Starting with Arlecchino, she is going to be a 5-star Pyro DPS, and her weapon of choice is leaked to be a polearm. Two days ago, PTL shared some new information about her kit, and the source of this info is Uncle K and TL Guoba.
They said that Arlecchino is an on-field DPS, and Chevreuse is going to be a very good support unit for both Arlecchino & Clorinde. In fact, she is on the same level as Neuvillette, but she’s an overload DPS. They mentioned that the main source of Arlecchino’s damage lies in her passive talents.
Her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst may switch her playstyle and infuse her Normal Attacks with Pyro.
Some old information from Uncle A also suggests that Arlecchino’s kit will be related to the Overloaded reaction. There are also rumors that she might have two forms for battles, similar to Furina. In the first form, The Knave drains the enemy’s life to heal herself, and in the second, she consumes her own HP to deal Pyro DMG to opponents. It is also hinted that Arlecchino might have good synergy with Clorinde in Overloaded team comps, which is slightly strange because she is now expected to be an off-field electro applier unit.
At the same time, another fairly reliable source called AHQ claims that Arlecchino’s damage is not as good as Hu Tao, who needs to use her Elemental Skill to deal damage. However, it does not necessarily mean that The Knave’s DPS would be bad. It is believed that she might be like Raiden Shogun and Xiao, who rely on their Elemental Burst as their primary source of damage.
As for Clorinde, she is going to be a 5-star Electro sword user. According to PTL, Clorinde is an off-field electro applier, and she too will work well with Chevreuse. They said that Clorinde will make Natlan characters thrive, which means that Overload will be the new meta in Natlan, and Chevreuse is also going to play an important role. So if anyone who doesn’t have Chevreuse yet like me, we should get her next time she appears. And she will most likely appear on either Arlecchino or Clorinde’s banner.
On the other hand, foul has mentioned that Clorinde might be an Electro-Charged and Overloaded DPS unit. He said that her kit allows her to be a good battery under certain conditions, which are currently unknown. He also claimed that Clorinde might work well with Sigewinne and Arlecchino, who are expected to be Electro-Charged Sub-DPS and Overloaded DPS respectively.
Arlecchino & Clorinde are two of the most awaited characters in Genshin Impact. Both of these characters will release one after another in version 4.6 and 4.7 respectively. And I’m telling you again, 4.5 will not give us a lot of Primogems, so save as much as you can if you want to pull for these two characters.
Lastly, don’t forget to participate in the giveaway which is going to start tomorrow; the requirements will be very simple, so you don’t need to do too much. I will be hosting many giveaways in the future as well when we reach 60K subs, so smash the like button, hit subscribe, and turn on notifications. That way, you will never miss an update.
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Arlecchino genshin, Arlecchino gameplay, Arlecchino leaks, Arlecchino banner, Clorinde leaks, Clorinde leaks genshin, Clorinde banner genshin, Sigewinne leaks, Sigewinne gameplay, genshin leaks, genshin impact leaks
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When like the most Genshin Players saving for Arlecchino,i decided Yesterday to save for Clorinde, currently Im at 30 pity and 35 pulls With 50/50
I hope so much cause Clorinde and Navia in story knows each other I means since as a child that both fits well in a Team
2:31 how you got at this Point luxirous chest?at me there were enemys and after them only one of the 3 Things spawned
Seems like I shouldn't have skipped Chevreuse, she seems like an important support going forward in natlan. I hope she reruns on arlechino's banner.
who else wants arlecchino to just throw hands like heizo and wrio, it just would be so badass
This didn't age well
I'm gonna get my first harbinger no matter what. Imma save my guaranteed pity
Like neuv? You mean she's good at C0?
New subscriber^_^
So Nevilatte is not coming also how can I participate the giveaway
Im glad I pulled Chevy at least up to C5. Definitely gonna get that C6.
Currently contemplating whether I pull for Albedo(heard he'll be in the "new banner") or skip and save for Furina rerun(Must have) and maybe Arlecchino or Clorinde…
Ok need the welkin ASAP 😂 comming home clorinde 😋😊
If they make Clorinde a Sub Dps with her in lore occupation being a duelist, they well and truly have lost it.
