My Most EXPENSIVE Summons – Mavuika & Citlali (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re summoning for the newest 5-stars, Mavuika and Citlali.
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0:00 Summons for Mavuika & Citlali
5:00 Mavuika Drip Check
5:56 Mavuika & Citlali Constellation First Impressions
8:08 New Weekly Boss
8:37 Raising Mavuika
10:38 Mavuika Movement Abilities
12:03 Damage Showcase (With lv1 weapon and no artifacts lol)
12:22 Thoughts on Animations
13:26 Max Level
13:58 Did Mavuika Powercreep Arlecchino?
14:53 No Burn in Fire Current


35 thoughts on “My Most EXPENSIVE Summons – Mavuika & Citlali (Genshin Impact)”

  1. I honestly feel so mad and rage, this game is full of shit, I have done 146 pull and lost my 50/50 to dehya and now she is C2 .
    So now I am in 44 pitty if I skip mavuika the next 5* is guaranteed for me, as F2P it is so hard to keep grinding and saving as it takes time .
    I am looking for skirk, capitanonand Columbia so I think I will skip mavuika and get one them as guaranteed.

  2. Hey MOGA I was going to ask if u can send me some primos cuz I lost my 50/50 and I can’t buy anything cuz I’m broke but I’m trying to go for her weapon and citiali @Moga great video!

  3. I spent 100$ (with double prims) and I had 50 saved I got both Citlali (40) and Mauvika (50) then I pulled Citlali’s weapon and another 5 generic with 20. So now I have 20 days to try to pull mauvikas weapon with a guarantee i got so lucky

  4. I lost my 50/50 to Dehya on Mavuika banner, wasn’t mad since I don’t have her. Then built pity until I got Mavuika. I moved to Citlali and got her with capturing radiance with her as nice. Pulled on the weapon banner and got Mavuika signature at 20 pity. Overall I am very happy and I have still a lot of primogems in store.

  5. just to be clear mavuika needs natlan supports to be good the othere dont work as good and plus arlecchino is more versitile in terms of team building and her personal dmg is still great compared to mavuika

  6. Lost zhongli banner to keqing then got 15 pity after that I did a ten pull on mav got her and theeen did a single pull on citlali got her I feel like I used up all my luck for this year

  7. We need a proper mount available for all of the characters that is not restrictive, uncomfortable. Hoyo should consider creating a fun exploration to the point that we user would prefer not using the teleport mechanic but i guess hoyo dev will have to learn how to do bike physics 1st

  8. i can continue the theory about the capturing radinace triggering the third time
    i lost two 50/50 since it got introduced and on this banner i firstly lost to Qiqi and got Mavuika guaranteed and then while going for Citlali i triggerd the capture and also got a back to back Citali

  9. While base numbers yeah mavuika powercreeps arle, its not like shes just a strict upgrade. Her damage is extremely frontloaded and falls off a massive cliff after the 7 seconds of her ultimate are over. If she's fighting multiple waves of enemies shes gonna struggle a bit. Meanwhile arlecchino is known for being the one character who essentially never runs out of her infusion. Also mavuikas team is so restrictive especially when looking at the fact that near no one except people who spent will have both her, xilonen, and citlali. I know a lot of people who saved for mavuika and skipped everyone from natlan js to be shafted by her honestly rly bad kit design, so take what u will from that but mavuika didnt rly powercreep arlecchino


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