#xiao #ningguang #genshinimpact
Spiral Abyss 4.4 Floor 12 9 stars Genshin Impact
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Xiao Hypercarry Team : xiao, Furina, Faruzan, Xianyun,
Ningguang Double Pyro Team : ningguang, Bennett, Xiangling, Zhongli,
00:00 Floor 12-1 First Half
00:45 Floor 12-1 Second Half
01:11 Floor 12-2 First Half
01:55 Floor 12-2 Second Half
03:20 Floor 12-3 First Half
04:05 Floor 12-3 Second Half
04:50 Build Xiao Hypercarry Team
06:50 Build Ningguang Team
#GenshinImpact #spiralabyss #hoyocreators #hoyoverse #genshin #Xiao #Ningguang
que refrescante ver a Ningguang, aunque a día de hoy aún no se cómo se juega con ella

ahora sí quiero a xiao
Nice run! Whats the first song?
I love ningguang's JP voice
SLaN the goat back at it again with that cracked Ningguang
I see your Ningguang, I watch immediately.
Ningguang should be 5 stars
Geo is beautiful!
ive been waiting for the next reset to take my xiao to abyss, cause i hate the worms but this video is making me wanna try now, great run tho as always

I love how even zhongli was doing a great amount of dmg
Slayed as always Slan 
Te conocí por tu Ningguang, y verte usarla me motiva cada vez más a buildearla y ser main Ningguang.
, Xiao and Ningguan insane damage 
Estoy esperando de conseguir la c6 de la Ningg para buildear la, no tengo presa mi cuenta necesita artefactos y puede esperar el abysmo ya que puedo sacar 33-35* que da lo mismo.
I thought something was odd till THE WENUT SHOWED UP, oh my god and xiao is still hitting like a truck! I’m not sure which part is more scary the fact it has 60% anemo res or it not staying in place for 5 seconds (personally I avoid using ult-based characters against those worms cuz yk) but you just went for the kill!! I despise wenut
Todo se ve precioso y digno de imitar hasta cuando veo el arma de xianling xD lindo daño de todos
Pero Dios santo , que es lo que le das de comer a ningguang

, enserio nunca he visto a nadie jugar una ningguang mejor que tu , me alegra ver tus videos 
Same as Slan im also a Ningguang lover's ♥️
Queen ning is back
Does Xianyun c2 really make THAT much of a difference? I literally have the same exact builds with very similar crit ratios but my Xiao only hits for 150-160k
What do you think is the key to getting that kind of dmg from ningguang. I am on lost prayer, level 80/90, talents 9-8-9 with very similar build stats. Bennett burst crowned, xiangling burst crowned. However a good 20 seconds behind. Ok you had atk card first half and I got sprint but even so. Is it simply the crowns that add that difference?
M sorprende sea ninguang
I don't know why ninguang is a 4 star