Reacting To Zyox: Genshin Impact's End Game Drama

Reacting to Zyox’s awesoem video about Genshin Impacts Endgame
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43 thoughts on “Reacting To Zyox: Genshin Impact's End Game Drama”

  1. You want people to have fun with what they like about the game but god forbid you criticize it at the same time. People justifying the stupid fucking anxiety excuse but forgive fomo events. As for the Teapot they still haven't fucking fixed anything. My Yun Jin is nowhere to be seen and I can't get more rewards because she's not there. Removing and replacing doesn't work because only 9 out of 10 of my characters manifest.

  2. Let's be honest these Developers are way too overwhelmed with the game and it's success so they just stagnate it and only bring new Character's and new Regions until the end of day because "it works" otherwise they would've already done something in the last years

  3. I think genshin is basically a single player game story based with events, the end game contents you and zyox want u can find them in MMO game, genshin isn't an mmo.
    End game contents even if optional if give any rewards some ppl feel forced to do it even if don't want play it, like in honkai, i think most of the ppl no care those end game contents cos genshin started like this , not an hardcore game.

  4. Dude, the main selling of this game is the combat system, name a game that had this kind of elemental reaction combat, it blown my mind that they ignore this important stuff

  5. It's not you who's weird for having a different viewpoint than the vocal portion of the community, it's Genshin that's weird as one of the only combat based gacha games ever made to not provide endgame and difficult aspirational content. While whaling as a form of character simping is common, it generally only makes up a fraction of the reason why people pull for X number of copies of characters or weapons for upgrades. Genshin is one of the only gacha games to break out past the general gacha culture, and all these people new to gacha are acting like Genshin is the gold standard with little endgame and great story. However, compared to many of the other biggest gacha titles, nearly every single one has both casual content AND endgame the often extends to player ranking focused pieces of content. Even with this, complaints are non-existent from casual players not able to clear everything because aspirational content doesn't lock anything except minor cosmetics behind it. In regard to the stories, they're often good to a point Genshin doesn't even compete. Genshin is a decent video game story, but the visual novel style of other gacha stories are incomparable when it comes to writing quality. It's mainstream appeal made is discard a lot of the aspects that make the identity of a gacha and because it's successful it's easy for people to act like their viewpoint must be right.

  6. what's FOMO if there's rerun character
    —stop justifying your gacha addition

    FOMO if you need certain character to gitgud on certain content

    weapon ?
    *4 already enough to clear everything

    story ? just YT,
    unless you want unskipable same event


  8. There's really nothing this company does right except for animations. Even the newer characters seem a bit underwhelming because they're 80% clones of old characters. Cyno is self explanatory, Nilou is mid and Nahida is a burst swap sub dps/off field support. It's so bad tbh. What's even more cringe is how you need to run far into sumeru if u somehow got tighnari in standard as your first 5 star. There's literally no hopes of you upgrading any inazuma char until u unlock the quest so why are they advertising for newcomers? This entire game is a middle finger to newcomers in general. Not to mention resin is still capped at 160 when we have 4 fking regions. This means newcomers are not years behind us but they're quite literally LIGHT YEARS behind us. I wouldn't recommend this fking game to anyone. If you didn't bother to keep up with this game from the beginning then i say you're better off playing a different game. There's nothing to look forward to at the end of this tunnel.

  9. I get more anxious when I need to complete a “thousand” of quests with the same boring activities such as “bring, collect, kill, defend”
    Logging into game once in 2 weeks to complete spiral abyss, haven't done any side quests or character quests since Inazuma dropped, same with daily’s, got 90 wishes, pitty on the weapon, and an event banner in 20 wishes, last character I liked and wished for was shenhe 9 months ago.
    All of that gives me more anxiety than completing abyss once in 2 weeks

  10. quitting honkai at level 68 because your HoT kills everything too fast is like quitting genshin at ar 48 because your ganyu can one shot world level 6 overworld hilichurls.
    good luck in exalted redlotus (or even masters redlotus)

  11. hoyoverse is out of touch if they think the combat is what is anxiety inducing vs their gacha system remember folks they got in trouble big time for their gacha being broken and they had to by law set their gacha to eventually guarantee the thing you are going for.

