Losing my SANITY in Genshin Impact [BlondeOnly]

During the last moments of the Yoimiya banner I stayed up for ungodly amounts of time trying to grind some primogems and clutch out these characters.
I tried a new style of editing for this video, please feel free to let me know what you think of it.
(I also didn’t add background music this time, I got lazy)

BlondeOnly is a Genshin Impact challenge playthrough where I can only play as blonde haired characters. Rules are subject to change and I am open for tips/ideas.
~Watch Episode 1 Here~

~Watch Episode 2 Here~

~BlondeOnly Playlist~

Twitter: https://twitter.com/naliosflock
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aliceandflock


41 thoughts on “Losing my SANITY in Genshin Impact [BlondeOnly]”

  1. So white hairs and Lisa would be pretty cool especially since you are struggling so far especially since Lisa/other characters would save you a lot of headache later in the game but eh you can decide

    Edit: especially since Bennett is technically a white haired person

    Edit 2: if you do white haired people, I’d say Razor should be allowed because grey is technically white right?

  2. Why don't you go to sumeru and get the dendro traveler? with Fish it would be interesting

    Congrats for the videos, they are getting good
    (I sent a friend request on my challenge account that I've been playing for about 1 month)

  3. (video spoilers below)

    why is dps barbara the first thing that comes to your mind when thats one of the best weapons for klee lol
    congrats though and sorry you didnt get bennett, looking forward to the next video!

  4. in my opinion, benny and ningguang are blonde. kazuha has a red streak so idk about him, he's still mostly blonde though. shenhe, chongyun, razor etc have grey/blue-ish hair which isn't blonde. lisa is definitely not blonde imo lmao

  5. About cryo monument, i saw how dude from catalist only (TarZBlammo) do this with cryo slime, he walk with silme all that way keeping agro on him in some of he’s first episods if I’m remember corectlly bc he’s doing that on many diffrents things. I hope that help if you will be desperate 😅

  6. Wait, I just realized-
    Is Aether.. Technically strawberry blonde? I mean his hair is kind of pinkish at the end.

    I like being aware of this- As I haven’t used the Traveler since I got Amber-

  7. Lisa has brown hair and that's not blonde actually it's completely not blonde 🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡💢🤬💢🤬💢🤬💢🤬💢🤬🤬🤬😡💢💢💢💢😡😡😡🤬😡😡💢🤬💢💢🤬😡😡


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