Hi everyone! Hoyoverse just decided to drop some DRIP MARKETING for a new character and I’m here to share it with you!

Edited by me.



#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Kazuha


30 thoughts on “NEW CHARACTER HEIZOU with KAZUHA!? | Genshin Impact”

  1. 🌸🌺It would seem that this character has taken the entire Genshin community by storm and highlighted the degree to which content is dry at the moment (given every content creator over the last twelve hours have produced the exact same upload).🌺🌸

  2. I love how dude says that heizou doesn’t look like a detective when.
    1: what does that even look like
    2: Whether or not heizou is one is a very yes and no topic
    3: what kind of detective “ dresses like a detective”? Why would u give yourself away that your a detective all the time?

  3. I'm hoping he has a Chongyun type Anemo infusion so we can make use of an Anemo character that players actually want… namely C0 Kazuha because I'd really like to use him as an on field dps.

  4. He may not look like a detective that is true. Looks like a clash between Razor- Xiao- Rosaria hair color – Kazuha – mini Diluc that smiles. I believe someone's line in the game mentions how he works for the tenryou commission but does it in his own way making other workers in the tenryou commission to doubt his unusual methods of working. I think detectives are meant to go undercover, be weird and get creative in their respective environments, and won't always carry the "police officer" uniform with them. I hope he has a very interesting personality. He does look like a 4 star anyway, but come on folks, gotta respect the people who worked and planned for designing a character because it's final.

  5. i wasnt expecting heizou's design but its okay, lost my 50/50 to mona on ayaka banner (its okay, shes my most wanted character on standard for a while bc alternate sprint, s tier support, fell in love with her in her story quest) so i have guaranteed kazuha. i was disappointed with his baggy pants and his top (too xiao) but i love the pant cape thing, and his hair looks great too. i was hoping for at least a hat like hu taos idk. leaks also say he uses a catalyst.

  6. okay lore enthusiast here—he is more on the lower rank side of things, as in like…he works in the tenryou commission but is not really a detective, he is a self proclaimed detective and claims to be one. i hope i made sense but i swear if i didn't then i am so sorry but basically he's a self proclaimed detective and is working as a lower rank tenryou commission soilder! (from what i see in the inazuma boards at least) and to be honest i think his design looks pretty cool! aside from him and kazu having the ever so familiar anemo vision the way his color scheme does not match in any way shape or form reminds me of kazuha who looks more like a pyro user and now heizou coming in cluth looking like a geo character, on the more lore side of things—his older brother describes him as "annoying" and usually not getting along together most of the time, and with him (i mean heizou) being more uh, active, unlike his older brother may explain his hair color and just how he looks so out of place. his….kimono?? seems to be pushed to the back in a way, that or that he isn't wearing a kimono and i'm just trying to stand up for my boy lol
    i have just realized that this comment is too long and i am probably bothering you with this SO, stay safe everyone and i wish you the best of luck! may all kazuha and heizou become (and we WILL) be havers!! <33

  7. i think his outfit is sick. I don’t think his color scheme makes a difference to what his element should be. Kazuha is one of the most wanted anemo users and his whole fit is red and no one is mad about him not being a pyro character. And now that we see he’s a melee catalyst w martial artist vibes i REALLY WANT HIM.

  8. Heizou is getting the same treatment as Ayato. A lot of players didn't like the design but at least content creators did. Well in this case most content creators agree with the player base. You had an image of what he would look like and are now mad because he isn't what you imagine.

  9. Fun fact : All inazuma characters (besides Yoimiya, and i guess Sayu and Gorou) all have their last names in front of their first names like how people in japense has their last name then first name

  10. “He doesn’t even look like a detective.”
    If I were to be completely honest, most of the characters don’t look like the traditional (insert nation) ones either. It just matters if you like their design or not tbh 🤧 Or should I say “doesn’t matter,” since opinions are opinions


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