NEW Primogem Login + Genshin Impact OUTRAGE? | Genshin Impact Patch 1.3 News

#GenshinImpact #Primogem #FreePrimogem

A new daily login for Genshin Impact that includes Free Primogems is coming! New Primogem Login Rewards has some players a little upset, especially our console brothers! Primogem Codes? Primogem Events? PS4 Players? What is the future of Free Primogems in Genshin Impact?


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38 thoughts on “NEW Primogem Login + Genshin Impact OUTRAGE? | Genshin Impact Patch 1.3 News”

  1. I popped off hard on MiHoyo in the survey this week. This daily login was a part of my strongly worded email. I suggest if you haven’t done the survey to make sure to let them no if your angry about anything in the game.

  2. PS4 player.
    The scannable qr code for the lantern rite didn't actually work for myself and several other players. We scanned, and then it told us we had to login. Trying to login dropped the code link. It was not pleasant.
    Honestly, as meager as the awards are, I'm not even mad, I can make most of that in game in minutes. So, sad to miss out, but not missing out on much, so… meh?
    Seriously tho, the game is more effectively cross platform than most, and it's free stuff. It's icing.
    The cake is still delicious.

  3. after the thing over the millions of gems and having to use a QR scanner on PS4 for it to register and having it fail after trying about 8 different QR scanners I gave up. not to mention the fact that the gem bundles have a almost 30% if not more difference (read more expensive on PS4) compared to my friend that plays on PC, I think I might be done spending money on Genshin outside of the BP (and I only buy the cheap unlock if I have the time to get to level 50 on the pass before it ends, if I don't I'll just skip it. as its only $18 every what 2 months?)

  4. personally I don't really understand the "outrage" over this web event… like they can't really increase the rewards in it since not everyone can do web events(PS4 players and people that don't have PC)
    honestly if they actually make the rewards "better" that would've caused way more outrage

  5. I may hate FFBE rn bcuz of it being boring with their NV units but at least FFBE gives us a lot of goodies with an actual value given that it is also a gacha game but at least we got a lot of free pulls, coins, gems aand materials unlike Genshin……………

  6. I was just watching another youtuber video and when he said that Raid Meme Legends has better daily log-in rewards I had to laugh because, he's kinda right, and then this "event" comes in, an "event" where you can get more mats by just randomly walking around in the world for 10 mins, where the console players are just straight up fucked, all for 160 primos, yeah Mihoyo seems to be looking how much can he push it, can blame them when you have people actually defending this lmao.

  7. Login rewards are supposed to feel rewarding, 60 a month is such a waste of time, that’s worth one daily commission. You could argue just don’t login to the forum but that’s defeating the point of having a login system, you want people to login but they need to give me then these rewards because honesty they aren’t worth the effort.

  8. its dog shit and total insult how much this company is making like dam you got all these whales supporting the game, bu they can't even throw a bone to free to play or minnows, like fuck off

  9. its shit, lets be honest, they have been making mediocre events like this completely ignoring what the player base wants and needs. do we need 3 meat so much that we have to GO to a web event to claim it? no. honestly they just stretched the 7 day in game log in rewards into multiple days with less rewards.

  10. They don't give 20 primo a week. I just checked in and 20 primo for the first 3 weeks and then EXP book for the 4th week. That's only 60 primo for this month. Maybe it changes every month, who knows?

  11. I bookmarked the login event page and my login is cached on my device so it takes all of 10 seconds to do. I just pull up my phone and click check in and I’m done before my game even finished loading in. Would I like better rewards? Yeah but free is free lol amazing how people think getting small rewards for free is worse than not getting anything because of the “disrespect” or whatever lol

    Edit: I’ve been seeing a lot of comments saying free pull every day or a game is bad. Maybe I’ve been playing the wrong gachas but I’ve been playing gachas for around 12 years now and have never played one that gives one pull per day. Usually one every 2-3 days for free to play, which we get through daily commissions…

  12. How about we get daily logins that aren't events? Mihoyo needs competition, that's the only way they will respect players more. The 1.4 announcement mostly was a joke, there's alot they need to do and fix yet most of the players wanted zongli buff and not betterment of them game. They're already made nearly 1 billion from us yet this game has some of the worst rewards in gotchas. Only genshin white knights will tell you otherwise

  13. Lol, people complain about free rewards. If you are so desperate for instant-gratification you can just go visit one of these fake genshin websites, get your account charged with illegal primo gems then banned because of negative account balance, shortly after. Do that, while your private info is getting stolen so you can accuse mihoyo of bad account security.


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