Version 4.3 phase 1 Navia and Ayaka Banner has been running for more than 2 weeks, and soon version 4.3 phase 2 Raiden Shogun and Yoimiya rerun banner will arrive on Jan 9.
the new 4-star character Chevreuse will also be in the second phase banner, and according to a reliable source, the other 4-star characters will be Kujou Sara and Xinyan.
if you want to pull these characters, you should save some of your primogems and get as many free primogems as possible.
so, in today’s video, we’ll talk about how many primogems we can get as F2P players before the 4.4 update.
if you don’t forget to do the daily commissions every day until version 4.4 arrives, you can get a total of 1,620 primogems.
a few days ago, Spiral Abyss and Stardust exchange were reset, you can get up to 600 Primogems and 5 intertwined fates, and Spiral Abyss will be reset 1 more time before version 4.4 update.
and also, the new Lost Riches event just started 2 days ago, and in 2 days you will be able to get all the rewards including 420 Primogems, materials, and 1 Mini Seelie of your choice.
After that, there will be 3 more events including the following, Dance of Resolute Will, it’s a combat challenges event.
Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp, it’s a Onikabuto fighting event featuring Arataki Itto.
and last but not least is a Marvelous Merchandise 4.3 event, where you can trade common items to Liben for Primogems and other rewards.
Apart from these events, the special program livestream for version 4.4 is expected to be held on Friday January 19 if there is no delay, as usual there will be 300 Primogem redeem codes during the livestream.
a few days before version 4.4 update, highly likely there will be 2 more web events including, Xianyun web event where you can get 40 Primogems and her ascension materials.
and the Lantern Rite web event, players are usually rewarded with 120 Primogems after completing this event, but like the previous lantern rite web event, this event can only be completed in a few days.
So, total Primogems you can get before version 4.4 update as F2P Players is around 4,320 Primogems,
if we include Stardust exchange and Spiral abyss from Jan 1st, the total will be 4,920 Primogems and 5 Intertwined Fates, so, if we combine them all, you can get a total of 35 Free Pulls before version 4.4 update.
what do you think about it, have you prepared your Primogems to pull the versions 4.3 and 4.4 banners, comment below.
#genshinimpact #raidenshogun #genshin #xianyun
Genshin Impact
Correction: Version 4.3 Phase 2 Banners Raiden Shogun, Yoimiya, Kujou Sara, Chevreuse and Bennett (not Xinyan), the official announcement just up
Im pulling for Raiden wish me luck
Haha It's just a dream!
I have a feeling I can win my wishes!!!
Saved 150 wishes for raidon💀
Preparing for 4.4 not only primos but also xiao pity I better keep an eye on it before I accidentally get Nahida or smth
Though the last time I won my 50/50 was Ayato- and I lost my neuvillette to diluc-
400+ wishes saved for raiden! Hoping for c2r1 this time lol
Damn, the thumbnail
6000 primos now after successfully pulling Ayaka. Should i pull for raiden or save more for Next Banner after Raiden Banner😢
when does the live stream start?
Me having 322 fates for raiden watching this: hmmm interesting
i only want chevreuse, but its probably gonna be a long time for her to be free to claim from a flagship event
55 wishes saved for raiden. on my 50/50 wish me luck!
I saved 15k + 15 interwined with gauranteed for Raiden. I hope i get her weapon as well.
I do have quite a bit of gems saved up, but more is always welcome.
The attention to detail is incredible
Saved 21k and 30 int fates
205 wishes for Raiden, her signature and xiao with his signature🙏
I got to remember that date 1/19th/2024 that Livestream date
I’m really excited for these banners but l kinda just want the 4 stars…. (Oh no…..)
I'm saving all my primogems for the 4.4 banners and betting on the chance that I win my 50/50 so I don't have to use my genesis crystals. ♡
I sadly only managed to get 60 wishes saved up for Raiden ( since I wanted Furina ) but I’m rlly hoping to get her! I’m at 50/50 and at 10 pity so maybe she comes home..
Plzz help !
I only manage to get 550 primogems from spiral abyss …
I have been playing since from 31st march….its been 8 whole month…where i am lagging ?
Advice me !
Accidentally i clicked on the 10 pull on weapon banner now I only hai 5 fates and 10 pity
i have 124 wishes, depending if i lose 50/50 i might save 70 for nahida
80 pulls, pity 15 for nahida. im on 50/50 so i hope nahida is on 2 phase so i will be able to get her guaranteed! but if shes not thats ok
after nahida, i will be pulling for nilou (probably whaling lol)
I was interested in pulling Cloud Retainer but I am not so sure anymore. If she is just average or too niche then I will skip and wait for Clorinde.
Can I get Raiden with 20 fates, 0 pity and 50/50? 👀
It's Gun time