Did I Regret Pulling Yelan & Is She S Tier | Genshin Impact

The thing about Yelan is, she has big shoes to not only fill but to compete with. Kazuha’s dominance on the game cannot be understated but how can Yelan compete against this? Perhaps the answer is in the future. Genshin Impact Yelan character review.

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39 thoughts on “Did I Regret Pulling Yelan & Is She S Tier | Genshin Impact”

  1. Yelan gets released and is generally liked since she is better than the expectations.

    Walrus: dId i rEgReT pUlLinG yElAn.

    Walrus hot take: She is good…

    That reminds me I need to go look at the Qiqi battery clip.

  2. She doesn't seem like a character to regret pulling. By that same token, if you have a well built c6 Xingqiu, she doesn't seem like a must pull either.

    Just a great character that you will enjoy if you get her, but also do just fine if you skip her.

  3. It’s funny that I didn’t want to get her at first but I got her and she definitely became my favorite character. I had no expectations that’s why I think I’m so satisfied with her. Ps: I got not only one but two lol 😂

  4. A few things I disagree on:
    1. I don't think we should have a high S tier and a low S tier. All S tier characters should be so good that they are about equal in their capabilities. I would place Bennet, Kazuha, Raiden and Zhongli in that list. Yelan's A4 passive is being exaggerated as being a very strong buff, it really isn't compared to the multitude of things those S tier characters do for the team (Bennett does massive ATK buff and healing and battery, Kazuha massive elemental buff and CC, Raiden massive DMG buff and massive battery and damage, Zhongli amazing defense/CC/DMG buff). Yelan only has personal damage and a damage buff that is additive (not multiplicative with other damage bonuses) would put her highest A tier buff without any other utilities she is not S tier. As we know, utility is more important than damage in late game.
    2. Because Hoyoverse has a very difficult time balancing characters that are OP (Bennett, Ganyu) I highly doubt they will release ANY character or element that will change the current meta. Based on the leaks, Dendro is not a meta changing element. Therefore, just like adding Yelan to Geo is mediocre compared to meta teams, adding her to Dendro will be the same. If I say anything more it will spoil too much, just that Dendro is not that great.

    Exactly as I said, variety at the cost of breaking fundamental synergies in teams for her damage boost is not worth it. She has certain teams that do well with her, others where you are losing too much to put her in.

  5. Walrus: "If YoU pUt YeLaN iN yOuR tEaM wHo'S gOiNg To bE yOuR hEaLeR???"

    Me: "My hyper invested c6 Noelle…. Obviously…."

    My team is Eula, Noelle, Yelan, Raiden.

    With Crystalize, electro charged, superconduct and now freeze in my team i literally don't need anything else.

    I've beaten the game. lol

    Dendro can be this that and the other but it's NOT immune to physical damage…

    Just like nothing else is… j- just like nothing else is tho! xD

  6. You should regret pull for Yelan for the following reasons:
    1) Yelan was hyped for beauty instead of functionality (Wrong type of hype)
    2) Her occupation is not a good fit for her
    3) Her personality is too abrasive

  7. I have an excess of 5* Hydro characters at the moment…Ayato, Kokomi, and Mona. Until I get Kazuha and potentially a Dendro DPS I will have to wait to pull Yelan. I'm not in desperate need of her for now and hopefully that doesn't change😅 in 1 or two patches. She was really fun to trial though and wasn't annoying to play. Good luck to all Yelan wanters!

  8. Yelan is a total surprise. Yes, her design is not the most original nevertheless her scaling is an introduction to new scaling factors/potential meta.

  9. Almost everyone talk on any character and compare them to Kazuha. Even considering 'JUST SKIP TO KAZUHA'

    So is Kazuha the michael jordan-circle jerk character of genshin now? Is he really that much of an mvp meta defining ultimatr character that once you get him he can beat everything?

    Imagine if genshin decides to add honkai-style bosses in this game

  10. Yelan is top 5 units in the game along with kazuha, Bennett, raiden and zhongli. I’m calling it now that when sumeru releases people will realise her power

  11. so far i have 3 teams in which i love yelan, my geo team, I swapped out Zhoungli for Yelan using: Itto, Yelan, Gorou and Albedo. My Eula Team using Eula, Raiden, Diona and Yelan and my Hu tao team now uses Yelan instead of double geo with albedo.

  12. People really overrate kazuha huh…
    While kazuha is a a very good unit hes not the answer to all the problems. C6 sucrose exists. In reaction teams c6 sucrose provides on par or even better support than c0 kazuha. The only teams where kazuha is a massive improvement over sucrose is freeze,mono elemental and taser to a lesser extent. Also kazuha cant buff every element neither can sucrose but yelan can. The yelan+XQ combo is so broken to the point u can just slap those 2 in with 2 random units and that team becomes a decent team. This is basically kazuha situation all over again smh

  13. She definitely won’t be the only character to work well with Dendro but yeah if she does that will definitely increase her value. No real “must pulls” Ima skip personally but best of luck to the rest of ya’ll

  14. Walruss anemo could be very good with dendro regardless of any reaction with anemo itself. Anemo is the best elemental applicator in the game as every swirl refreshes the elemental application, Venti comeback? ^^

  15. I think kazuha's overrared. He doesn't work with physical and geo characters. Heck even Sucrose is better than him in some reaction team comps. Now that dendro's coming, I highly doubt he will stay at the top

  16. To be honest she only look like lockluster Xingqui. She only good with another hydro paired (I can't compare her to Kazuha who already broken in different team, who need more damage in Reactions)

    I paired : Hu tao, Yelan, Xingqui and Shielder (Isn't Funeration Team)

  17. All i know is that plants love water… and have you seen what leaves become in a tornado? Anemo and hydro will be just fine with dendro. Dendro will also amplify pyro since it is burning material. Now the question is what happens with cryo…maybe they explode? Cause frost explodes tree barks as the water inside freezes and expands. And what about electro? Trees are excellent electricity conductors…maybe the leaves (dendro samachurl ability) can create a boosted electro field where the ability is cast?

  18. for me yeat it was worth it. not because i was hype for her , i was saving for her , i m into bondage or she is my wiafu. double hydro with yalen xq is just meta. i skipped all of inazuma as the characters were just meta enough only getting c0 ayaka and c3 ei. but i have saved enough for kazuha and dendro arcon so i got a new character after 2.1. and waht better character to pull than 5* waifu xinque. next time i wish when they release 5* xiangling and bennet in future or hu tau re run.

  19. I believe we can agree that versatility is the leading factor to a character’s pull value. Yelan has something for everyone: the stamina saving sprinting for overworld casuals, damage potential and team comp flexibility for the meta chaser and speedrunner, low cost to build for the f2p and low spenders, and very unique and valuable constellations for the whales. At C4, she is the only team HP buffer in the entire game. At C6, the stagger value of the breakthrough barb spam can break shields quicker than claymore characters and makes her sit at the top C6 DPS tier, and unlike Raiden or Eula, the player doesn’t have to be limited to front loaded or back loaded damage. She is now my first ever C6 limited character.


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