Reacting to the new 4.7 Trailers and More! | Genshin Impact

In this video I watch Genshin Impact’s 4.7 Verstion Trailer, the animated short ‘The Road Not Taken’, and The Natlan Preview Teaser. Now I feel broken… but in a good way?


Music by Argo Fox
Pyro X – Far
Canvas – Frame Away

00:00 Start
00:25 Version Trailer 4.7
06:23 The Road Not Taken
13:36 Natlan Preview Teaser
16:25 End



32 thoughts on “Reacting to the new 4.7 Trailers and More! | Genshin Impact”

  1. As much as I hope a uncut playthrough video will release soon, the moment I saw that animated short, I immediately knew what the next Roschi video is about. I waited for this since yesterday! And oh my, the tears in your eyes, that's exactly how I reacted to it XD Still, I really want to see after you finish the Sumeru patches, what your analysis about the animated short is. I know it's gonna be amazing!! Can't wait ❤

  2. The Marechaussee Hunter isn't actually wholly expanded on in the main story, just referenced here and there (or leaving us to piece together the ideas ourselves), but it IS actually an artifact set that can be farmed in one of Fontaine's domains! If you want an enrichment to Fontaine's history and current known government organizations, I highly recommend checking out its the set's story later on!

    For the animated short, there's definitely some things that are referenced to future Dainsleif-related quests, but overall it's just so emotionally powerful…. When you do finish the next two Dain quests, I hope you'll look back to this! And I really really really want to see your breakdown of this animated short. There's so many things that are hidden until the second or third watch and I look forward to you seeing them!

    Honestly, they dropped the Natlan preview at the very end of the livestream AND SAID NOTHING. We're just as speculative as you! It looked like we were playing them in a player's POV too XD Natlan is very tied to 'creatures' like these from the very rare info we've got of the region, but nothing prepared us from these! I'm so excited!!!!

    Awesome reaction to these three big news bombs again XDD

  3. As for the Natlan teaser. Whatever the creature thingy will be, it will surely be locked to the region. It's probably the same like Fontaine's diving mechanic. They add a new gameplay feature every major region and it seems like the creature controlling or transforming will be the big Natlan feature. I absolutely LOVE IT.

  4. You probably don’t remember it but you reacted to the trailer so I’ll remind you that we actually did see the siblings pretty recently when Xianyun and Gaming dropped.

  5. I don't think it's Dain who Clorinde is talking about, more like misdirection on their part like when they made it look like Clorinde is fighting Navia in 5.0 trailer. But we'll see.

  6. About the animated short, sourced from a recent interview, the Genshin Impact dev team has decided to have an internal 2D animation unit so we really cannot expect this kind of quality/art style for the actual Genshin Impact anime collab with Ufotable unless both decide to get the new Genshin 2D animation team to help with the official anime.

    Would the official anime be good? Most likely since it's an actual animation studio that also produced the entire Demon Slayer anime and THE Fate series (idk if they did the whole Fate anime) but it will not be the same art style as the animated short.

    When is the Genshin official anime gonna come out or any updates about it? Ufotable, from what I've seen, only makes one anime at a time. Right now, they're entirely focused on the Demon Slayer anime and there's still probably 2-3 arcs (idk much about the manga so don't take this as a fact). The Genshin anime is NOT Ufotable's highest priority so expect the anime to take years to cook. Most studio's also don't make "updates" about the project, they just do the project announcement and then the actual trailer when the anime's done cooking. (this is just what I observed with anime production as a whole. again, don't take this as a fact)

  7. The Marechaussee Hunters were what they call the old gardes of Fontaine. Their main role was to fight monsters and defend the nation.
    Now in the modern era, they call them "Marechausse Phantom", and their job is to fight lawbreakers.

    Clorinde inherited the fighting style of the Marechaussee Hunters of old, which is a fighting style specifically designed to fight monsters.
    But since she's a member of the Marechaussee Phantom, whose task is to fight law-breaking citizens, she had to learn to adjust her fighting style to fight against humans.

  8. I had the exact same thought about the creatures of Natlan. but yeah, there was no context in the Livestream about the clip. They just…showed it and then ended the stream like nothing happened. Not unusual for when new regions are coming out, tho.

  9. This was absolutely incredible! I'm still floored by the animated short and am going to be rewatching that ASAP so I can make a video to properly talk about it more in-depth.

