Raiden Shogun Full Mainstats (Sands/Goblet) Guide & Calculations | Genshin Impact

in this video i will show you guys a full guide on the mainstats (Sands and Goblet) and what are the best stats you can use on them, either atk (attack) or electro dmg bonus or energy recharge (er)

0:00 intro
1:41 Assumptions
3:09 The catch
7:26 Staff of homa
11:13 Engulfing lightning
13:35 Conclusion
18:12 Quick weapons advice


20 thoughts on “Raiden Shogun Full Mainstats (Sands/Goblet) Guide & Calculations | Genshin Impact”

  1. well i guess i'll go with ER and ATK, i already have a great ER Sands and getting good electro Goblet is just pure pain, now all i need is getting Raiden early so i can also get Engulfing lightning (also, just in case i wouldn't get her weapon, does ER/ATK work well with the Jade spear ?)

  2. If you follow the supermacy of big numbers, your build will be dog shit and unusable, let's say that your baal have staff of huma, and according to this calculations you'll be going with atk sand and electro gublet for the biggest dmg per burst, but imagine a 90% energy cost burst with almost no ER, since you'll be only getting energy recharge from you sub stats and 20% from 2-piece emblem, and that's it! Yeah your burst may hit slightly harder maybe a 6% dmg increase, but that build will take forever to recharge your burst back, and her burst up time would be minimum so how would you still think that an atk sand will deal more dmg? When most of the time you're recharging your burst you have only 150% ER, and you won't be able to have her burst up that often

  3. If you're able to use her burst 3 times in an abyss floor bcuz you have +270% ER and hits for 160k so 3 bursts total will be 480k, but if you are going with atk sand your dmg will be slightly higher 180k but you'll probably be able to use it twice bcuz you'll have only about 215% ER so 180k and 2 bursts the total will be 360k, so which one deals more dmg now? the dmg per hit or the dmg per burst never means more total dmg from a character, and let's not even talk about a non ER weapon on her like staff of huma or jade spear, the ER will be 168% and she will take forever to recharge without an ER sand, since according to calculations atk would be better for dmg but what if atk also means she will rarely have her burst up with no ER.
    Note: the dmg per burst increase between ER sand and atk sand is actually less noticable than what I used

  4. I assume for Engulfing Lightning it'd be ER-ATK still but would ER-ATK also be the way to go with a 30% electro dmg bonus from Kazuha for a build with The Catch or would it still be more dmg with ATK-EDmg?

  5. Ultimately energy recharge sands and attack cup will always be the best option cuz not only are you doing good burst damage ur also going to be regenerating your ult incredibly fast along with everyone else's meaning you can output higher damage more frequently …more damage doesn't equate to more utility…but damage and utility is what makes her efficient


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