MY TOP 5 CHARACTERS REVEALED (not a tier list) | Genshin Impact

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Patch Version : 2.6
Banner : Ayato / Venti


48 thoughts on “MY TOP 5 CHARACTERS REVEALED (not a tier list) | Genshin Impact”

  1. That's the main reason i took zhongli.

    I can play every 4 star and negate the downside of dodging and losing dps, i make an example… try and play razor w/o zhongli… he is a 3star character, with zhongli tho he has 35% resistance reduction, and if you use a rosaria you'll see no difference between him and a zhong/xinq/yoimiya… that's pretty big. And you'll have more fun because if u throw the rotation you wont deal damage unlike the yoimiya comp.
    Im more interested in 4star characters gameplay wise, the 5stars i take are just because they look cool/hot most of the time. Sometimes there is the 5star that is interesting but for the most part they are: use burst and leave or use burst and auto. Mihoyo puts interesting ability in 4stars, like xinyan razor sayu and lisa, i wonder how they'll be with 5 star multipliers.

    Even then gacha are meant to have hundreds of units so i beleave is a matter of time before they do so with 5star units.

  2. You’re list is almost like my favourites. I like the underused characters as they are most fun and interesting to use, and makes you think about what you are doing. I love Sara the most!

  3. It's so satisfying to hit waves of enemies with Lisa, especially with superconduct or electro-charged. She's my main dps right now but I'm most likely going to leave her as a sub dps when I get better dps characters.

  4. i trusted code not to include bennett freaking again KEKL. time to unsub. i thought this guy would only say the triple crowned waifus but seeing that fucking short wearing unlucky ass mofo in the top 5. i lost hope Lul

  5. FINALLY! Somebody voiced my thoughts – nerf bennett! he takes away from the fun in this game 🙁 everything is tuned with bennett in mind, and built around him. Even though there would be an outrage, I wish they could simply restrict him to 1 element. Just leave him the pyro supporting+healing and be done with it, no more universal god-tier supports.

  6. i appreciate the sara love !! i started maining sara after i crowned her burst and she’s doing big numbers in abyss. she’s so fun to play once you get how she works

  7. Bennett truly breaks the game. If you think about it, he's the main reason why National Team exists. Yes Xiangling is the main dmg dealer there but who else can be a battery for Xiangling? Maybe Electro MC can work there but still, XL's damage wont be buffed. A team consisting of XL + XQ + EMC + Sara might work but definitely not as powerful as any National variants.

    Raiden + Xiangling + Xingqiu + maybe Sucrose might work bcs Raiden also provides energy but that's the only situation i can think of other than Sukokomon (where XL isn't with Bennett)

  8. for some reason you have a nice video to fall asleep to after watching it, it isnt like other genshin creators that give me a headache cause theyre just screaming (sorry if this seems backhanded, i mean thisi genuinely i like ur content)

  9. The main problem in this game is the spiral abyss and it's mechanics to clear in time ( everything is for spiral abyss that give >10 pull a month lol)……..only because of this, people always prefer DPS over playstyle……I would have liked if the enemies could hit harder or used more and more difficult to counter moves with high HP but no time limit…..this could have allowed people to put some brain rather than unga bunga…………..I miss Sekiro man.

  10. I am really just w8 for more chongyun like characters with element conversion, i want to make some of characters on field efficient without losing elemental dmg(dont playing phys simply) i want to make geo mc and Zhong li into onfield units, as well as beidou, Jean and pre c6 kazuha.

  11. Because of you, My level 60 lisa(for the longest time) is now Ascended to 70 and on the way to 90. I dont have the weapons for her currently but I'll work with what I have. I love her gameplay and I missed her on my team.

  12. My favorite playable character is Lisa, knowing she existed was literally the only reason I started playing genshin in the first place, hopefully the Sumeru arc gives her the relevancy she deserves on the story

  13. They should amp up buffing supports to be as good as bennett, that way there would be more versatility.

    They should buff Diluc multipliers too Madge

  14. Just want to share mine lol
    1. Hutao = flat is justice, personality, Rieri, and Dark knight mechanic which actually work perfectly
    2. Beidou & Childe = the first pair character when I play the game after I stop very early due to motion sickness (comeback on Childe debut banner) lol but really, yes Beidou kick her claymore and her 'full counter' win my heart, while Childe is just the beauty of when the developers actually not lazy 😂
    3. Sara = her aesthetic win everything, I just love her design
    4. Raiden & Kazuha = gameplay wise and character who brings quality of life
    5. Yae and Yoi = the meme, the bs character that really bad and poorly design by the lazy devs but fortunately I still love this 2 too much

  15. I feel like people really skip over damage reduction and it's true value. For now, and even in the past, enemies just haven't hit super hard, but limited scalings of damage will age out a lot faster than greater than or equal to 25% damage reduction.

  16. This is pretty much why I play Ayaka. There is no one like her, literally. Her play style is hard & the only reason people put up with it is for her burst. But I personally play with her cos its actually really fun. I love her dash mechanic combined with her normal/charged attack string animations. Its very satisfying to play with her. You might say she isn't a typical sword class user but this is a fantasy game & I love the fantasy element added to her kit. Very fun.


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