  10. in teasers released on x.7, Mihoyo shows new gameplay mechanics

    in 3.7 they showed the traveler swimming in Fontaine

    It could be that these Saurians are mounts or that the traveler somehow controls them Mario odyssey style

  11. Anything you may have been able to glean from the animated short that might be considered spoilers aren't long term mysteries by any means, so I don't think it's too big a deal, personally. And as far as one's preference for traveling companion, this animated short has some interesting implications regarding their respective roles that might be worth observing.

  12. Im waiting for you to react this , i dont really remember you already watch "we will be reunited" trailer , but if you manage to finish the first quest with dainsleif, i suggest u to watch that, i can't wait for you to meet dainsleif. Also yes that's some of the area in natlan, and those are dragon kind called saurians. In the livestream they not mention it detaiil,.but it kinda like mounting system . I don't know either maybe we need to wait for last patch 4.8 version for natlan information

  13. God this update livestream was stacked, just so much to talk about, resin cap increase, new permenant game mode the new characters are amazing, most looking forward to Sethos, the story is guaranteed to be a banger as well. After Arlechino's stacked update I wasn't expecting that much but they blew the last one out of the park. The animated short is fantastic, immediately recognized the singer as I'm a huge fan of hers. AND NATLAN CRUMBS OMG THE HYPE IS UNREAL, yes it does look like we're going to be controlling the little dinosaurs, we did something similar in Sumeru's desert already by flying around, and the fact that it's so close to natlan might be intentional, every region has it's specialties.
    Also NO DISRESPECT TO PAIMON, I have a strong feeling because of Dain being so distrustful because of prior events, our sibling's journey was nowhere near as fun or interesting, Dain's literally just watching as the sibling is crying out missing the other and I have a strong suspicion because of that she doesn't have faith in teyvat and joined the abyss because of their hatred for each other maybe. Unlike our journey with Paimon trying to find joy in everything and being by our side never allowing us to feel alone, genuinely this short made me appreciate her even more than I did before.

  14. based on the fact that the green dino one has UI elements when picking where to sling to, then yes, we most likely turn into the creatures in Natlan, my guess is that it's exclusive to Natlan because if not the previous puzzles in other reigons can be broken by this lol

  15. we also know nothing about the animals. This was released at the end of the stream after everyone said goodbye as the after credit scene.
    we assume these are actual "mounts" and based on the gameplay shown, they won't be scripted puzzles. Just no idea if they're permanent or where we can use them or whatever. I'm guessing they'll be area specific because natlan known lore is of the 6 main tribes and seems to be based on the 6 types of saurians (animals), and a drillber isn't doing sheet in lava….

  16. Goosebumps from that Animated Trailer, where Aether & Lumine crosspaths in the Caribert Quest but in different timelines, then begins to show those old photographic memories of them where Aether still have a white glowing crystal that never happened in Teyvat coz he slept for hundred of years while Lumine is traveling alone…Which means that those memories are from their past journeys together while traveling from different worlds, before they were caught by the Gravity of Teyvat's World.

  17. If we get actual choice between Teyvat&whatever and our sibling and whatever they are doing, damn I would choose sibling without a bruh. They deserve to be together

  18. The Marechausse Hunter lore is on an artifact set very close to the start of Fontaine, their story isn't a spoiler but I will let you read and find out for yourself.
    If you want, you can use an external source to read it, like a Wiki, they really don't matter much on the game running-story, but are very interesting lore-wise.

  19. Only thing I know about the Marechaussee Hunters is that it’s one hell of an artifact set, the animated short looks to me like a teaser for the anime they’ve been working on and I think it’s going to be each siblings journey through Teyvat and I agree, Dainslief is a better traveling companion than Paimon, and Natlan looks amazing and the idea that you could be one of the various creatures makes sense since we recently had an event where we occupied various Hillichurls while doing research and I think it’s going to be a region exclusive like Fontaine’s diving mechanic

  20. The animated short absolutely wrecked me. I have such strong feelings toward familial relationships: Lumine and Aether, Diluc and Kaeya, Lyney and Lynette, etc. The sadness I can feel from their separation kills me cuz all I can think of is how I'd be feeling the same way if I were ever separated from my own brothers 😢

  21. Why everyone rag on Paimon? I love Paimon. She’s mysterious, funny, fun, caring, and has big people energy, not taking shit from no one. Of those traits, Dainsleif can only claim the first. People that dislike Paimon just want something to not like, but if you flip your view: instead of looking for the cringe in things, see the awesome, then Paimon becomes an absolutely wonderful companion the likes of which Dainsleif could never compare.


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