Thank God I got managed to get Chevreuse C0, you know how HARD it is to get a 4 star character that has just released, thanks to her JP Seiyuu for encouraging me to pull her😆🤣😂
Guys nahida or neuvillete?? I already used 121 pulls on nahida got mona(c4) so should i use my guaranteed on nahida or neuvillete??
Hopefully Arlechino's burst doesn't cost 80,bc I'm so damn tired of characters that rely on their burst to deal damage,like why tf does a dps have such high energy requirements?!?!? They always do this sh*t bruh,like pls bring back the 40 energy burst cost,like Keqing and Ninguang's burst cost only 40. So far we haven't gotten characters with low energy requirements. Almost everyone's burst costs 60 to 80. It's so frustrating having to trade damage for energy recharge. Like artifacts is already such a mf pain to farm bruh🤬
Thanks for the valuable info you give us everyday I love your videos it help me a loot say up with the awosome work
Yeah I already plan to skip everyone else in fontaine after I get Itto in 4.5 rerun. I'm saving for Natlan so I'll just wait on their reruns
Raiden is stronger atm then hu Tao but that's just cause of she abuses the new chars better
*** you cannot truly measure a character's dps level before release
I want kazooha boi
Since Overloaded doesn't crit, Arlecchino's Sig weapon must be Atk%, Em or Hp/Er right?
clorinde off field, sounds like dehya all over again.
I use Ei primarily for her skill and not for her booba sword. Giving free electro infusion to every other characters attacks. Every single non-catalyst character require skill or burst to be infused with his/her element, apart for one sword character that sprint infuse her with Cryo – Ayaka.
Ok after I checked the archon's banner history, I saw that Raiden's banner was 2.1 and 2.5. In Sumeru, Nahida's banner was 3.2 and 3.6. Furina's first banner was 4.2 so I assume that Furina will have her second banner in 4.6. Just my speculation tho.
All I can say is I hope they stop with the HP stealing characters, its getting annoying, lol. I was hoping Gaming wouldn't do that since he isn't from Fontaine. Hopefully they stop this phase once Natlan comes out. Good luck pulling! I'm saving for Clorainde, I got 100 wishes saves so far with 74 pity. If I don't get her the first 2 pulls, hopefully I'll get her with Early Pity.
God I hope Arlecchino is not underwhelming
Father is Fathering
I’m a little worried about her kit. I don’t really like overloaded, on field carries can be hit or miss, and especially burst dependent carries are a bit meh. I am likely going to pull her regardless but everything sounds disappointing for me, just due to my preferences. As of now, 5* pyro dps are quite lacking tbh. HuTao and Lyney are the best but I don’t like either of their play styles. This is just a random opinion but I feel like Yoimiya literally should have been the overload pyro queen. The explosions are like fireworks and she’s pyro in the land of
I'm a newbie in this game… Just asking… How can I go to the inazuma region?… Hehehehe..
I’m itching to pull for Arlecchino. She looks so cool
I really hope they change Arlecchino back to sword. Polearm makes no sense for her and all the folks saying "scythe signature" don't realize that the scythe animations simply won't mesh with the rest of the available polearms. Her design is very elegant and refined and as such would match best with a rapier/saber. She also already has death symbolism in the hand of glory, so she doesn't need the scythe.
Would my hutao crimson witch set and homa work with her? And who can you use if you don’t have chevreuse
these leaks are full of fucking BS.
they guessed all the possibilities of course one is going to be true. even a clock is correct twice a day.
chlorinde is either overload or electrocharge. no shit, its got to be either one because dendro's episode is already over and superconduct (phys dmg) is not a viable thing in genshin
New characters will work well with new characters? Again no fucking shit, else how are they gonna sell new characters? lol.
Is like neuvilette works well with furina and furina works well with xianyun. of course new characters gonna work well with new characters. i can come up with these leaks too without knowing a single actual leak