Is the Genshin Impact 2.0 Spiral Abyss properly balanced or do we need changes?

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  1. Probably if they want make it more challenging without make f2p suffer. They can change the reward instead of primos to crown. Or other thing whale need more instead of primos

  2. As long as i can 36 star it first attempt without having to change a sinlge character its too easy.
    And technically i changed to Barbara for the pyro cube so ive got no complaints. But actually tho either make it harder it atleast a 13th floor wich even whales can barely 9 star. I miss getting 7 stars back in 1.0 on a floor and trying to get the last 2.

  3. I got 30 stars on my AR 43 f2p account wich ive played on for like a month. So im missing 100 gems every 2 weeks. If ur AR 50+ and ur complaning about it being too hard. Your only missing out on like 50 gems per 2 weeks.

  4. to anyone complaining about abyss: watch? enviosity? hes the proof people just likes to whine instead of actually playing the game.
    im f2p and ar 55, i was able to get 3 stars in all new floors at first attempt except for floor 12 where i got 2 stars in all the floor 12 stages, after another 2 more tries i got all the abyss stars, people arent even trying everyone just want to complain

  5. New floor 12 discourages electro because enemies not only have high resistance to it but they are also infused with it… it also discourages physical since the ruin guards and critters have high physical resistance…. floor 11-3 encourages pyro and hydro… how is this less limiting than the previous abyss. Not only that it’s basically a dps check, mobs spawn only after certain mobs get beaten meaning grouping strategy isn’t that valued especially when th samurai or ronin can just dash away… it’s purely dps check idk what new strategy this abyss encourages…

  6. Previous abyss I 36 star the abyss by steep rotation optimization. The new abyss i achieved 6 stars in floor 12, 2 each chamber. Now I'm forced to make improvements to other 4 stars characters and crowning 3 hu tao

  7. I don’t think adding too much hp to the enemies is right. Not everyone is lucky on artifacts or gatcha pulls (2 Qiqi after 80 pulls each while trying to get more powerful characters). This abyss force you to either have one of the stronger DpS characters that have better kit than older ones (standard banner ones) or have 5 star weapon or god like artifacts. At least the previous one was manageable with different team comps, game mechanics and being smart on how you will break the shields with having only 1 character that can do swirl effectively.

  8. Players are getting stronger is kinda falsy statement, I'd say some of them are. It has been 2 weeks since 2.0, ~140 attempts for new arts, 0 good ones, I'm not sure crit helms are even exists. So there is a good chance to stay at same level till new patch and new abyss powerup. And these guys clearing it with f2p chars just prooveing that everything is about good arts. Cause you don't need giga brain to manage couple elemental reactions, this game aint rocket science like some people want to believe.

  9. Honestly, they should just add a secondary permanent Abyss, not necessarily the same, just a different static challenge that gives the same or very similar rewards to the Abyss (at least regarding primogems), maybe even mutually exclusive (so you can get the primos from one or the other per rotation but not both) so whenever someone dislikes the Abyss won't feel cheated out.

  10. As always this channel is full of negativity, harping on so called 'issue', is it necessary for players to clear floor 12 with that mere rewards of 150 primos?
    Get gud on your contents instead leeching on 'issues' for the miserable view count!

  11. honestly if I would describe the current spiral abyss compared to the last one, I would say it's "more challenging" but not harder. To be fair, I'm an AR56 players who has been playing since the first venti banner and I have a lot of characters and weapons now. Previously, I only used the same 8 characters again and again (sometimes 10 because I had to switch up the elements). But this spiral abyss made me experiment on characters that I've benched for a long time or used for a different purpose. I rarely use Mona but I had to suddenly build her (because of 11-3) and give her my yanfei artifacts. I had to build my burst support xiangling to a main dps because I needed reactions to take down the machines on 12-3 (I am a phys damage razor main before this). I would say that this spiral abyss made me use characters and team comps/weapons and artifacts I've never used before and to me that is somewhat fun. But I get it why people would find this hard, especially if they don't have enough characters, weapon or artifacts to use.

  12. I think the main thing here is build a strong team … Players that play from the start, if unlucky, would barely have 2 teams built up … Artifacts RNG is just horrible, One simple "solution" would be to let us reset a piece artifact to lv1 and try the rerolls again

  13. I thought that because I pulled Ayaka, I would nail this abyss pretty easily.

    I thought for sure there would be at least 1 herald or lector in floor 12 but nope. 🤣

    They brought all new Tanky ass inazuman samurai and that thicc booty maiden. 🤣

  14. I have played genshin since launch and I think I only did the first 8 floors before AR45 then 9 to 12 I did when I was able to build my teams. As far as difficulty for me it depends on the cards I get and the buffs and debuffs for each floor but overall it seemed to have the same difficulty just that every iteration have different mechanics. Now at AR57 I just enjoy the story and the lore. That's what keeps me from dropping the game. As for how they can balance it I think it's a hard task as the community does not seem to agree on what they want. It is a very fickle community that have difderent opinions so it is really hard to get a good read on how to balance the late game content.

  15. If you can’t beat abyss then go optimise your gear more, if you can’t then work on team comps and quickswapping ect. If you still can’t? You haven’t got a right to complain anyway because this is a ENDGAME content which should be difficult to beat. I use meme teams in abyss for fun after beating it and it works out. The new abyss i tried with 3star weapons first half. I was only 20 seconds off a 3* clear

  16. On the first hand it's true abyss now requires better builds
    On the other hands:
    1. With current artifact RNG? REALLY? Sorry, go touch grass, Mihoyo.
    2. 4* constellations are crap RNG? Especially starters(who falls off in floor 12)? Sorry, go touch grass, Mihoyo.


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