Serenitea Pot – Genshin Impact | Liyue Palace Courtyard | Trust Rank 10

Due to the load limit, this build is still incomplete. I will update this after the 1.6 patch drops. Hopefully, we’ll get more furniture by then 😀


18 thoughts on “Serenitea Pot – Genshin Impact | Liyue Palace Courtyard | Trust Rank 10”

  1. i have a similar build like this, but i can't put the details like trees, rocks, bushes, etc because of load limit, i wish the load limit increased or just remove it.. 🙁

    edit : your teapot looks awesome.

  2. I gotta say, Emerald Peak is probably the best in terms of terrain, you can put in so much stuff without much trouble and you can move relatively easy. Im trying to make 2 vineyards, one on that same plateu with the wine refinery next to it and the second on the lower big area that is also next to it with the main house in betwen them… if it not were for the next update with more space i would be stuck. But right now im looking forward when they add roads without them everything ends up looking incomplete.

  3. This is such nice build! So annoying how the wing houses don't have a snap on for the walls, took me so long to try and align them properly T_T

  4. It is so amazing…
    I was looking for this kind of palace…
    My only concern is about the furnishings you used. Can u pin a comment or mention in description regarding the total furnishings required for the build. Thanks..
    U can also include the amount of furnishings in start of the video…
    Great work again..


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