New Genshin impact Feature REVEAL HUGE MISTAKE player are making

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in Genshin impact… we just got a new feature to see what eveyone else is doing
turn out they are making HUGE MISTAKE!! don’t make these mistake
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42 thoughts on “New Genshin impact Feature REVEAL HUGE MISTAKE player are making”

  1. I know full EM Venti is like the best build for him
    but I wanna have 3 VV set for my Venti, Kazuha, and Sucrose & not having to swap things all the time
    and holy hell, getting EM main stats on VV set is sooo damn hard it took me 6 whole months (maybe longer) to get 2 full EM VV set
    It was so hard to the point where I already got amazing CV on all my VV pcs before even finishing my EM pcs
    so F it, Imma just put crit build on my Venti & call it a day since Venti will be broken in any "venti-able" content anyways lol

  2. I think I can explain why people build EM on Lisa.
    1) Starting character, so mostly new players would use her. She is also dropped as soon as people understand a bit more about the game, so they won't upgrade her artifacts later on.
    2) She looks like a witch. So new people might connect that to the only stat in the game that looks like a "magic stat", which is elemental mastery.

  3. Farming economics: giving Kazhua and Sucrose EM VV pieces and Venti direct damage pieces with decent EM substats. Same for Jean and Sayu, it's worthless to keep farming EM pieces for them.

  4. Bruh, why am i gonna farm for "slightly better" DPS for my vape character on an EM piece that drops over 60% less than % stats when i could just use Sucrose, deal with the lucky/unlucky EM subs i got already, and call it a day 😂

  5. Why build Ganyu's burst first? burst is not that important in a Melt comp, only freeze comp. Also I put Atk sand on melt ganyu because I already have 300 EM from substats, any more of EM stats would be a waste

  6. Rng is a thing and not everyone gets what they want. I have 3 40cv and 2 35cv artifacts on Venti and I still haven't seen a 2nd EM mainstat artifact from VV. Maiden steals most of them. Geniunely feels like I could get a 50cv piece before I am able to run tripple EM.

  7. I was waiting for what you would say about Yanfei, it was the only reason I watched but bro skipped it faster than people skipping banners for Kazuha

  8. You also have to consider the fact Venti is the first limited 5* and his rerun was before 2.0 EM buff. So most people who have Venti don't care to farm extra EM mainstats to give to kazuha, sucrose AND venti. You also need to take into consideration that unactive players old builds also influences these stats. The huge player base that rerolled on venti banner and farmed crit for him stopped playing

  9. From what I learnt: – some ppl build main stats artefacts according to passives (Yae)
    – ppl don't prefer leveling AA skills where they should (Itto, Hu Tao, Yoimiya)
    It shows game is the confusing… You need external sources on internet to build properly, there are problems in the design of some characters

  10. It's normal Tenten wants to recommand better builds than the ones that most of the players are using… Cause he's a TC and this feature is kinda misleading… But it also means he's forgetting who are the players, cause his followers don't represent the real Genshin community actually:
    – most of them aren't ready to farm for months to get the perfect set ( especially EM ),
    – a lot aren't old players neither, as most of the old players are already gone for another game, they're teens you know… and new players have a lot of chars to build, and can't farm for ages in the same domain for just 1 char,
    – most of the players don't care much of the theorycrafting, they just pull for their waifu/husbando or the hyped char, to play the fool with random comps and builds, and just never put a foot in abyss. 😀

  11. I’m AR59 and still haven’t got full EM *5 on VV set. It’s very rare for me to get EM as main stat. I did get EM here and there but they aren’t even VV set. Or sometimes I just simply want to explore my artifacts option since I got them with good substat 🤷🏻‍♀️ and if the guide is from lower AR then it’s makes sense since I don’t think they have many artifacts choice.

  12. I wonder how Mihoyo aggreagted this data.
    Amber for example might be an indicator that even low level accounts are included. Or its just high level accounts that didnt remove her artifacts after they dropped her.

  13. breh it really doesn't matter what you're maxing first unless you're some wierdo who doesn't push their mains to 8-10 talents. If i'm using them in any challenging content they're gonna be crowned or at level 9

  14. Venti not being build full EM is cause ppl do t get EM pieces in VV Domain. Took me like 3-4 weeks farming that domain to get a full EM set. And the substats are trash. If I imagine getting decent EM pieces with double crit lines will take AGES.

  15. I’m doing triple-DEF on Gorou in preparation for his C4 and I don’t want to upgrade multiple artifacts kekw.
    It’s fine, the substats are all CR-ER and the crystallize is decent enough to finish abyss.

  16. TenTen: viciously rant about why people don't build full EM on ALL anemo support characters, especially on Venti

    Me, who had been farming in VV domain in my second account for almost half a year now, to the point I almost can make crit 100/200 jade cutter Kazuha AND Venti with very decent crit ratio using skyward harp already, but still can't get a single EM VV sand and goblet: Yeah right…I SO WISH it's THAT easy to get 2 GOOD SETS of full EM 4VV…


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