New Banner and Inazuma Spirits – Playing Genshin Impact for the first time (blind) – Part 64

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26 thoughts on “New Banner and Inazuma Spirits – Playing Genshin Impact for the first time (blind) – Part 64”

  1. I'm sure someone already told you in the comments but the reason the Ascension test was so difficult is because it was two world levels higher than what you've been playing. When you manually lowered it a while back all you had to do was just manually raise it. So really you did amazing considering this was a double increase! 😊👏👏👏👏

  2. really huh.. the only commission you ignore is the one near the main quest… Curious 1:43:22 idk how you expect people to not think you are not doing this on purpose now… Seems to me you are doing everything to avoid doing the main quest.. hell you didn't even finish it? You left it undone.. now this is a personal opinion but leaving a story halfway through the play through is so unsatisfactory… Like how can you go on with a unfinished quest? And start world quests in the middle of another quest.. it's so messy and i don't really care imo you do really avoid completing the main story.. aka the acorn quest as you would call it…. Don't sugar coat it.. someone gives you tips on just how long you can stretch these quests.. but it's just speculation.. because you gotta stretch it as much as possible.. because it's all too conveniently spaced "the Inazuma archon quest is not so long so make sure to stretch it as much as possible" idk I'm curious and speculating.. it doesn't matter best to just skip and move on.. but I can't just not comment on this behaviour.. maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm not who knows.

  3. i couldn't argue you out of pulling for Wanderer if i tried (and i don't even want to, he's a FANTASTIC DPS), so instead… i'll talk about Baizhu 😂

    Baizhu is SHOCKINGLY good as a support– like, S+ rank level. i have him on a team i've dubbed 'undying hyperbloom', which is four healing characters whose elements create the hyperbloom reaction; since hyperbloom is strong, even though they're not built for dps, the dps is decent. but the healing is so good that they just never go down in battle 😂 this team has gotten me through the final floor of the Spiral Abyss, they're so good, and Baizhu is the Dendro Driver for that team.

    Baizhu's healing and protection scale on his HP. if you decide to go for him, i recommend stacking HP% on him with Ocean-Hued Clam (an inazuma domain artifact). the special effect of Ocean-Hued is that any overhealing done will instead transfer into damage into an opponent within melee range. i've gotten 30k damage per pop on this set using him, it's incredibly OP and i love it.

    for a weapon, Baizhu wants something that'll boost his HP% or ER. if you managed to get all HP% on his artifacts' main stats, my best suggestion would be Favonius Codex (4-star catalyst, possible pull from any banner). if you opted for an ER Sands instead of an HP% sands, then Prototype Amber (4-star blacksmith weapon, will require a catalyst billet) or Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (3-star catalyst, possible pull from any banner) will suit your needs just fine.

    ~13:00 I MEAN… if people have told you you're 'having fun in the wrong way', that's messed up, because if you're having fun then you're not doing anything wrong? but there is a 'more satisfying' or 'more effective' way to play a character than others. like here, if you used Xingqiu's skill to make every attack also cause hydro damage, then switched to Baizhu, then you'd create a dendro core with every hit; then when you have six cores, you could switch to Lisa to set them all off and deal BIG damage. that is the intended way to play a hyperbloom team, and it also feels really good to get that combo. i think that's probably what people intended if/when they told you you were 'playing a character wrong'. there's no wrong way to have fun in this game (unless your idea of fun is like. kicking puppies or something), but there are 'more effective'/'more satisfying' ways to play a character depending on their kit.

    16:30 so, Faruzan. at C6, she is basically to any Anemo character, what Mika is to Eula. she is a support who is very specifically built to support other powerful Anemo characters. build her and put her on a team with someone like Wanderer or Xiao, and watch your numbers triple or more in size! but this is only if you can get her to C6. don't pull just to get Constellations on characters, especially 4-star characters. it's never worth it. wait for them to come in naturally. then we can work on building her to make your Wanderer (because i'm SURE you're getting him) a massive beast 😄

    17:44 when it comes to pulling 4-star characters, there is always a chance to get any of them. we'll use the current banner in this example, but please know this applies to every Limited Banner that comes up! the numbers i'm about to use in this explanation aren't quite accurate, but they'll do for the sake of explanation and not overwhelming you with technical jargon:

    there are four characters on any given banner, right? the big 'featured' 5-star (ex: Baizhu or Wanderer), and then there are three 'featured' 4-stars behind them (ex: Layla, Faruzan, Beidou).

    every time you do a tenpull, you are guaranteed at least one 4-star of some kind. due to the 'featured' characters, that guaranteed 4-star has 25% chance to be Layla, 25% to be Faruzan, 25% to be Beidou, and 25% to be any other 4-star in the game, including characters and weapons.

    so essentially, you have a chance of getting Heizou in any given pull, whether or not he's a 'featured' 4-star! but that is a percent chance of a percent chance, so it's not something to count on. that's why we say you're extremely lucky when you pull a good off-feature 4-star, like how you got Kuki last banner!

    18:26 noooo you said it so well at the beginning of the episode! 😂you're getting there, just need the consistency! BAY-dough! you can also think of it as 'albedo' without the 'al' !

