Lyney Best Weapons & Artifacts Tier List | Lyney Damage Calculation | Genshin Impact 3.8

An Analysis of what works best for Lyney in genshin Impact weapons and artifacts wise

00:00 Premise
00:25 Weapons Tier List
03:18 Artifacts Tier List

Affiliated to Yomiholic


38 thoughts on “Lyney Best Weapons & Artifacts Tier List | Lyney Damage Calculation | Genshin Impact 3.8”

  1. Edit: I forgot to point out that hunter's path performs better than in this graph if you happen to have artifacts with big crit dmg substats and low crit substats. The crit rate from hunter path, artifact set, and lyney ascension stat alone is already almost enough to reach 100% crit rate, so optimizing stats for that weapon is not easy.

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  2. I have a feeling Dehya might be a decent teammate for him, Being of the same element, assisting in applying pyro to the enemies and giving interruption resistance and survivability without affecting his hp drainage.
    But lets wait for the Team compositions video!

  3. Somehow I have one 5* weapon of every type except for bows… I can only hope standard gives me Skyward Harp or something, since weapon banner has betrayed me twice already.

  4. I don't think you need to run a pyro dmg bonus set due to him getting so many bonus dmg built into his kit, weapons and elemental resonsnce. It becomes more feasible to run the new artifact set and attack sets.

  5. Great Video! Loved that it was to the point and informative at the same time. I have a question. Would the Vermillion Hereafter 4pc set be another viable set piece for Lyney using the (Q 3CA E) rotation?

  6. YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS THUNDERING PULSE LESSGO FOR LYNEYY (IM f2p thats why Im very happy I thought I wasted my wishes and I have no use for thundering pulse but LYNEYY)

  7. I'm going to try to get Lyney's weapon after I get him, hopefully I will have enough primogems to get him, especially since I just got Eula (granted I did got her pretty early but still. 😅)

  8. I like Lyney, but I'm worried if to pull him, because I don't like to spend that much time on artifact farming. It's tiring to even get 50% crit rate from artifacts for other characters. I like to use bloom teams that don't require much investment.

  9. You say you used Bennett+Kazuha for this but also 3 Pyro.
    So who was it? Dehya or Xiangling?
    For Xiangling, I'm unsure if 3CA burst and skill can fit in 20s rotation.
    So both the new set and sig might fall a bit with her especially in practice where he would be melee.
    Neither for Dehya if burst use.

  10. You say you used Bennett+Kazuha for this but also 3 Pyro.
    So who was it? Dehya or Xiangling?
    For Xiangling, I'm unsure if 3CA burst and skill can fit in 20s rotation.
    So both the new set and sig might fall a bit with her especially in practice where he would be melee.
    Neither for Dehya if burst use.

  11. he should perform well for a mono team, i hope they don't fuck it up. itto was very balanced but i still think that 80 energy cost is too much. i hope lyney doesn't get the same treatment.

  12. One question I have is if I should run him with Kazuha or Zhongli? He doesn't need the cc since he has a taunt but VV and Kazuha in general is such a strong support. On the other hand, Zhongli will also decrease elemental res and grant Lyney a shield which will be very helpful in keeping charged attack consistency.

  13. There is one thing I believe needs more analysis from this video if you are willing to. The second part of his signature passive boosts movement speed for himself, which leads me to understand that he isn’t just a slot for mono pyro/pyro burning teams, but also being a reaction trigger/applier outside of those teams. Why movement speed for a bow character? Are there any benefits? Otherwise I don’t see any reason to pull for this weapon and use Aqua/Harp instead. (I noticed that the current 3.8 event has one activity that encourages movement speed, so I assume there has to be some benefit that has not been discovered yet).


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