Raiden Shogun Story Quest Allows Change in Genshin Impact (Ep.117)

The road to change for my favorite archon begins now! OPEN ME (^_^)

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The Only Eternity in Life is Change for Inazuma (Ep.117)

#GenshinImpact #Hoyoverse #MurderofBirds


34 thoughts on “Raiden Shogun Story Quest Allows Change in Genshin Impact (Ep.117)”

  1. Honestly, I don't have any complaints for the quest itself. It just gave me a huge emotional whiplash due to how quickly the Traveller warmed up to Ei, as if they were already established friends before this quest. It's like nothing ever happened, and we were just helping out our buddy to acknowledge that yes, change is inevitable, and that's not bad. That's how I personally felt, though. I liked the quest itself, and I'm glad that I can experience it again with this Time Capsule, now knowing that it was a setup for the amazing second story quest. Great journey! 😀

  2. This quest does a great job of laying the foundations of Inazuma's society, showing the political situation in Inazuma after the archon quest with Kamaji (and continued in Ayato's quest), and showing how Ei's absence didn't stop Inazuma in time. It's a similar message to what Liyue's archon quest showed: archons are not strictly necessary. This theme will likely have even more significance later on, since that's where the story seems to be heading.

    In my opinion, those who mocked this quest as a "date" before Raiden's second quest are the same kind of people who skip all world quests and can never grasp what's happening, they don't understand basic themes, so they are constantly lost. That loud, constantly whining minority is the demographic Mihoyo has zero intention of catering to. Mihoyo's inclusion of Sanskrit and Persian culture are a massive rebuttal to those people, who obviously don't even understand the cultural background behind Aranara and Pari.

    Mihoyo's games reward curious people, not afraid of exploring and learning new perspectives through new cultures, and that's how Mihoyo likes it. That will never change, because that's why their games have been so sucessful.

  3. Auch… Dreams of Bloom event… My big mistake in Genshin… I redeemed by mistake two times the same furniture, banning myself from taking the third model anymore…
    Even today, the FOMO is killing me. 😢

  4. To this day I'm not entirely sure Ei was telling the truth about the first Tenryou Commisioner defeating her in a duel. Granted, she was younger and a few centuries less of a perfect warrior but still. And wouldnt Kamaji know this story? After all "My ancestor bested the Almighty Shogun!" is one hell of boast, sure to be passed down and worn on the sleeves by Kujou for all eternity. How many people in all of history could do that? And there's no other lore about this badass anywhere!

  5. I remember how people didn’t like Ei’s first story quest when it came around, thinking it was just a pointless “dating filer” story quest with her. But it was much more than that.
    For one we get all of time to get to know the real Raiden Shogun and her personality. Compared to Venti and Zhongli who we spent plenty hanging out with during Act 2 and 3 of their respective nations, we’ve never really had the chance have extensive conversations with Ei during Inazuma’s Archon quest line, expect during our last fight with her in her Plane of Euthymia, due to circumstances with her mindset at the time and the puppet being the main “driver”.
    On top of that I would hardly call it “useless filer” given that we are not just hanging out with her but also showing her the Inazuma of today and the change it has gone through for the better. For so long Ei has been stuck in this state of stagnation thinking change would lead to loss and suffering like she experienced during the Cataclysm. But by showing her all this and help her understanding it, she’s starting to see it in a better light and considers changing herself. Of course this plays a key part for what occurs in her Act 2 story quest and what she must confront to finally move forward as Inazuma’s Archon.
    All of these are why I love Raiden Shogun and both of her story quests! 😊

  6. Ei: Okay so, you’re telling me. You. YOU ARE TELLING ME? A SHRIMP fried this rice? there’s no way! . there’s just no way a shrimp fried this rice. It’s just not possible. They are so small. Rice is so small. *THESE TWO THINGS ARE INCOMPATIBLE I TELL YOU*. *THERE IS NO FEASIBLE WAY A SHRIMP FRIED THIS RICE*. I’m telling you, not a chance in the world.

  7. Is there a reason why there's so much cuts and edits even between the a single line of dialogues? Sounds bit choppy and robotic. It would look so much smoother if there wasn't and it would decrease the editing process as well

  8. I like how this quest emphasis on change is a force she can't stop but then again, isn't a forever changing force also a form of eternity?

    And it also showed how some changes she can understand and even like (dango milk) and even if there's changes she doesn't understand, that's also okay (light movels). And i like to think the photo thing being a moment captured in film is in it's own way of saying that there is still constants/eternity among changes. Such a meaningful quest if you really dig into the little nuances in between.

  9. The amount this quest set up Act 2 is insane! So much of the conversational dialogue that flows naturally laid the groundwork for what kind of confrontation would have to go down. This one aged well with time.

  10. OMGGGG… i've been waiting for this so long i can't tell u how excited i am!!! i just know this entire quest blew your mind away and i can't wait to see your reactions 😭 and it's a long video too!! great way to start my week 😊🤍

  11. i started day 1 on playstation, later i linked it to pc reason fps. now i would like to play this account ONLY on pc because i cant even buy anything , i need always to buy stuff on playstation to be able to use the battle pass. but i cant unlink it and play this account on pc i guess or does someone got a solution for this

  12. 53:53 my headcanon thinks that the things Shogun said somehow went over the traveler's head, like; "I don't understand a thing you just said just now, but sure! Break a leg, Queen!
    Also: if you picked the romance light novel, basically Ei approves of the harem route.

  13. I loved this quest and didn’t get the hate it got, especially when reading her character story that foreshadowed the setup for Part 2. It’s not merely a “date,” we are literally showing her how much Inazuma has changed despite her efforts for stasis, and therefore opening her eyes and challenging her views on what “eternity” truly means. Without this quest, Part 2 would be much weaker and whatnot. If anything, her whole arc is a reference to the Amaterasu cave story, when the Sun goddess hid herself in self-confinement in a cave, plunging the world in darkness and prompting the other gods to draw her out. Hoyo planned this, it’s so good!


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