Meeting Nilou and Dehya! – Playing Genshin Impact for the first time – Part 105

Nilou and Deyha greet us in this weeks Friday Genshin Video

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23 thoughts on “Meeting Nilou and Dehya! – Playing Genshin Impact for the first time – Part 105”

  1. Aaaah Nilou. The little desert mermaid. Our dear simple empty-headed dance queen. Traveller's Sumeruan waifu. The fairest and palest in all the lands. Her dance is very pretty.

    Dehya is the GOAT and I love her so much ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. You finally know about Nahida!!! (Or should I say "Nahdia"?)
    Can you believe that the first 5-star you ever got was an Archon, way back in episode 16? And just yesterday, you coincidentally were using Nahida when arriving at Sumeru City for the first time!

    This first part of the Rana quest is really great! It got me really excited to know more about the Aranara! I think if you pace this whole quest chain similar to how you did the Hanachirusato and Xavier quests in Inazuma, it will be fine and you'll enjoy it a lot!

    I feel you when you built a team without Fischl. I had Bennett on my parties all the time ever since I got him for over a year. Then I started trying some other teams without him and enjoyed quite a lot! It's refreshing to not use the same moves you're used to, trying new reactions. Don't feel bad for leaving Fischl out, you can always bring her whenever you feel like it!

  3. Calvin you should try and tinker with nahida's skill you might find something interesting, all archons have something that can help with world exploration and stuff, enjoy ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. hydro + dendro = bloom team
    2 hydro + 2 dendro is very specific to Nilou only..just call it Nilou bloom to avoid confusion.
    hydro + dendro + electro(FULL EM BUILD..aka little to no personal damage like most electro supports and subdps characters) = hyperbloom
    hydro + dendro + electro(some EM..mainly for electro dps characters like cyno and keqing..for whom you cannot trade their own damage for hyperbloom) = quickbloom
    hydro + dendro + pyro = burgeon (thoma is currently the best burgeon trigger..btw)
    dendro + pyro = burning

  5. I loveddd the part where you were with the kids in vimara village. You have such a nice appreciation for the storytelling in games. Thatโ€™s one of the reasons why i looove watching your videos

  6. the 10 hr quest while long is one of the best experiences I've had playing through this game! just take your time and do bit by bit as intended and you're good :')


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