. You do good work and thank for the video. Really gave me more to look at than yea she good or she too underpowered. Personally I'm fine with her as is. I'll just throw her on a freeze comp and call it a day. Genshin ain't that hard of a game to need that many buffs on a character yet. But mainly just thinking if they wanna make another cry buffer what will they do. Just a believer of a support doesn't have to dps. Good if they do but not a main focus of one for me.


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