Racism in the Genshin Impact Community

This behaviour is unacceptable. I apologise for getting emotional in this video, but I would truly hate to see this discrimination get a free pass. This man and his community has tried to disguise this as a “misinterpretation”, a “mistranslation”, and even a “joke” while giving an insincere “apology” on twitter. There are other Spanish-speaking content creators defending his comments/behaviour and it is truly shocking and disappointing.

What he does not realise is that the Spanish-speaking audience is not limited to him and those not within his community can confirm there is no mistranslation. I do not urge people to direct anger or hatred towards this person’s way. What I seek is for there to be consequences and the appopriate platforms hold him accountable. Shed the light on this horrific ignorance.

Please check the description for any apporpriate links:

Link to tweet:

Link to relevant YouTube Socials:

Link to relevant Twitch Socials:

Link to Kyloren Public Platforms:


26 thoughts on “Racism in the Genshin Impact Community”

  1. Relevant links are in the description of the video. Naturally, this video is demonetised and again, I would like to emphasise, this does NOT represent the Spanish-speaking community of Genshin Impact. You will find bigotry in all corners of any community.

  2. This is pretty mind boggling. I mean why would you insult someone you don't know at all over a game character? It's just common decency. It absolutely makes no sense why anyone would think it is ok to just go and insult someone regardless if it is racial in nature or not. Treat others how you want to be treated.

  3. The racism in this community is way too prevalent and it’s absolutely disgusting. The racism Asian people and black people face specifically in this fandom is horrible. I’m so tired of dealing with the racism in the fandom. I wish there was a way to combat this effectively. The report options don’t seem to work for us and these racist still have a platform. It’s so disgusting.

  4. i had been bullied for 5 years over the fact that i am brown i have a different culture i have my own type of food and i have my own beliefs, yes thats what i was bullied for and i couldnt and didnt ask for help mind you this was in school, every teacher id tell they scoffed in my face and forgot about it i know exactly how you feel and i really hope that in the future all the asian communities (indian, korean, japanese, chinese, filipino, etc) would come together and be one against this racist world cuz along with blm its starting to get way harder to live as an asian

  5. Thanks for bringing this up, Atsu. I have no clue about Spanish content creators even though I'm a Latin american myself, though it's an actual fact that people as the one you sadly encounter, spreads inaccurate and irrational behavior as his.
    We sincerely show you our apologies to you and to the ones that may generalize a whole community due to the actions of one of their territorial members.
    One thing for sure is that the person is gonna face a legal sentence due to allegedly proclaiming misconduct and racial hatred towards the Chinese community and any other worldwide ethnicity.

  6. He is 52 years old he have experienced many things I almost cried at 7:45 I have faced sort of similar situation and it feels really bad like I can’t explain I felt that tears and still I m 19 years old living in a different country than mine people talk something about this and when they do I really want to punch them hard but I am sort of coward so I ignore it but I swear someday I will make them regret their words cuz I don’t want anyone to go through the same thing as I did it feels so bad I can’t even express

  7. This is a perfect example of how people will eat up Asian culture (ie. listen to kpop/jpop, watch anime, play genshin, eat the food) but then turn around and be disrespectful to the communities.

  8. Oh Atsu! I'm so sorry, i speak spanish im from Latin America and this is so sad. I follow you and Tenha, and i must say that sadly some people on GI community are racist or somethimes said something like that like a joke, but its not. Love your content, i love Tenha content too. Im very sorry that a certain part of spanish community has these types of attitudes, but not all of us are like that and if i can do anything in which I can collaborate and help so that these types of discriminatory attitudes stop, i will. Thanks for this message! We love you!

  9. Hey Atsu, I'm part of the genshin community in spanish. I'm really sorry about this. I don't even follow this person but I feel that even I, a complete anonymous person in internet, have to apologize.

    Sadly in latam the racism is really normalized and is part of the solution to talk about these things. Hugs from Argentina and sorry for my bad english

  10. thanks for deleting my comment that spoke the truth. At least now I'll wont even bother because you'd rather live in a bubble of ignorance than accept the truth about racism in general. Thx and goodbye

  11. Thank you for standing up and addressing this issue. When it comes to racism against asians, far too many people push it off as a "joke." Problems like these are never taken seriously, even when the victim tries to speak up about it.

  12. As a Spanish native person
    This is sadly due to just how the society is in Latin America.
    We have a terrible education system but everyone has a smartphone, so this is just bound to happen sadly.
    Fortunately this is gradually changing specially with this new generation that finally has access to actual first world information and not just the typical familial and cultural prejudices that a lot of people in Latin America are exposed to.
    Lamentablemente esa es realidad de este lado de América pero siento que con el pasar del tiempo y la obvia acción que se hace al respecto algún día esto no será más que una muy pequeña parte de la comunidad.
    Agradezco el comunicado AsianGuy, definitivamente es muy respetable tu valentía en el tema, las cosas van a cambiar.

  13. this is not racism -.-u everyone talk like that… the personalities on twitch here and all are just masks im pretty sure you do shit like this too and you just want to make a video looking offended, its all hypocricy and just because you caught someone without that mask because hes very underground doesnt make it instantly racism, he may be had some issues on work with chinese ones and thats it, i also talk like that with ppl i didnt had good experiences so fuck it, not everyone will use that hypcrisy mask and not everything is racism… just because of this shit im pretty sure i dont want to see your videos… pretty sure just another hypocrit hanging from the woke fashion nowadays, disgusting…

  14. The real racists r the ones who want Dendro archon to b a loli. Like fr, as a brown person, since middle-East and south Asian characters are already super under represented in anime, I don’t want Genshin to make the archon of our inspired land to be some frickin underage little that creeps out there will unfortunately sexualise.

    If Mihoyo make Dendro archon a loli then they just doing us dirty at this point


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