NEW UPDATE!! Clorinde and Navia Skills, Abilities, KITS, Gameplay Skils – Genshin Impact

NEW UPDATE!! Clorinde and Navia Skills, Abilities, KITS, Gameplay Skils – Genshin Impact

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12 thoughts on “NEW UPDATE!! Clorinde and Navia Skills, Abilities, KITS, Gameplay Skils – Genshin Impact”

  1. Tbh was thinking about navia’s kit after seeing her in game and everything. Tbh her and Gorou should be good together. Geo mono teams is hardly new really tho, just having multiple ones on same team would be tho

  2. Please let Navia be useful in teams other than Geo as well. For those who want to pull for her, having to pull for and build other geo units does not sound fun. Also, leakers have not said anything about Navia and Chlorinde's kits yet. They have no info on them. So this is subject to chenge. Also, I find it hard to believe that Geo will get 2 supports for the mono geo team.

  3. Tbh seeing the current pattern of new unique characters being released as of late, navia being basically a 5 star gorou is not likely and frankly i think its quite stupid. My personal speculation of her abilities would be someone whos similar to nilou, someone who modifies an elemental reaction. Her abilities could focus around generating crystalize crystals that could explode and deal its respective elemental infusion. This could either be via the crystalize shields exploding or just the crystalize shards exploding by themselves like bloom, however i think the first option is more likely due to geo’s defensive nature.

  4. The problem with Geo is just the lack of access to any interesting elemental reactions…Anemo has the advantage of elemental absorption (spreading other reactions) and the Venerer set which buffs damage tremendously and Petra just does not do nearly as much….the only viable Geo team since Inazuma came out is Mono-Geo with Zhongli+Itto+Gorou+Albedo. Its still a good team and Navia might fit in there (instead of Albedo maybe? As Gorou just pushes Ittos damage too much to be replaced) but the main problem is that unlike pre-Inazuma, you cannot just splash Geo-resonance into every team anymore as theres just so much better options. Before Kazuha came out, Zhongli+Albedo was really good in every team (Childe+Fischl electro-charged, Eula+Fischl Superconduct, Hu Tao+Xinqiu Vaporize, Klee/Diluc+Rosaria Melt, Ganyu+Xiangling reverse melt, etc.) as geo resonance was the single best resonance after the 1.3 update. But resonances are not so relevant anymore as power creep goes on. Geo is stuck in a weird place, has no new reaction with Dendro (which could have saved the element!) and is doomed to be shielding/supporting only but not boosting damage enough to be relevant. Theres a reason we have not seen any new Geo unit since….Yunjin?! Almost 2 years….
    So I really hope they do something with Navia that makes Geo great again, she is the character I was hyped for most together with Furina and after playing the 4.0 chapters of the archon quest, she is just amazing. Lets hope for the best. A new geo artifact set could also work wonders or her signature weapon maybe (buff ATK, CRIT, elemental dmg bonus for party, shred resistances on enemies, smth like that).


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