#genshin #genshinimpact #shorts
Watch me live on: https://www.twitch.tv/daemonv2
Watch me live on: https://www.twitch.tv/daemonv2
Definitely not addicted

Hey, wanna swap our faruzan? I got c6 of her…(i don't use her)
Yes u proved that you are not addicted to genshin
same i pulled for c6 faruzan still going for her and only getting noelle, 60pulls in for a 4star……1 con…pls…
I got the same tho
And here i already have c6 faruzan and got like extra 5 faruzan, even lost 50/50 and didn't get a single gaming
"Not "addicted
I am not addicted to genshin….
But i am addicted to gambling
I just got my c5 Keqing because of 'i'm not addicted'
I have C5
C4 and c6 Faruzan have have huge energy difference
I haven't gotten Faruzan so I have C3 Gaming and C4 Noelle from the banner also Nahida but I don't have a faruzan yet sad
I’m not addicted because I deleted the game
bro i need one more faruzan it's killing me atp
I risked fuckin 40 for just C1 GaMing for now with no success
Thankfully no 5*! Arlecchino WILL come hope and so will hopefully her badass weapon if leaks are to be believed
You're almost at 100k subs!!!!!
I've done 201 pulls (for Xianyun and faruzan) and I've only gotten two faruzans
I just need one more for c6 and she refuses to come home
i got c6 old lady while trying to just get gaming i ended up getting him after i got all her cons and an extra noelle too
I need 2 farus and i got FOUR 4* within 10 pulls and none of them was Faruzan… coping with my C2 Gaming and c6 Noelle (finally) tho.
And I'm at 70 pity now lol.
We need epitomized path for 4star characters its so ridiculous that i can do over 150 wishes and not get one faruzan out of it
I have noelle c6 and got her 6 times but at the beginning i had her on c5
We all felt for that game and we all love it
140 wishes in C20 Noelle c2 gaming and no faruzan
I’m addicted it’s actually a problem because I’m to young to get a job and I’ve spent over 140 dollars on Genshin and it’s all I play and talk about stupid hyper fixation is making me broke
I’m stuck at c5 and sadly need to stop since I’m at 74 pity pain .-.
Isnt this the same guy with AR 60 in all 4 servers?
BRO ME FR i got the 2 five stars I needed, and now I'm close to getting a 3rd five star rn BC I want c6 FARUZAN (btw I have neither xiao nor wanderer I just love FARUZAN)
Ihad the same thing happen last night, really want my Gaming cons and got Yunjin and Faruzan right after each other
Even i have c6 faruzan lol
I keep getting faruzan and I already have her at C5
but I want Gaming 
I have c6 faruzan and shes lvl 20