This is my first time ever playing Genshin Impact in 2023 and I’m in love with this game.
In this episode I pull 10 two times getting Noelle and Chongyun. We also do Kaeya’s Story Quest.
Thanks for watching 🙂
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My First 10 Pull and Kaeya Story Quest | GENSHIN IMPACT First Time [Part 3]
genshin impact, genshin impact reaction, genshin impact first time , genshin impact gameplay ,first time playing genshin impact, new genshin impact player, genshin impact lets play, genshin impact first playthrough
hey guys this is a condensed version of 6h of stream lol I was doing a lot of random things on the streams so if you just wanna see my pulls and Kaeya's story quest then I hope you enjoy this short video 🙂
You got Noelle, as expected. Do level her up and play her, she is basically god-tier for any beginner. As I said, she carried me a loooong while, to the point where I didn't even know how to play without her lol.
1:33 what the heck paimon 🤣
chongyun & kaeya work very well together. now you need xingqiu for a great permafreeze team. you can buy him from the shop next week!
A melhor opção de pull é o banner da qiqi (a garotinha azul no final) o pull da noelle não é a melhor opção depois a primeira vez. Os outros tres banners são personagnes e armas que foram anunciados recentemente e tem um limite de tempo de banner e que são um pouqinho mais dificil de pegar, mas o banner da quiqui é bom tmb pra garantir um peronagem 5 estrelas.
Can't wait for the next part
Kaeya is a Cavalry Captain … but .. where are the horses? There are no horses in this world. So what does this cavalry ride?
21:57 yes 9 "swords" and 1 character for 10 pull that's how it usually works (with rare occasion of 2-3 characters). someone really need to explain to you about wishing system lol
I think u’ve already seen chongyun in one of the character demo thou
4:24 In your dreams
Wishing / pulling works like this :
Every 10 pull = guaranteed at least 1 4* character or weapon.
Your chances of getting a 5* character is initially very low, there is a pity system in place to make it a bit more fair to the player.
Basically starting from your 75th pull, the probability of getting a 5* increases each time, until it reaches 100% on the 90th pull.
You are guaranteed a 5* in 90 pulls max, but most players get the character in 70-80 pulls.
The pity stays from limited banner to the next.
So if you spent 40 wishes on the Raiden banner 2 weeks ago but didn't get her, you have 50 wishes max to get your 5*
I played with chongyun for SO LONG. I love him, love reading his story. ✨😊 He's definitely one of my favorites.
A commission quest will explain why timmie has no dad
"can i return him" me crying because Chongyun is my precious boy xDD
Main Chongyun since beginner banner xD
Use their combos at once.. when 2 or 3 characters have full elemental boost. Use them simultaneously by changing, Not just kaeya do solo for the boss.. hahaha
you can activate them simultaneously to have elemental damage by changing characters. Like from keaya final skill then change to noel final skill.. plus noel first skill ( the yellow shield) have healing factors. So activate noelle 1st skill then change to kaeya for him to heal.
ngl the first time i played genshin i believed Kaeya without a doubt (and i'd do it again, period.)
I want chongyu so bad😭‼️
Genshin impact is best game
Why obsessed with height?