  12. Just like how they have consistently done, (Just look at the first anniversary, in particular how they handled the community outrage both during and before), far as i'm concerned this is just another spit in the face to their player base. I had originally when I stopped playing had hoped to come back when they added the new areas. But after this, I have no intention of even touching the game again.

  13. 14:20 i play this game with my cousin he got me into it a couple weeks ago and that’s why i fell for it he loves the story and the characters as individuals while i just want the strongest teams which confused me so much until i listened to that thanks mate ♥️

  14. The only thing that's annoying about these videos is that no one talks about the realism of an "endgame" this is a STORY BASED GAME, not a mmorpg. I can compare this to Warframe (to an extent) where the endgame is just being too powerful. This is like Elden ring or path of exile where the endgame is the end of the story and all the domains are like side quests. There's just sooo many side quest that by the time you reach the final boss your too OP. I'm guessing everyone would be satisfied if they released the whole story and every location all at once like most adventure games but then the timing for the banners would be weird. For people that finished the whole game with the first couple five stars they'll be salty "oh wow you release this char now after I finish the game👏🏾". If anything they've done a really good job of mixing adventure, story and gacha into one game

    And still this the game of "boring"slander it's LITERALLY only boring to those who have all the time in the world to play 4h+ a day. I personally have not touched sumeru yet except for the events as that's all I currently have time for 😥

  15. I pull for power, their abilities, and last factor would be their looks. There characters were I really liked their character but there was more op characters before or after so I skipped them like Yoimiya.

  16. You get anxiety from having to look for hundreds of chests and going through hours of dialogue. I literally log on do the 4 daily commissions, spend my resin and dip. The events are terrible especially the big ones like the fischl summer one which I didn’t even do cause who cares. Who has time to do all that while going to uni and working a job? But abyss only takes 30 minutes or less. Anxiety is caused from being forced to play the game for too long for little to no return period. That’s the model they decided to go with cause they know you guys will still pull for their new characters. In their scummy corporate head their thinking “How can we put in the least amount of effort while making the most amount of money possible.” Another reason they don’t want to make a combat end game is because that would make meta characters too valuable and the non meta character’s would be less desirable. Basically they think people won’t pull on non meta characters’ banners. Such a scum mind set.

  17. It's a 180 from Genshin 1st year, people were clamoring about power creep soo much that Hoyoverse got afraid and backpedaled.
    I can't believe Im saying this, but it'd be good if there's Power creeping on Genshin.
    Increasingly broken character should lead necessitates harder and more complex fights, which in turn should lead for Old characters getting buffs.

    Genshin need a difficulty spike in both the overworld and main story difficulty,
    Give us the World level increase, or at least options for people to enable it,
    Give us harder domain difficulty with better drop percentage.

    I can't believe they decide to "decrease domain difficulty so people can farm it faster" instead of putting higher level enemies there and give us more gold mats drop chance..
    Genshin need a FGO's Gawain moment, and to make domain hard enough it'd be a content itself to create a time efficient domain runs.
    One that make healer and shielded actually good cuz you'd need to re run a team 4-8 times in one Go.

  18. Why not just get rid of the primos for 36 stars then, just give people the full 150 for getting 1 star then the rest of the rewards can just be bonus stuff like a new namecard that shows that you beat the 3.2 abyss or more artifact boxes or mora. In this way they can add more floors without causing "anxiety" and everyone will be happy because everyone gets the primos and the people that care about combat get some combat. Most people do the abyss because they like it not for the primos, so literally nobody loses.

