March 2021 Masterless Starglitter Shop Reset and its AMAZING! Genshin Impact Poggeggersz

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31 thoughts on “March 2021 Masterless Starglitter Shop Reset and its AMAZING! Genshin Impact Poggeggersz”

  1. "you will feel regret in the next 2 to 3 months".

    Brother, I already 9starred floor12 in the first 3months as F2P (87days in for this new floor 12, AR51).

    Every time I bought a constellation with starglitter (twice so far) it has been key to getting there that quickly.

    The only way I will feel regret in the next 2 to 3 months is if by that point i'm still playing this game…

    Blackcliff weapons are pretty dope though!

  2. I disagree… Ningguang and Xingqiu s constellations are literally better than most 5 star cons. Nings constellations are bonkers, especially. C1 and c2…c6 is the next power spike.

    Literally ALL OF XINGQIUS cons are unbelievable. Every single one is absolutely worth it.

  3. I personally do not agree if you have c5 xingqiu and not buy the last piece from paimon shop. Increase 25% dmg, although blackclif series is awesome, from character perspective, xingqiu best weapon is either sacrificial sword and skyward pride, and his c6 will give a significant boost in dmg instead of black cliff.

  4. Finally have enough starglitter to afford a character/weapon after I risked my saved pity trying to get Xingqiu, but idk if I should unlock him or pick up a Black Cliff weapon. I don’t think I will be summoning anymore on Hu Tao banner so I don’t risk my pity. My current team consists of Zhongli (physical dps), Aether (Geo support), Fischl and Qiqi for super conduct. He does not fit my team at all but I’m planning on experimenting with different characters/teams, especially elemental reactions, in the future.


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