Genshin Impact 4.7 Archon Quest REACTION

Cy Yu finishes The Archon Quest 4.7 from Genshin Impact
#reactions #cyyuvtuber #genshinimpact

00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:10 – Breaking Down his Splices Lines in Sethos’ Trailer
00:05:12 – Sethos’ Voice Lines
00:07:18 – Starting Archon Quest
01:41:38 – Ending Thoughts

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**This stream was recorded on June 5th 2024**

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48 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 4.7 Archon Quest REACTION”

  1. Glad to know someone else was also feeling upset when Aether forgot his precious time with Lumine again. Why hurt us with this Hoyoverse right after that beautiful music video you gave us of the siblings missing each other ? Ouch my heart. Also not seeing Lumine and Dain's fight was a bummer

  2. I personally am upset we say nothing on our twin injuring dain and we didnt say godbye and got so little of him. Dont say nothing on our twin being a hypocrite and working with dains brother yet had the cheek to blame dain for the fall of his people . Like they blamed dain for not being able to save everyone against gods when his brother did nothing yet the twin is still happy to work with the actual sinners

  3. 1:26:14 that cutscene is neat, they uses your current element. In the past they tried to stick to the nation element. I always thought they are pre render, so one version of Aether, and one version of Lumine.

  4. Honestly I do not see the reason why they had to do the memory wipe thing. Personally I believe it was probably unnecessary, and would have served the plot just fine to let them remember.

  5. I didnt like how it ended, dainsleif coming out of nowhere and leaving out of camera as well. Somehow Caribert being alive and then whole forgetting thing. To me it felt like an easy way to keep the traveler clueless about almost every important thing not only concerning her sibling but about the world. Someone said "but if traveler knows the last location, they will go there". But how? Until now we've been told such a place exists, we dont know the location itself, its like telling a clueless person to go to Vanarana and they don't know what the heck you're talking about. This to me felt, short, rushed and honestly, to have something interesting in an otherwise less than exciting update because the important one is coming in the next part of this update: the summer event. I give it a 5/10 because the quest began really well, still didnt like how dainsleif just suddenly was there and conveniently one day before anything happened

  6. I'm surprised Chat didn't bring up Neal from Camp Camp or Keigo Asano from Bleach. Yui Lose them voiced them too oh dangI think he also voices a character in runs Factory4 or something

  7. The reason we can't remember just the reunion part is because that all happened AFTER Caribert dissipated. His realm of consciousness held on for a beat after that, but it was essentially "dead" from the moment he ceased to exist entirely. We were then occupying an afterimage of a space in a consciousness that didn't exist anymore, so nothing that we experienced in those moments really existed either. It's a different situation from Irminsul, which can alter memories but not reality (ACTUALLY, that makes it sound like Irminsul is Celestia's version of a beta Loom of Fate, huh).
    Except Caribet is the GOAT and snuck us a cheat memento before he peaced out WAHH RIP KING

  8. it's sooo easy to put 2 and 2 together and see that the memory wipe was NECESSARY!!! i swear,some people are allergic to stop 5 mins and THINK,icluding cy yu,someone i expect to figure it out since he likes lore,but i guess i was wrong

  9. I don't think the traveler should've remembered the conversation, because the quest didn't suppose to give us a REAL reunion. Our first and foremost task was to find Caribert and to figure out the Loom of Fate's meaning. We were also in the realm of consciousness of a literal dead person, why would we be able to remember anything? We couldn't even touch each other, because it's not the real world after all. Also, the Abyss sibling didn't say anything too important for us, except about "The Sea of Flowers at the End". They didn't answer our question about the Loom of Fate, they didn't give us more information about the Celestia and The Heavinly Principles, because Nahida had already told to us about their sleep. It was literally in the Sumeru Archon quest. So, idk. Why are people always mad at logical things. We still have 2 regions to complete and the Khaenria'h chapter. No way we would've known about the end game in a half finished story 😂

  10. I'm glad I deleted the game.

    This quest should have been better after so many years the siblings meet just for it to be forgotten is such a lazy move in storytelling. 😂😂😂😂😂

  11. I think the reason why hoyo chose to erase the reunion is also revealed on the title of the quest. A bedtime story usually starts when you're about to sleep, causing you to forget what happens midway to the end. The Abyss sibling divulged a lot of information about her end of journey which they were comfortable doing for the traveler because they knew the traveler will forget. The sibling wants the traveler to experience the journey themselves and come to their own conclusions without being influenced, why that is, nobody knows. The sibling didn't want to influence the traveler's judgement because they hold their judgement in high regard, probably also to see if what they're doing is justified at the end (remember the part where she says "sometimes i can't even face myself") because she knows she did a lot of bad things to get to this point.

