Hello everyone! Today I am reacting to all Genshin Impact Version Trailers from 1.2 to Version 2.7 for the first time.
I am a new Genshin Impact player so these are spoilers for me but I am completely okay with it 🙂

Check out my Genshin Impact Character Trailer Reactions if you haven’t already!

Part 1:
Part 2:




  1. I'd say you could see the Events animations/trailers/resumes, because some of the events were important to the Genshin lore BUT we probably will never be able to play it again (some of them even had different/new world maps).

  2. Don't worry you didn't miss Yelan and kuki they new so there isn't trailers for them yet but Shenhe's trailer for some reason missing idk why. So you can watch shenhe when kuki and yelans trailer will be released

  3. the lantern rite is one of the best or the best event in my opinion and once you reach liyue i highly recommend you do not skip lantern rite, and it happen once every year and its always amazing. although its not really called lantern rite as you can see the title was " all that glitters " and " fleeting colors in light " but you can tell its the lantern rite

  4. You dont need to speedrun your progres to participate with the event, just play the game with your own pace.
    I saw some streamer got burnout and cant enjoy playing the game because the community ask them to speedrun the story to keep up with the community. Too many backseat on the community and too may people give spoiler. The community ruin the gaming experiance for the content creator and made them cant enjoy the game.
    Some advice, enjoy the game slowly, flow on your own pace and enjoy yourself in teyvat…

  5. i don't find interesting watching a animated character reacting to something because you can't transmit the real emotions of your face, don't take it wrong and enjoy the game 😊

  6. If you want to see a video that doesn’t spoil the story but shows the chapters and locations we are going to in Genshin. I suggest looking up the “Tevat Storyline preview tailer”. It’s the one trailer that got me hyped for this game.

  7. Hello, and welcome to the community StarAmber.
    Good luck on your journey in Teyvat.
    Your color look like Primogem so much beautiful avatar XD.

    Most event in this game are limited time, and have minimum [AR] adventure rank requirement.
    But don't worry about them for now, Play at your own pace.
    You will enjoy it better in the long run.

    Mid summer island will be back soon within 2 month if I'm correct, looking forward to that.

  8. there is another pretty important trailer that you should react to, its called the teyvat chapter storyline trailer. it was released at the every beginning of genshin impact and it gives you cool little previews of characters and places you'll meet and visit in your journey. some places we're still waiting on getting unlocked to go and explore.

  9. i joined the game in the middle of ver 1.3 but i didn't get to do the lantern rite event since i was low level and the winblume festival made me so nistolgic

  10. 52:20 Even though it looks very exiting I suggest you to not rush the story so that you get to participate on the events. There is a LONG LONG way still for you to reach there. Zhongli and Venti always quotes that the journey itself has meaning, don't rush. I know it is very tempting to catchup to the latest content but remember this game updates every 6 weeks (which is not slow at all) but still not fast enough for older players to be satisfied, once you get to the late game and catchup to the story the game feels like it stops, nothing else to do. Yes, Genshin is amazing in the journey not the end of it, because the gameplay also literally ends with it. I also know they lock you out of the events if you are not caught up to the story but please take your time and enjoy each step of your journey, we look forward to your videos!


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