Mihoyo Embarassed By Anniversary Backlash | Genshin Impact

#genshin #anniversary #oopsie


The tweet to the hoyolabs post^

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24 thoughts on “Mihoyo Embarassed By Anniversary Backlash | Genshin Impact”

  1. I'm not one for anticipating any kind of events or rewards in the future. I'm more of a guy that tries to anticipate the Genshin memes that will emerge AFTER the events and rewards come out. My current hope for a meme is:
    Genshin Community: "We should get a "choose your five-star" event for the anniversary!"
    Mihoyo: "We're not giving you a "choose your five-star" event for the anniversary."
    Also Mihoyo: (secretly plans to just give out EVERY SINGLE permanent banner five-star character)

  2. no no Valk it's not that they r embarrassed, they r scummy and want 2 destroy evidence of shitty business practices so less noobs see it. see the current clearly community doesn't matter 2 them, as long as they can continue abusing the passion of their artists and writers they can keep making this game look good at first glance thus drawing in new players indefinitely and they think none of the new players will listen 2 us or look into the long history of htier scummy actions

  3. Why put bridge there when you can't even reach the other side?(too far apart broken bridges in the mine area in Inazuma) even with leaf gliding item players cant reach the other side.
    lets be honest, Hoyo-scam don't want change themselves, if they change anytime in the future its because of money, their selfish profits get affected. why would enemies be triggered when im in the inventory or menu is just beyond human being's common sense to understand.

  4. For everyone wanting to know why they deleted it, and reuploaded it shortly after: They didnt actually delete it, but so many people reported it for "abusive content" that it got taken down automatically. I personally think thats hilarious xD

  5. I don’t even think they’re upset about backlash. They’re more upset that their sales went down between the Kokomi banner, the lack of new end game content, and the terrible anniversary rewards presumptions. If they don’t reconcile at least one of those things then there will be a 2nd wave of leavers and many of those will be longtime players as the first wave is probably a smaller amount of newer players but significant enough to notice in the revenue

  6. Hmmm… I deeply understand the frustration of the people. I just can't wrap my head around it yet, personally. I'll decide to be disappointed after I see the end of this drama and perhaps stop spending on the game as well. Right now I'm just feeling neutral. Still, looking at everything, Mihoyo has done a very good job especially with the visual aspects of the game which is why I played it in the first place. It's still beautiful as it was in the beginning. This anniversary rewards drama doesn't mean much when it's not the reason why I started.

  7. I'm confused about the art contest. I thought the one who sanctioned it was the artists themselves and got Mihoyo to approve it for appreciation purposes for Genshin, not because those artists expected that they'll be rewarded by Mihoyo if they won. Mihoyo wasn't the one who put the contest up. It got blown out of proportion because some other artists who joined didn't know and actually thought it was a proper contest set up by Mihoyo with proper rewards.

  8. the shown anniversary rewards should be the weekly rewards if they actually want to keep their players cause the amount of primos we get is so low that it's embarrassing to consider them a gacha like fuck me I've never seen a gacha game be so greedy with their resources


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