Most Important Constellations That EVERYONE Needs in Genshin Impact

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Beidou C2 Burst dmg table by Zanto / KeqingMains :
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appreciate the support & hope the video was helpful

Intro (0:00)
Most Important Constellations You NEED (1:24)
Best Constellations For Other Characters [Strong but less universal] (7:08)
Some Strong Early 5-Star Constellations [Small Bonus Section] (12:34)



45 thoughts on “Most Important Constellations That EVERYONE Needs in Genshin Impact”

  1. Click the link here to play SMITE today!

    smol edit: Rosaria c2 makes burst go to 12s duration. (i said 10s by accident)
    -Sayu c1 i couldve mentioned too, very nice.
    -I didnt mention Diona c6 bc its good but very overrated (VERY few teams can actually use the EM buff, i talked with zajef about this, only a select few pyro units… even hu tao cant rly benefit much from this as she wants to be <50%). Diona c6 is still pretty decent tho & i could've mentioned it

  2. Now that the reruns are going to become more frequent, I would really appreciate a video on 5 star constellations. Currently I am very torn between pulling for Albedo, who I love but probably won't use, vs. pulling for Eula's C1, who I use in Abyss and can't 36 star it yet. I'll go back and rewatch your Eula vids to decide this, but it's just an example. Having to chose between 2 banners now is going to make these questions more common I think.

  3. I would really like a definitive answer when it comes to Constellations for 5-stars.

    I need to know how much to invest in a banner.

    C1 Hu Tao is almost needed to enjoy her to the fullest, but what about Eula's C2 that reduces her E hold Cooldown. Is that needed to enjoy Eula to the fullest extent?

    I need answers.

  4. One change I would say and this is something that I really only hear talked about in the Hu Tao Mains Discord is Yanfei's C4. The shield it provides can absorb more than Diona's while having a long duration. While it switches her role around it can work in place of other shielders, or if you don't have Zhongli. It is rather niche but it is something I feel could be brought up.

  5. You keep mentioning freeze comps, the national team, tazor team etc. but as someone new to genshin I don't undrrstand what kind of teams those are. Could you make a video explaining those different team types? Thank you!

  6. this is a nice suggestion since 2.3 banners having these 4 stars (not sure if this will 100% come true)

    Rosaria, Bennett and Noelle
    (for real tho i need c6 Noelle)

  7. I love Zhongli's constellations. It's not about dps increase, but these are very good practical improvement. Being able to refresh your shield with a burst, replace your E with ease, petrifying the enemies for 2 more seconds with extra range ; his C6 is not mandatory but, considering you're almost never losing HP with your shield, the fact that the healing is small just negates the bit of damage you'll be taking. By the way, the +3 level talents are super good too.

  8. As a chongyun main
    Im using him as a dps and that c2 is great specially of you are low and need to spam bennets attack to charge his super and his c1 ads so much damage to his final attack plus it looks so cool
    I run a xialing, sucrose, bennet and chongyun party
    Any suggestions on team combs or build tips are very welcomed

  9. c2 and c6 barbara is her best, c2 works well when with childe or any upcoming hydro main dps and c6 makes her a good character saviour incase u make a mistake. With the new artifact set coming, the other 2 constellations are good also because it means she can do max damage per burst and id regenerate the burst also

  10. How about Lisa's second constellation. When using the held version of her skill, you gain increased def and an increased resistance to interruption. Makes her feel alot less awkward to use, especially with how cool the animation is. She's also available in the star glitter shop like Kaeya.


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