    42:10 those aren't a puzzle indicator, they're Sakura Blossoms! hit them with electro, even just by shooting an arrow at them with Fischl. they are a collectible that you're definitely going to need at some point. think of them like the Dandelions or Qingxin of this region!

    44:06 i did some research and found that this 'fourth pillar' nonsense in Araumi is actually a known bug that's been around since 2021; enemies are supposed to spawn in there, and sometimes they just don't. a relog should fix it, and failing that, waiting for daily reset should fix it. otherwise, contact support. it sucks that there are still bugs like this in the game, but luckily they are few and far between. you've just had the ill luck to run into this one. maybe it's Benny's fault? /lh

    50:54 what in the SAM HELL is a seal of orichalcos ?! 😂

    59:10 there is only one Shogun, and that is the Raiden Shogun! that enemy is a Kairagi.

    59:50 no but i actually GENUINELY love the Cryo Cicin Mages' outfits. they're actually one of the most rare Fatui enemies in the game, from what i remember! they only show up naturally on Dragonspine and in Inazuma.

    1:10:00 laughing at 'look at those floating platforms as well!' because that's the intended way to get up! naturally a player will find whatever way they damn well please to get to a location, and your reaction was still exactly what i was hoping for! but there is something to be said about going up the way the devs intended, taking in every sight, and walking through a line of torii gates to the shrine itself. if you go up that way, remember to stick to one side or the other, and not go up through the middle! the middle is where the Kami walk, and it would be rude to bump into them 😄

    1:41:00 you picked up on the fact that she's older than she looks SO quickly. it took me an embarrassingly long time 😂

    i had a good time this episode! i'm looking forward to you continuing the AQ, but also to more exploration and world quests! this is where the game got great for me. i hope it'll be the same for you!

  4. I want both wanderer and baizhu! I love dendro teams and I’m trying to collect all the dendro characters (tighnari and baizhu and alhaitham to go) but I want wanderer more so I’m trying to get him before baizhu

  5. I’m so late but that reaction was so adorable!! Yay! I’m so happy you liked him! I will also be providing to the wanderer fund! Everyone deserves a wanderer in their life 🫶🏼☺️

  6. Wanderer/Scaramouche main here, I really hope you can get him!! Faruzan is the perfect support for him and for Xiao, or for any anemo dps in general 🙂

    Based on the characters you have, I recommend to use the team Scara-Faruzan-Bennett-Layla if you did get him one day!

  7. Just a head’s up in case you do end up getting Wanderer: Wanderer has zero resistance to interruption when he’s in the air, and i mean even a pebble thrown by a hilichurl can send u flying several paces backward (u havent experienced this yet cuz u did well in his trial). It can be annoying at times, and so I really highly recommend running him with a shielder in his future team — i think this shouldn’t be a problem to you anymore seeing as you have both Noelle and Layla, and Layla has one of the strongest shields in the game

  8. Wanderer and most of his teammates are Sumeru characters lol so you'll have a whole ass team ready to build once you get there xD

    I'll chime in and suggest Xingqiu with him. his skill can provide extra interruption resistance and you can just freeze everyone with Layla and His Burst. not the strongest obviously Bennet is a top choice for any attack scaled character but it's a very comfy team for overworld exploration

  9. How do we feel about baizhu's gameplay?
    I love him! I got him on his first banner and he made my life so comfortable, he's almost on my every team. He doesn't really show his true might in the trial run because he's really just a healer and a shielder. His heals are AMAZING though, my characters simply can't die with him. His shields also do help with enemies interrupting my characters' attacks.
    I never regreted wishing for him, and although i know you're probably never gonna wish for him, i still highly recommend him🤭
    At this point you have so many good characters, so you can just keep wishing for the ones you like more! Wanderer is a love at first sight for ya so go for it!! I have a feeling you'll want him even more once you try him out hehe, lemme go back to the video to see that

  10. Baizhu is very great support.
    and especially because I have furina, I use him in dendro teams with Furina and Nahida+Baizhu have become staple in my hyperbloom, aggravate, quickbloom, niloi bloom teams.

    Like he is just an awesome healer and great resistance to interruption.

    For ex. You can use Keqing + Nahida + Baizhu + fischl (really great team).

    Alternative to baizhu can be kazuha but the no healer

  11. Levelling Layla for her shield is defiantly a good idea she is one of the best shielders in the game (Maybe even the best 4*) and her cryo application is pretty good too. Plus if you do get Wanderer he ideally wants a shield character so that he doesn't get knocked down. Hope this helps!

  12. Your problem with the battle in the domain is that you waste a lot of potential if you don't activate all the ultimates while fighting with Eula. You missed Xingqiu's ultimate a lot of times for example.

    Also, you tend to stop sometimes, maybe because you need some time to analyze the enemy for a better outcome, but in this type of games, they don't let you a lot of time to think, you must act fast.

    Obviously you can also pass of this recommendations and play in the relax side, but the challenges in the abyss are going to be a little more difficult for you if you don't dominate first the battle mechanics of your teams. You are doing great tho! You'll be better at this with, I'm cheering for you ^^

    Nice video!!

  13. I'm afraid that if you get Wanderer you might have to wait a bit level him up as I'm pretty sure many of his materials are actually in Sumeru. That said, you should definitely get him if you like him! Personally I find him very fun and also just like Kazuha he is great at exploration because he can basically fly, so good luck!


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