MiHoyo's Bias Treatment of China Server vs Global Server – Is Genshin Impact Next?

#GenshinImpact #MiHoyo #HonkaiImpact3rd

Welcome to the Tavern, feel free to comment down below if you have any questions or any insight and tell me what you think about this unfair Compensation.

MiHoyo Apology Tweet:

Bunny Girl Video:
Honkai Impact 3rd | BRILLIANT BRIGHT [with lyrics] Anniversary Special Play

Reddit Post:

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Background Music:
Hu Tao Theme Music EXTENDED – Let the Living Beware (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact


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45 thoughts on “MiHoyo's Bias Treatment of China Server vs Global Server – Is Genshin Impact Next?”

  1. 3:53 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ hotgirls.to

    》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《



    來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1619251428

  2. I feel a little pity for Mihoyo-
    And I really hope this doesn't happen with Genshin Impact, lol. I have no problem with the KFC Glider to be only available in the CN Server, because we got the food anyway. I have no problem with them not giving us the codes available for CN. But a WHOLE event, that isn't even theirs? Damn-

  3. Okay, so basically Mihoyo is okay with developing a game with gacha system to manipulate their players but they're not okay with some girls in bunny costumes. sigh

  4. I was Honkai SEA server veteran, i dont mind Global getting those event because its their anniversary and we got ours.

    Even im not on Global, i understand the pain as that was the most bullcrap thing that CN community ever done, ( some of CN disagree with what the toxic players did but still they got the bad name.)

    Im less likely to think it will happen to Genshin as different server of Honkai is almost like different game lead to seperate understanding, but im still scare if its happen.

  5. As a SEA Honkai Impact player, I would let CN have their way cause their game is pretty much censored anyways. Yes, the art, the cleavage, the pantsu have been seriously altered compared to other servers.

  6. Why would they make a unfinished global game just to not may attention to their global viewers and to take time finishing the game like I was expecting the game to be finished when I first started it

  7. As long as both, Honkai and Genshin players continue giving Mihoyo money they just enable them to this type of behavior. Vote with your wallet.. EZ uninstall

  8. It's ridiculous to think that the contents we'll have in any of Mihoyo's games will be relied on the enjoyments of those toxic players in China. This is why chinese are not welcomed anywhere in the world 🤦

  9. As much as I hate the bias, this is kinda out of MHY’s control. CN players give them the most profit, so they can also make them lose a lot of profit. Not only that, but they’re literally capable of shutting down the company if they aren’t careful since people could report them to the government

    It’s already happened before in Honkai where things got censored due to snitching, JUST because people were upset (one incident was when a whale got mad there was a free event outfit, so now it’s more covered up and the following outfits after that were a lot less revealing). Since the event had bunny girls and the girl who represented China in the game was “sexualised”, that would’ve given a lot of ammo for the players to screw over MHY with

  10. I was wondering why your voice sounded familiar, then I realised that you were the guy that made the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor videos when I was waiting for Hu Tao xD

    Glad to find your channel again 😀


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