NEW UPDATE!! All Players Will Get NEW OUTFITS For KLEE & KAEYA (FREE SKIN) in v3.8 – Genshin Impact

hoyoverse released their first ever pair of skins back in version 1.6. Jean and Barbara were the two characters who had received it. Both of these outfits were four stars but only Barbara’s outfit was given for free. After a few patches in version 2.8, hoyoverse released another pair of skins, deeluc’s and fishel’s. But this time deeluc outfit was of five star rarity, whereas fishel skin was of four star rarity. Also fishel skin was free for all players obtainable through the main event in version 2.8.
And recently in version 3.4, hoyoverse introduced two more outfits, one for ahyaaka and one for lisa. Since Ahyaaka outfit was of five star rarity, players can obtain it by purchasing it with genesis crystals. Whereas lisa’s skin was of four star rarity and was given for free to all players for completing the main event in version 3.4.

And now, we have some news about the upcoming outfits in genshin impact which will be released in version 3.8.
According to the leaks, two new outfits will be available in version 3.8, one for kleey, and one for kaaya.
The leaks suggest that kleey outfit will be of five star rarity, whereas kaaya’s outfit will be of four star rarity.
Considering that the leaks are true, kaaya’s skin will be given for free to all players through some kind of event. Whereas kleey’s skin will cost 1980 Genesis crystals during version 3.8 and 2480 Genesis crystals after the patch ends.
Kleey’s outfit is stated to be Halloween-inspired and even has a little witch hat. Kleey’s outfit is expected to be somewhat similar to her mom Alice’s outfit. By comparison, Kaaya’s costume is more simplistic. Kaaya’s outfit will have designs similar to kaanreeah style.
Travelers should be able to find out more about these new outfits in the coming weeks and months. It will be interesting once the actual official designs are shown, to see how accurate these rumors were.

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#genshinimpact #genshin #原神 #klee #kaeya


17 thoughts on “NEW UPDATE!! All Players Will Get NEW OUTFITS For KLEE & KAEYA (FREE SKIN) in v3.8 – Genshin Impact”

  1. I don’t care for none of those outfits they’re for ppl who spend a bunch of money. Half of them don’t look good enough to even be bought for upwards of 30 dollars. That’s real life clothing 😭

  2. Don't give me hope, as a Kaeya main from the start to this day I just ask for more lore of this baby girl, gib me something more Hoyo. But even a simple skin would be a treat, dang, I'm crossing my fingers these leaks are true.


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