какая фигня. этот бой должен был состояться после того как она слила свою силу в огонь. и закончился бы он точно так же бегством капитано. это вашу мать ПИРО АРХОНТ. пусть и не божественное существо а смертная. но это архонт с силой бога и с серцдем бога. по факту она должна была просто одним ударом вынести капитано. как в свое време сделала Райден.
If he had just waited a few more minutes, he'd be fighting a downgraded Pyro Archon who just gave her power up to keep her nation's special fire alive.
She feels weak. Fancy moves but it looks physical straining. If a harbinger can match power of an archon. I wonder how raiden or zhongli would fair against him.
Archons are a joke. They are supposed to be gods but mere soldiers can make them suffer. It feels like Diluc would've given Capitano the same fight. What a joke.
I was planning to try and c6 my Kazuha, but this cut sence changed my mind, and now I want Mauvika. I have a guarantee because I lost the 50/50 with the first ten pull.
When i saw this scene i was like yeah yeah hes gonna win and take her gnosis just get on with it already. Then he got smoked and i was like oh… guess im not needed.
Kopitano lost in order to sell us the Archon's Pyro. No more, you'll see that after the release They make Mavuik so that it turns out he hides in himself a super duper force
The fact he was fighting with one hand makes him look so badass.
idc about what happened with the fight capitano sounds badass 0:16
Zola Trail
какая фигня. этот бой должен был состояться после того как она слила свою силу в огонь. и закончился бы он точно так же бегством капитано. это вашу мать ПИРО АРХОНТ. пусть и не божественное существо а смертная. но это архонт с силой бога и с серцдем бога. по факту она должна была просто одним ударом вынести капитано. как в свое време сделала Райден.
I think thats a clone of the captain because he never leaves the cryo archon
let him cook
This was like full on anime fighting scene
2:09 Kiana Flamescion flashbacks.
If he had just waited a few more minutes, he'd be fighting a downgraded Pyro Archon who just gave her power up to keep her nation's special fire alive.
She feels weak. Fancy moves but it looks physical straining. If a harbinger can match power of an archon. I wonder how raiden or zhongli would fair against him.
Archons are a joke. They are supposed to be gods but mere soldiers can make them suffer. It feels like Diluc would've given Capitano the same fight. What a joke.
Cowardly retreat is what it is 😊 Natlan is the nation of the brave ones and it shows.
I was planning to try and c6 my Kazuha, but this cut sence changed my mind, and now I want Mauvika. I have a guarantee because I lost the 50/50 with the first ten pull.
she didn't even use her signature weapon. easy win.
Amazing animation scene!
Damn, now idk who to pull, Pyro Archon or Cap, my wallet will be destroyed for sure.
Love cap, but I’m so happy he didn’t win. Bad bitch pyro mommy caught the dub and I woulda been so mad if she lost lmao. But cap was fucking sick asf
When i saw this scene i was like yeah yeah hes gonna win and take her gnosis just get on with it already. Then he got smoked and i was like oh… guess im not needed.
The fatui uniform really remind me of those nazi in ww2 🗿
Genshin will be better if they actually added that moves to characters and add them to fly i mean why not
Diluc but a baddie…
I love the Archon but in the name of her majesty the Tsaritsa, I will c6 Capitano
Kopitano lost in order to sell us the Archon's Pyro. No more, you'll see that after the release They make Mavuik so that it turns out he hides in himself a super duper force