Genshin Impact 4.0 brings 5 new Battle Pass weapons. Wolf-Fang, Talking Stick, Ballad of the Fjords, Sacrificial Jade, and Scion of the Blazing Sun. How strong are these new paid weapons, and which are worth building? Which characters will they be good for? And can they compete with older Battle Pas, F2P or even Gacha weapons? This detailed Battle Pass weapon review discusses all this and more. #GenshinImpact #Fontaine #hoyocreators
New F2P Weapon Review:
Lyney Guide:
Lynette Guide:
0:00 Battle Pass (BP) Weapons Worth It?
0:42 Wolf-Fang
3:05 Talking Stick
5:35 Ballad of the Fjords
7:01 Sacrificial Jade
8:34 Scion of Blazing Sun
9:53 Conclusion
Edited by Halevy! Check him out at
Thanks to Migo for the input! Check him out at
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Fontaine OST (Hoyomix)
I can't help but think Talking Stick is a future BiS for Navia. Like, if her kit is some kind of Geo that interacts with other elements – it looks like her aesthetic, too, kinda.
Your videos on genshin are second to none, thank u for existing <3
I just wish they make a non weird looking BP Claymore.
Wolf Fang and BotF are good weapons for sure.
The bow is once again one of the least, if not the least, appealing among the weapon types… Might be better to just have multiple copies of R1 V.Hunts for crit stat sticks with a bit of CC.
As for the claymore, I think ADC (atk-dmg-crit) Razor (with Bennett) is the only good user so far. But both it and Serpent Spine have drawbacks for him. Razor with Bennett means constant overloads which is so bad for light enemies whereas Serpent Spine requires onfielders to bring a shielder (unless you're perfect at iframing) for max utilization.
Lastly, the imposter among the Sac series 💀, maybe I would get it for my Nahida. Arguably all of the 5★ catalysts are just so niche and I don't think I'll be getting her signature anytime soon. And while Widsith is great, its 30s cycle (10s up, 20s down) essentially cuts down by half the already "1 of 3" buffs it gives. Its inconsistency is quite deal-breaking for me. So I'm left with Sac frag, Wandering Evenstar (EM + atk support), Fav Codex and this BP weapon. I don't think the other 4★ options and the 3★ Magic Guide are any good. I prolly should just run Fav, don't I? 😑
as a f2p, i see this as very useful
i was about to finally quit the BP after 2 years & then they released new weapons. guess im not leaving the cycle 😅
Woolw sevy didn't mention our kaeya for this weapon 😭
I sincerely laugh at the among us joke
I think Navia will do something that take advantage of the talking stick
The claymore must be from natlan!
I will have all on r5 😎
I'm gonna pass on the new weapons to R4 my Black Sword… Or am I wrong? 😵
The only use Sacrificial Jade has right now (and the reason I am getting it) is to have it with a Baizhu in an aggravate team, although is hard to balance em, hp, er and crit 😅
Weird question, but will Scion of the Blazing Sun work on Childe in melee? Just wondering if it's worth getting that over Viridescent hunt.
Not recommended the new sword for Ayaka, Keching or Kaeya? I think that would be top like on Alhaitham!
I seriously love your videos!! I always check your account for vids about genshin <3
Would ayato be better with the new bp sword or old bp sword?
How is the R1 Fjord compare to the R1 DM for Cyno?
Loved the Among Us weapons!
And there i thought wolf fang would be great on onfield nilou
If it was a sword, then Sacrificial Jade would be PERFECT for Layla.. it annoys me so much! >.<
Sword and Polearm have caught my eye. I don’t have priority use for either at the moment (got Cyno and HuTao’s sig weapons) but can see how to use them in future comps.
Curious- is there a video about the craft able ones? Those make me scratch my head a little.
Great guide. It just proves that I only need 1-2 Wolf-Fang sword and the rest are not worth it. I already have many 5 star polearms thanks to losing 50-50s with Staff of Homa & Cyno’s stick and standard banner polearms. Farming materials is also tedious & video games are meant to be fun.
I'll probably pick up the sword as it's the only weapon type I'm missing two solid 5 star options for. The ballad looks great, but I already have r5 Dragons Bane, r5 Deathmatch, R5 Catch, two Homas and an Engulfing lighting. For the Bow I already have 2 Skyward Harps an Elegy, Aqua Simulacra and r3 Viridescent. I do have both Lyney and Ganyu though so it could be a good option.
I believe im gonna get the spear for my Cyno hes been rocking the bird from the mondstadt event a while ago but this one will suit him handsomely
Is Wolf-Fang R5 better than Umbrella R5 for Alhaitham hyperbloom?
I wanted to get the sword even though I don't have any use for it right now, but I also want to make a sort of a hybrid Raiden, where she has a ton of EM but also decent crit stats, so I ended up buying the polearm. I'll R5 both eventually.
Got the new bow for my Lyney, have the event bow from a while ago that buffs em for my Nari and Hamayumi on my Ganyu so they are all eating good
Dps/Support Baizhu with Sacrificial Jade could be viable
I dont understand why they can make such awesome weapon designs, but they didnt think to make them regionally "accurate" (for lack of a better word). We should have had katana style blade weapons for inazuma, scimitars for sumeru and rapiers for fontaine. Mondstadt and Liyue weapons were pretty good in my opinion but they dropped the ball since.
Completely unrelated but damn the Fontaine OST is so good. The flute at 7:27 is so nice, I can't wait for the offical tracks to be released on platforms.
another great weeapon review. GGs. 🎉🎉🤩
Will getting the scion bow for tighnari, it looks cool on him.
Am I the only one who feels we need new weapon types?
Is the Sacrificial Jade worth it for Baizhu with constellations? Since his skill and burst can be triggered while off field?
I would bet that the Talking Stick is going to be tailor made for Natlan. Not only is that the region of the weapon’s origin, but it’s likely the environment itself there will be applying pyro to your active character, at least in some areas of the map, and you’ll need to be self-applying another element to mitigate negative effects, thus constantly benefiting from the weapon’s passive. Wouldn’t be surprised to see if a yet-unreleased Pyro claymore character would use it along with the Lavawalker artifact set to maximum effect.
For me it was an easy choice for the sword for XQ, as I only use him in double hydro with C1 Yelan and he's in Noblesse, so I don't need ER.
Now he has a 70:180 ratio 😊
Wolf-Fang is good for Vaporize Nilou 😭😭
Sacrificial Jade is good for Hybrid Barbara
The Sacrificial Jade could be a good weapon for Baizhu, who is mainly an off-field healer and support.
thanks for this video! so informative! I really wanted to know your opinions on the new BP weapons! 🙂