  19. i will agree n disagree at the same time, yes i understand that spiral abyss is not enough or entertaining for whales bc they have a lot of good artefacts/weapons some constellations of 5* characters that are just cracked but not everyone can have cracked cons/artefacts/weapons abyss can be really hard for some people n i'm not talking about new players or anything just players that doesn't refresh their resin with primos bc they can't whale and prefers to have characters they love with those primos ( and definitely only bc of their look but bc their lore is interesting or they can relate to the character or they like the gameplay of this character ), for these players beating the abyss can be hard bc they might not be meta players, they might not all the 5* weapons, all the 50 crit ratio artefacts and beating the abyss with 36 might be hard and what could give them "anxiety" even i think that not the right word to use is that they would first of all miss primos and we all know when your f2p or low spender you don't want to miss primos, when there were no events with the 2.6 incident or when events kind of brings very very few primos and they kept adding more and more characters with less opportunity to get free wishes or easy to get primos.

    i won't lie there is some really boring events with not really interesting rewards so you go do your spiral abyss to get some primos but oh no your characters are not top meta characters without any top tier artefacts and you can't finish the floor on time the enemies have 1 000 000 000 hp or something like that and you miss around 100 primos which doesn't allows you to get enough funds for whatever you want so you feel frustrated at the end, and the next abyss round you try to push yourself re-doing every floors until you get your 100 primos but hey you still do manage to get it then this again and again might be what they call "anxiety" it might not be how you feel bc either you got a good artefact luck or you can afford refreshing your resin to 2k resin or meta characters and all those things but everyone doesn't have all of these ik some answers to this will just be "eh wdym you just have to farm it's not hard" so hello danny it is indeed hard and also pretty frustrating when you've been farming the same domain for months but still can't get any good pieces and you look like the biggest clown in the world.

    a little reminder it's not bc they don't reach 100k or are not meta characters that you don't want to play these characters so you're trying to build them the best way you can with obviously almost no guides 'cause they can only be support if you want to use them and nobody wants to help you build this special character for you bc yk it's a meta character it's just useless ain't no way you're trying to build this character right ? hello again danny and yes i'll build this character for a lot of reasons that ig you just can't understand so actually it would be really appreciated if you could just leave my world if you just want to harass me :).

    but don't misunderstand, i'm not against more spiral abyss content or anything just make rewards affordable to every type of players bc that's where you can get "anxiety" n frustration for both sides, getting end game content is really a big issue in this game bc if you enjoy the lore when you finish the new quests there is almost nothing left and when you're a gacha enjoyer you kinda just do the events to get primos and when you're an hardcore/whale player you just do the abyss but get frustrated bc it's not enough to show your true power and actually get challenges.

    but this doesn't mean we should forget that new players struggle to get to the new events bc you need this nation that you can only unlock if you do 10 archons quests in a row and you just have 10days to do it before the end of the event and most of the time they might miss 2 patchs of events which really sucks. the events stories like for exemple albedo's events or even that really interesting event i forgot the name of where scaramouche made his first appearance are not permanent this really suck in terms of equality between players, ik there is clips of it on yt but actually doing the quest by yourself and just watching some yt videos are definitely not the same and the fact that for lore enjoyers, you can't just have these quests permanent really sucks bc it's interesting in so many ways, albedo's events might be the best examples bc you learn sm in these events and they're always really interesting.

    the resin is been an issue since so long, you can't stack a lot of condense resin for later, more domains and bosses keep appearing but you're still stuck with your tiny 160 resin which doesn't allow you to upgrade your characters like you would like to bc with 160 you can only do 4 bosses which gives you around 2/3 materials and you end up with 12 mats if you got lucky and 8 if you got unlucky which you can clearly see is an issue even more for endgame players bc they have to go all the way to lvl80/90 and you need 36/46 mats and we don't talk about how expensive talents are to level up.

    i think i should stop now anyways, have a good day/night.

  20. Honkai gets hard at lvl 80. That is where the breakthrough happens and you have all the elite levels in the endgame instances like Abyss, Memorial Arena, Blockade, and Elysian Realm. That is why it felt easy for you Mtashed. You didn't reach the high enough levels for the challenge to actually begin.

  21. 10:25, then you didn't actually play Honkai's endgame. The level gating in Honkai is a lot different from Genshin. The abyss's structure changes once you reach level 81. Trust me, it's quite the difficulty spike. The fact that you thought that, at the time, a non-meta unit was overpowered shows that you didn't get to endgame.

  22. I wish we could get “resinless days” like each domain could cycle throughout the month and then u can make use of the day or not ..

    They did once bump the resin cap so maybe in the future (hopium, I know)


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