    As for the traveler being affected by the memory wipe, bear in mind that the loom of fate is NOT part of irminsul, we don't exactly know the scope of power it has so it kind of gave us an insight as to how powerful it is and provides another major plotpoint: that there is a device/weapon that can affect even the descenders and im honestly excited about this new plotpoint

  12. I watched the very first cutscene where we met our sibling in mondstadt to check if they had said the traveler's name and IT DIDDDD

    I didn't gave it much thought before but now the first cutscene was broooo

  13. Why we should remember this? The Abyss is not messing with Irminsul. They made a device to directly control your memory. We can extract the memories from the ley lines, this was shown in the previous Dain's quest, so if they change the ley line (not the Irminsul's archive) they can change the memory of anybody, event the outlander. And this plot twist was made for the sake of showing us how powerful this thing was. Now the Abyss can literally change the world. And just to add, we spoke with our twin not in the real world, but in the memory of other person, so if the memory is deleted, everything that happened there will be deleted as well. Also, I agree with some comments, that this move allows us to continue our journey without any doubt, I mean, our twin told us her motives, we trust her fully, we can just abandon our journey trying to find her and help her. I presume she doesn't want to drag us in this (for now). She's definetely not our enemy. Only thing we have to remember now: we must finish our journey, we must see and understand what our twin saw. Her opinion shouldn't influence ours. And I believe that at the end of this journey our opinion will be completely different, because situation is different: 1) Archons are not that influential anymore (Barbatos is not interfering (almost), Morax is "dead", Shogun rules, but threecomission has the true power, Nahida is not that powerful, she is mostly icon and sage/great advisor, Focalors is dead). 2) The countries overcame the consequences of Cataclysm – the journey of out twin was right after the Cataclysm, the countries were suffering from that, and Archons were not that useful. 3) Our friends and Companion – Paimon and Dain are really different, Dain is mostly dead inside (he has the right and reason for that) but Paimon is mostly cheerful and a great friend, we are making lots of friends in every nation, so we have a reason to try to protect this countries from possible destruction by the Abyss. So my point is, that our twin wants us to form independent opinion, but in the end it will be different and maybe we will convince her that everything is good now (Heavenly Principles may be destroyed by then), and there is no point to revive fallen nation using Abyss.



    it was prob for giving hope to us. like atleast we know our twin is not heatrless🤷🏼‍♀️


  15. Anyone who believes this story was actually good is coping because y’all either have so much effort into the game that it would kill you if it was to die off over bad storytelling or because you love the game so much, your bias over the game overshadows your ability to thinking congruently, and so you become a bootlicker for Genshin. Sorry not sorry, this quest could’ve been good. There’s no reason for us to be in Sumeru AGAIN.

  16. I think the issue with Paimon's voice was very similar to an issue I had with Yanfei's voice during the Beetle Battle event. Either both Corrina and Lizzie got new mics or there was something in the processing of their lines that made them sound a little off…a little more…bass-y, I guess?

  17. The point of him forgetting makes sense because Caribert is the reason why things stuck, the reason the picture exists is because he made the choice to make it and then he died and once he died, everything that happened in that realm they were in no longer had a way to truly stick anymore. You could argue that, Lumine controls the loom now but she has no reason to let him remember either, that meeting was a momentary comfort for them both, but Lumine still thinks Aether NEEDS to find things out on his own to come to same conclusion she did.

  18. Aether and lumine both forgetting stuff that said makes sense though because if aether knows that information its pointless for him to travel to two other nations since he knows where to go and what happened with lumine
    Also we as a descender can only knows information that was erased from irminsul but our reunion happened somewhere outside the irminsul inside someone else’s consciousness so we can’t remember that

  19. It's so funny that ppl think that Loom of faith is the same shit as Irminsul…No, is not. It's literally made to sabotage the fkn tree…
    Memory loss – one of the signs that is perfectly working…

  20. Honestly making mc forget meeting his/her sibling doesn't make sense considering it was literally established in the Sumaru archon quest that due to the nature of our character's existence his/her memories could not be altered or tampered with.

  21. Recordamos a Scaramouche cuando se hizo su reinicio con el Irmisul, recordamos a Rukkhadevata, una Arconte que se borró de la existencia. ¡¿Pero no al gemelo?! ¿Cómo es posible? Creo que muchos jugadores estamos molestos por el resultado de esta misión

  22. “if u think about it for 2 seconds, the memory wipe makes sense and was necessary” that may be true but that doesn’t erase that fact that the trope is old and overdone, and we’re allowed to be disappointed by it

  23. To be honest and excuse me if I'm too positive, but I really think the picture at the end will be the start for the next part of the quest. Like, PAIMON says "What's that?" I don't think she will remain idly when she sees a picture of the twins together. I'm not saying she's the reason they got apart, but she's supposed to help us on our journey, what will she think when she sees this shocking picture?
    I really hope she has to say something about it

  24. Also am i the only one who is boggled by the fact the dolls of Atossa and Caribert are still there? (By the tree, atop the tree branch.)

    Like… How can that exist if Caribert is only a memory to them?

  25. I liked the ending a lot. Thanks to Caribert using the Loom of Fate, we still got proof of the reunion. The Abyss Sibling only shared certain information with their twin because they would forget it. The Abyss sibling intentionally keeping themself away from the Traveller until the end of their journey has already been fully established and is nothing new. The Descender's Will is precious – the Traveller must care deeply about Teyvat in order to save it in the end, instead of chasing their sibling. Both the 3rd Descender (that the Tsaritsa is seemingly putting together) and the 4th Descender (the Traveller) should be able to use the Loom of Fate, as Descenders have the necessary Will to do so. What exists within the Loom of Fate (like Caribert's realm of consciousness) does not exist within Irminsul, btw.


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