Real talk about Genshin Impact's community (rant)

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Just a real talk video, talking about where most people don’t understand why content creators, youtubers, streamers, do the thing they do. Most people just fall into one mentality, and then blame anyone but themselves. This is a huge rant video, so if you don’t want to hear it, just click off.

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Intro: Under Night In-Birth OST: Night Walker(Linne’s Theme)
Outro: Blood Drain (again) – Vocal Version
#Akron #Genshin #GenshinImpact


45 thoughts on “Real talk about Genshin Impact's community (rant)”

  1. Atleast akron is a genshin therapist for all the krazy people in the fandom and does make sense. Roll for the character if you want. Dont follow anyone. If you think her crit is bad dont pull then. If you think shes good and cute. Pull her then. Dont let anyone order you to pull kokomi or any characters and have a decision if your gonna pull for her and other characters, especially for F2ps

  2. I watch all the videos about a character but I usually have made a choice beforehand. I wasn’t gonna pull for yoimiya or ayaka no matter what cuz they’re not my most fav characters, they’re very cute tho. Whereas i loooove raiden and kokomi and I’m pulling no matter what

  3. Can I just say that the genshin community should be more grateful for the updates like if it’s that big of a problem then deal with it or leave because some games don’t even update anymore and some of yall r seriously ungrateful for the effort they put into the game

  4. Personally, I recommend not believing too much of those should you pull videos. Genshin is a game where it's more fun when you get characters you like. Some people might say this character is bad, but I think you should just pull anyway, because it's your world, it's your game. Only when you get the character then you can see their potential. A lot of people pulled for what people might deem as not worth it, but they really enjoy using them. I know I saved my primos for Kokomi and I'm not playing genshin just for Spiral Abyss so yeah, I love Kokomi (I skipped all banners since Klee rerun so that's how much kopium I have but idc lol)

  5. Honestly, maybe it’s because I call myself a kokomi main, but the hate towards her and the people who genuinely like her is insane. This is a single player game. If you care about big damage and only want Ganyu and Hutao level characters. Good for you. If you have a triple crowned Amber and Barbara and you’re still clearing content. That’s fantastic. At the end of the day, we can do whatever you want on your personal pve account. People are clearing content with kokomi, the quote on quote worst 5 star in the game. Just pull for characters you like and wanna invest in. And if you want to skip banners that’s cool too. The Genshin community is turning into sheep honestly-

  6. Me who just wish on characters that I think will b useful for me: Oh no, anyways…

    But srsly, I hav a couple of friends w/ gambling addiction n one of them almost waste their parent's savings- honestly, I don't think kids should b p2p or whales cuz they r literally using their parent's money for these things n I can definitely c someone's family going broke cuz of this. Basically just like akron said, do ur own research n make ur own decisions, don't let the majority fool u/preasure u to wish for that character, n learn some self-control

  7. I like Kokomi and I am happy to have her. She is the healer from Inazuma, why people still comparing her with the healer from liyue and mondstadt? Next, people will definetely still compare the healer from Sumeru with the liyue mondstadt and inazuma.

  8. I hate the genshin community. I seen how toxic it is over characters people don't want. A difference of play styles isn't respected. Bc someone says A you have to point out B when your opinion was never asked. People feel reluctant to pull on who they were excited for, they don't, and then regret it. No one cares about hurting other people's feelings.
    The heat surrounding kokomi really ruined my experience. And if you can't handle the heat, get out the kitchen so ill see myself out.
    I'll pull who I want and play with my irl friends, bc we always support each other in our pulls. Its a shame this community isn't like that.

  9. The problem is that most people watching "is _____ good" videos about genshin characters ARE looking for someone to tell them if they should pull or not. Saying "this character is good or I like this character" equals "you should pull" for the vast majority of people.

    People watching these videos want to know what to think and are looking for people to tell them what to think.

  10. Criticizing someone else for pulling a character they like is never okay, and calling people names or making judgements on their character for pulling a character they like is also never okay. However, criticizing Mihoyo's CHARACTERS is okay and should be allowed. Mihoyo isn't immune to criticism, and people need to stop feeling the need to take personally when someone criticizes fictional characters. As both a Kazuha haver and Kokomi haver, I still think this. When people called Kazuha trash, like who the hell CARES? I didn't understand a bunch of Kazuha simps getting their underwear in a twist over it. He's not your son or your boyfriend, he's a literal fictional character with no tangible feelings whatsoever. Calling Kazuha pullers trash is one thing, calling Kazuha trash is another. People need to differentiate.

    People who are calling Kokomi trash are making a personal attack on a fictional character, people calling people who say Kokomi is trash as "stupid" are making a personal attack on a real human. Similarly, people calling Kokomi pullers trash for pulling Kokomi are also attacking a real human. One of those is okay, the other is not.

  11. Trials for characters in game exist for a reason to try out a character so you get a feel for them and see whether or not you would like them idk why people just watch a video and believe in it like the gospel or someshit lol

  12. I have ocd so my control over my impulses is terrible, but I'm so glad it's not the same with things that are essential to help me survive in life. I spent maybe 50 dollars on Genshin, and there may be an upcoming character that I want but as I've always told myself "it's fine if you don't get them, no sweat". It has actually kept me so sane.

  13. Idk what is the big deal tbh just pull for what you want I don’t listen to YouTubers or streamers because I don’t have the time and money to put into these games and characters like they do so my units will never measure up to them especially not if you are a full time student that works spending hours on Genshin just isn’t realistic so pull for who you want because the truth of the matter is you won’t be hitting huge numbers like the yt and streamers anyway

  14. Criticizing a character's kit doesn't equal to criticizing the character themselves. I feel like people who can't handle a little bit of criticism in the game is the very reason MiHoYo has been releasing such faulty kits ONE AFTER THE OTHER. All the Inazuma characters have some issues. All the criticisms are well justified. The only reason Zhongli's kit was buffed was because people criticized his faulty kit. I love Kokomi, and good for anyone pulling for her, but it's true her kit is underwhelming for a 5* character. MiHoYo has been ignoring all the kit complains as if the in game issues aren't their responsibility to fix. I have characters whose kits are faulty but I play them regardless because I love them, but I still criticize MiHoYo for not fixing those faults.

  15. I just pull for characters who are powerful but at the same time the character's personality is amazing(Venti, Hu Tao, Eula). I was going to pull for Kokomi but I won't use her and they sort of ruined her character as an amazing strategist so I'm not going to anymore.


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