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RIP Honey Hunter;
When is Boney Bunter going live?
Take down the site.. Smart F2P players will simply wait for streamers and youtubers whales to showcase the characters and various builds and then decide to pull or not.. Rerun is always an option.. So hoyo is only damaging their sales and nothing else…
MIhoyo, as a Chinese company, likely thinks this tactic is a normal solution to a normal problem.
eventually they are going to realize it's the symptom of there shortcomings.
i do hope they realize this any try to improve themselves…
…also i hear there will be private servers soon. won't that create a lot of issues when it's modded to perfection?
Yay!! No leaks!! People just don’t have patience, it’s something they really need to work on.
imo i agree fuck leaker and spoilers… but i dotn agree to take down a super usefull website with every kind information about their game… they should asked to remove the leaks not all teh freeking website…
I stick around for 1st anniversary after that bye bye tevyat
LMFAO they had it coming. Profiting and earning 5 digits off violating the TOS and leaking content would've got them caught one way or another
imagine getting 1 billion dollars in 6 months and still can't make a usable database/wiki for the players lmao. Players have always relied on 3rd party apps. It's just ridiculous at this point
I agree with most of the things you have said, but I think it is physically impossible for Mihoyo to release a roadmap that far into the future considering that their main development focus is the 'next' patch. I don't think even they themselves know what to expect in two or three patches!
I can see both sides…I understand people want to kno materials and such ahead of time. But on the other hand…I dnt understand why everyone wants to speed run this game..its not meant to be played like that. It's a mobile game first and foremost.
It's already back up lol, that didn't last long.
I appreciate the website, but the people running it are massive tools.
Glad I quit this game. Trash company.
Personally I'd be happy just knowing what talent books to farm. That's the only thing that I consider restrictive
The racist annswers from Honey Hunter don't disguted you all ?
Lol. Sekapoko supports xenophobia on twitter. Gross
i'm a f2p casual player, by casual i mean i normally play around 30 mins/day or maybe 1 hour.. except fishing, FU fishing >_> .. anyway!
as a casual f2p i don't really care if they pre-release materials and whatnot, i normally kill everything in my sight and gather everything i see sparkle on my way, so i never really had any problems with ascension mats, xcept when i got all the characters that used the treasure hoarder coins >_> … anyway!
what i really want to say is, what i'd really like to see is the RERUNS! gosh i want to know the reruns! i don't know what mihoyo thinks, but us f2p will be f2p even if the world collapse. if we don't want to spend, we won't. i know people that didn't spend on anything for 6 months and i know someone that pulls for every banner and doesnt care what she gets. even if we end up spending on a char we see as powerful /we really want and a couple months next comes something WE REALLY wanted… we'll just be frustrated over it, we won't be pulling our wallets. heck most f2p are that way coz they can't afford to open their wallets! if i know if and when they'll do a rerun i can maybe think of pulling for something before if i see that what i want is 8 months away!
they won't really gain anything by frustrating their community, so i don't understand what's the point of being secretive about releases.
ppl will pull for voice actors, for art, for whatever they think they like and want, and WILL spend if they can afford it and are willing to, i don't think there are people who will bring out their wallets because "UPS i pulled for something and now i want something else" those are the dolphins/whales, they WILL pull either way, f2p won't think that way because they can't or they don't want to, it's really simple.
now. wouldn't it be cool if they put out a special banner for 5* when it's their birthday? so we can get once a year a rerun and get what we want XD?
Yep, if you promoted cheap gems for genshin, MiHoYo would destroy you
I never used honey hunter cuz I never knew about it tbh 😅
But isn't Baal dead? Did she come back form the dead!!?😯😆
Good job 👏
Very informative
The efects of weapons, abilites and bursts are getting even more complicated to figure out when they work and when they don't than those on Yu-GI-Oh! cards…
but i understand it a bit..,there is no suprise in addons…we know it all before^^…weeks before….and i never saw something like that ever in other games i played….
Tell me sekapoko, how many leaks have you inherited? You gave the new character overview on abyss too quickly, even precisely guessed his/her best artifact, anticipated ascension materials. And that counts as using a leak.
In short: You side with thieves, and you ruined Mhy!
the problem is not prefarming, the problem is that resin exists in the game and you cannot farm for new characters