Genshin impact 3.3 tier list that can start world war 3

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All I Said In this video Is base on my own opinion, If I offended you Im sorry for that.

#GenshinImpact​ #Ha1se #Tierlist


40 thoughts on “Genshin impact 3.3 tier list that can start world war 3”

  1. Haiseeee! If Ever you run out of content to do try hyperbloom Kuki with only Nahida on Hydro cube xD.

    Kuki EM must be above 500 the Higher the better, you dont need to level her skill but level her up atleast max ascension.
    Trust me would be fun and not a dissapointment like Thoma xD

  2. Everyone saying that Nilou isn't good because of self damage. But it's only because there are no good hydro or dendro characters yet to shield or heal. Thomas delayed them. And no, Kokonut and barbruh are not a good idea. Disappointment levels are too high when she is a litteral nuke

  3. I didn't like hu toa until i got her by accident… and now i understand. she is really really strong. easily ganyu/ayaka tier. best vaper. awkward gameplay tho… all three of those characters are awkward, now that i think of it. other than that this tier list is perfect.

  4. I too pronounce Kaeya as Keiya and not Kaya!!

    I can see why Kaeya is on the OK spectrum due to him not being able to be high scale DPS like Ayaka or Ganyu but his scaling is actually quite decent, maybe you can borrow someones acc who has invested in him :>

    Also, Yanfei is pog. Love and appreciate the tier list!

  5. For new players i must say never focus on tier list coz you may find disappointment …if you are damage focus pull some meta characters you will find many theorycrafters and for people who like characters based on your liking then do trial and pull for it

  6. 6:07 When you said the JP versions of the names, you said "Ningguang". But actually, in the JP version of the game, She is called "Gyokko" Because the Chinese characters for "Ning-Guang" are read as "Gyo-Kko" in Japanese Kanji form c:

  7. Ayato can provide increase auto attack dmg in his burst that why Yoimiya Ayato was a combo and his E attacks count as auto attack so his burst works with his E to.


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