Mimi Tomo Hilichurl Event Guide | 420 Primogems – Genshin Impact

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Guide for the Mimi Tomo Hilichurl Event in Genshin Impact

Check out the Boss and F2P Character Guides in my channel.

0:00 Overview and Rewards
0:31 Mita Movo Lata
1:35 2nd Hilichurl & Treasure Hoarders
2:43 Unta Nunu
3:26 Unusual Hilichurl


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45 thoughts on “Mimi Tomo Hilichurl Event Guide | 420 Primogems – Genshin Impact”

  1. I saw a banner preview that had Klee , succrose , Bennett and Barbara for 1.6.
    The same guy has been right 3 times in a row now , but we won't know for sure till Mihoyo posts it.

  2. This event is just the best. More 4* furnishings to get that Trust up and faster. (ran out of 4*s from the depot already) People were worried we couldn't get to Trust 10 yet well this event will get you there faster.

    Thanks for this guide! I always use your channel as a resource for handling the events and earlier on the bosses. You're very thorough!

  3. If you have a hard time with the "boss" spawning others , u can take him with abilities away from the initial spot and they wont come after you (I did it like that)

  4. when i read the first cule i was like oh so it wants some kind of soup as i was overthinking it, then the list of options opened up and i was like oh its a lot simpler as i was expecting to have to cook it something.


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