MIHOYO RUINED KAZUHA!? Everyone is PISSED! | Genshin Impact News




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20 thoughts on “MIHOYO RUINED KAZUHA!? Everyone is PISSED! | Genshin Impact News”

  1. Honestly man, I wanted Kazuha kinda badly so he can replace venti on my team, but today proved me wrong, I pulled Jean instead and literally 5 minutes after pulling her I wanted to give her a decent weapon, but instead of getting a weapon I get my first Keqing. I'm a f2p player, I used so far 6k primos on trying to get him, and now that this has happen I'm just gonna save mine for xian whenever he's back.

  2. Wait, I thought the skill does exactly what it said. I have already anticipated the fact that Kazuha's teammates are gonna end up with a useless bonus if he swirls the wrong elements?

  3. He makes the game way more fun than before! My main DPS is Klee and I don't use vaporize or melt so this change doesn't really affect me but as long I am having fun with him it is great.

  4. I believe this is not the first time that a support became dps… Ganyu supposed to be a support… C0 Kazuha is not bad though, and some content creators proven that… His skills flavor text is kinda weird though…
    The only problem I experienced so far is his elemental absorbtion is kinda weird cuz he priorities Pyro to absorb even it is farther away from him… Imagine fighting against Pyro immuned slimes so I step closer to the water and stand beside Cryoflower and cast Barbara's Elemental skill and then pop out Kazuha's Burst… yah know what happened? He absorb the Pyroflower a few steps away from us… I thought it was just a bug but a well known Genshin streamer conduct an experiment regarding Kazuha's elemental absorbtion and he got the same issue with Pyro even you are standing on a maximum range for his burst he could still infuse any source of Pyro around the area over other element… Stand beside the water to infuse with Hydro? Nah, if there is camp fire or Pyro Hilichurl around… 😒😑😐

  5. IDC lol. He's basically Battosai with his "sesha" and "degozaru", what could you ask for more?

    he could do at least 4000 damage on a jump and another 4000 on land. he's good.

  6. yes I like kazuha but I really dont see anything that warrants him as a 5 star, especially if you need constellations to make him good. As an f2p hes not that viable since my 4 stars will actually get constellations and soon outshine him. the only reason Ill still use him is because hes fun.

  7. I started the game at the start of June cause I saw fanart on Twitter.
    Pulled for him, was able to get him C2. and being a new player, he's super fun to play, and Im glad I was able to get him. The game is really fun and Im excited for Inazuma Archon Quests

  8. chinese is hard
    do u remember how long it take to them to change the amos' bow effect text ?
    is just fix recently(i have that bow for long i know this)
    and beside… they money not really use for this game
    this is always a "side game" of em to make but they have enough passion to always keep is fresh all the time
    this mislead text happen all the time in honkai history already


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