Nahida Character Teaser REACTION | Genshin Impact – I will save NAHIDA!

I will save Nahida and buy her Mcdonalds on her birthday! This is my promise to you.

#genshin #genshinimpact #nahida #scaramouche


43 thoughts on “Nahida Character Teaser REACTION | Genshin Impact – I will save NAHIDA!”

  1. Its so sad that the 3rd loop is not a dream but her actual reality….being locked up for 500yrs…all she ever wanted was to be loved 😢and yet she still selflessly helps her people like the mad scholars and Dunyarzard….i just can’t she is too precious…

    We’ll make your dreams come true Nahida…

  2. Here is what the text near the bottom says during the 3rd "Cycle".

    "The flower carriage rocked, Nahida opened her eyes.

    Said she just dreamed a dream.

    Dreamed of the day that she was born.

    Dreamed of the day that the sages found her.

    Alas, but where has Lord Rukkhadevata gone to? We all eager to meet her once again.

    Realizing the lord had perished, around her they gathered, to tears they were dashed.

    In the end Nahida was locked in by the devout. In the end to no one could Nahida reach out."

  3. Putting aside the trailer’s meaning, I really loved the amount of effort the artists and animators out into this quick trailer! The animation was sooo good, I hope they continue to use this animation in the future ^^

  4. Te acabo de odiar con toda mi alma. Por favor mira el video aunque sea 2 segundos continuos. Tus ojos se van a cada rato y seguro hasta que editaste el video te diste cuenta del vídeo. Ahora cómo me quito yo este mal sabor de boca.


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