It’s finally here, the first half of ranking all 4 star attack animations in Genshin Impact, ranking 5 stars will some soon™. Don’t forget to get upset in the comments!
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RIP to Beidou's ankle and or shin.
Xinyan and beideo i I think that is how you spell their name have the same mq’s just beideo does a kid at the end
Yes Yanfei the best girl 😌
Remeber? Beidou was the first character with 5 stikes on NA and her weapon holding poss was also unique until eula came"she is first one to hold the weapon like that pose"
Ganyu normal attack is SSS tier easy. That ass.
Me: He's gonna put Thoma In S tier.
Him: Puts Thoma Is S tier
Me: “what did I say yall”
You forgot to mention that Barbara slaps harder than Will Smith
Another thing with Yanfei's attack that wasn't mentioned is that she sticks her tongue out for a split second at the end (extra points for smugness tbh)
As much as i like Noelle, i would actually put her basic attack on the boring tier.
And then swap that position with Chongyun, why?
For a claymore user, his movements is…fluid.
I love ningguang’s attack effects, but i feel like theyre a bit stiff when in combat, but rosaria, i have to say, her normal attack was the only reason i risked a ten pull on childe’s banner lol
Absolutely loved the video 👍
I wanted to ask one thing though; I dont know if you do listen to their attacks, but sometimes hoyoverse gives a lot of detail to how attacks sound. This goes especially to bow characters however there's also the part with yunjin and Lisa's hidden melody (I've also noticed some string instrument when yae does her charged attack). I was just wondering if you did listen because I don't remember if you ever had mentioned how their attacks sound, even in the rankings before this. If not, you don't have to because most of the time, it's monotonous and could feel like water torture.
bro puts chongyun at boring but puts the most boring catalyst with the most boring and basic ever attacks on S tier
It's a shame because, they put more effort into the animation of new 4 stars (Thoma, Yunjin) then old ones, so that's why their animation are choppy, while newer ones are so smooth
Do their namecards next or their idle animations
you have no TASTE!!!
I'm predicting my girl Yae would skyrocket at the S tier lmao
The fact that yanfei also sticks her tongue out in her last attack
So if your not going to count burst and constellation then are you going to count childe's water blades since you need to use his skill to use them?
Kokomi: flip spin flip flip flip
Don’t xinyan and beidou have the same animation except beidou has an extra attack at the end?
If you rate Fischl's Normal attacks (no poses afterward) her and amber have the exact same animation.
Yo also forgot that Yanfei also sticks her tongue out every time she T-poses
As a Yanfei main, yes T posing on enemies is always a pleasure, specially when you co op with other yanfeis lmao