Raiden Shogun Boss Battle Theme: Rock Version/Remix – Genshin Impact

A kickass theme for getting your ass kicked. I wanted to make a heavy version of it

Feel free to use this song in your videos but in return you should provide proper credit with a link to this video.

🎸 Need guitars recorded for your song? reach out to me on Fiverr! or
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My Gear:
Guitar: Ibanez RGA42FM
Bass: Cort C4 Plus ZBM
Drums: Superior Drummer 3
Interface: Audient iD4
DAW: Studio One 5
Video Editor: Adobe Premiere CC



40 thoughts on “Raiden Shogun Boss Battle Theme: Rock Version/Remix – Genshin Impact”

  1. I like to imagine the second Raiden Shogun fight as the following:

    The Traveler challenges the shogun once again, this time far more prepared (in-universe as well as the player themself).
    The Vision Hunt Decree move will be used as well, but the player would be well-prepared for that by now.
    Just as the Traveler claims victory, the Electro Archon reveals one last ace up her sleeve. I forget what it’s called, but it’s the same move that split Yashiori Island and two and slain the giant serpent; either that or it’s the same move used against Kazuha’s late friend.
    When the smoke clears, we do not see the Traveler collapsed on the ground, defeated. Instead, Baal – and by extension the player – is greeted by the sight of the Traveler’s SIBLING.
    After a VERY brief dialogue, the fight reignites, with this music as the battle theme.
    The twist: You’re playing as the Raiden Shogun, and the boss battle is actually against the Traveler’s sibling.

    I highly doubt that this is how it would actually happen, but it’ll be epic, unexpected, and awesome. Imagine how powerful the Traveler’s sibling is with the power of the Abyss…


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