Pull for Staff of Homa Gone Wrong – Genshin Impact

Goodluck everyone !!!

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12 thoughts on “Pull for Staff of Homa Gone Wrong – Genshin Impact”

  1. Grats! 30 wishes in, got Hu Tao and Keqing(only standard banner 5 star i didnt have), on the same multi. 70 wishes later got C1 Hu Tao, 60 wishes on weapon banner i got Homa 🙂 160 f2p wishes for C1 Tao, Keqing and Homa, im lucky 🙂 Hu Tao already triple crowned, Homa only lvl 70, will need to farm the domain for weapon ascension materials tomorrow. Also, was close to pity on standard banner and with the 5 fates from shop and a couple from ascending characters got a Wolfs Gravestone for Diluc ^^ Still have 36k primos saved for Ganyu rerun. Good luck yall!

  2. Im lucky because i quit genshin and i didnt even plan pulling for hutao,Grats with your pulls! However i got lucky with childe, won 50/50 at 80 pulls and then won another 50/50 at 3 pulls! and quit because of unholy hard events tho i might come back at itto banner


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