Some of the new events in the Genshin Impact Patch 1.3 Update.
The Web Event is live NOW and ends Jan 31.
Primogem codes from the past that should still be active:
153YuSaenh – 30 Primogems and 5 Adventurer’s Exp Books
cuupmbjsvd – 50 Primogems
GSIMPTQ125 – 60 Primogems and 10,000 Mora
GENSHINGIFT – 50 Primogems
The expired codes from the Patch 1.3 Live Preview Event:
jsSK8n23jzR – 100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ore
dU2mhjQL1ZT – 100 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wit
nBEm3myAL2b – 100 Primogems, 50000 Mora
Check out the Boss and F2P Character Guides in my channel.
0:00 Overview
0:38 10 Intertwined Fates
0:51 Free 4-star Character
1:21 Lantern Rite
1:39 Tower Defense Event
2:24 Primo Geovishap Boss & Expeditions
3:03 Model Viewer
3:28 Photo Event
4:13 Web Browser Event
5:22 Leyline 2x Bonus
5:44 Converting Materials
The Web Event is live NOW and ends Jan 31.
NEW Primogem codes (Claim NOW, they will expire fast)
jsSK8n23jzR – 100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ore
dU2mhjQL1ZT – 100 Primogems, 5 Hero's Wit
nBEm3myAL2b – 100 Primogems, 50000 Mora
Oher codes from the past that should still be active:
153YuSaenh – 30 Primogems and 5 Adventurer's Exp Books
cuupmbjsvd – 50 Primogems
GSIMPTQ125 – 60 Primogems and 10,000 Mora
GENSHINGIFT – 50 Primogems
I see miHoyo is giving us players angpau (red packets) for CNY in the form of free 10x limited banner pull and a 4* liyue character. I'm taking Ningguang since she is the only one I don't have.
i'm cant choose between xingqui or raising my beidou or xiangling cons (use beidou as main and xiangling for overload), maybe will try to pull current banner 1-2 times and see if i can get xingqui, if i do get him then i'll takes ningguang home
Basically everyone got free primos
fuuuuck the codes are expired ;(
price for being lazy
That transmute of ascension materials will be such a lifesaver
Wait for this event
I'm definitely getting Ningguang for a C3 since she's one of my main damage dealers
And… the codes are expired. Sucks being on the west coast and not being able to play until 9pm 🙁
TSoul, you are my favorite genshin channel 🙂 thanks for always making helpful and quick videos
Imma taking chongyun cons. He is my second dps and he the one triggered melt for my diluc
I'm getting Ningguang to complete my 4* Liyue gang. Got lucky to get all of them to C1 and above when I was pulling in the limited banner. Although pulling Xiao is super tempting but I'm gonna hold off to get Hu Tao. I want that troublemaker in my team XD
I main Beidou and I don't have any constellations on her. Excited to get a guaranteed one!
Update 1.3 introduces himself
My phone: Bye bye
Wait, there was a Zhongli browser event!!?
Should I get C1 xingqiu for the extra sword or get someone I don't have yet like chongyun or ningguang? I'm AR33 and maining xiangling.
I wanna pick bediou , as i already have xingqui
Your videos are very understandable
Man they should've kept the codes for 24 hours atleast…
my chongyun is C5, Xingqiu is c0, i still thinking who should i pick better? xingqiu always in my team, sometime i used chongyun…
Thank you so much
I have C0 Xiangling, C0 Chongyu, C2 Xingqiu and no carrier. I will be trying Xiao though. Wich character should I pick?
c1 ningguang yess
im currently deciding on getting either a ningguang con or my first xingqiu copy for the event!
i'd like to hear your opinions if i should risk rolling in this ganyu banner for a xingqiu copy, for a guaranteed c1 ning when the event comes or wait for xiao's banner which may contain ning and use all my wishes there instead for ning cons, whilst using the free character event to get xingqiu instead🧐🧐
Hello ..can you please make video on what to do ?? M heavily confused between Xiao and ganyu ? What do you think from the leaks and trailer of Xiao !
Im mostly looking forward to tower defense, will be looking up to your guides, hoping there will be matchmaking for co-op and not just hey find friends…and ofc high hopes that there will be lots of primogems during the month, skipping both banners, Xiao looks cool but I feel I would get dizzy with his plunge attack style and also his anemo and for me that is problem as I need fire badly, shield breaking (being depended on fire and water) makes it hard to pull geo/anemo characters as f2p, we gota make it count…
Also for Oceanid, whoever doesnt have Chongyun, and also has issues with that boss, get this guy, he makes it easy, add one bow charcter for birds but chong can solo permafreeze all ground summons from Oceanid.
Hope that new boss will not require resin, they just even out addition of Childe weekly with bp changes and fragile resin there, and if they add new boss it is like they did nothing, its funny that addition to bp (fragile resin) its like they are giving us something good, meanwhile they added Childe -60 resin weekly but they didn't do anything to resin back then, so this is now just to cover cost of extra boss tbh, and later they will add more weekly bosses….without changes to resin it will be nightmare.
tip to save mora… i often running out of mora
ignore my name here… im just a sus
How does the web event work with PS4? Do I log in from my PS4 browser?
I'm expecting the guide for all the event from T-soul since your guide are just the best
helloo! xingqiu build?
I'm super excited abt this 1.3 I already uninstalled my Mobile Legends just to save it for the new update lol lol
Is there a way I can participate in the web event if you're playing on ps4?
I'm pickin Xinyan
I have 2400 primos saved up for xiao
Plus the ones the event is gonna give us
Ima have 4000
can’t wait for your primo geovishap guides using only amber
u must do walkthru for event !!!
Having a hard time deciding between my first Ning or C1 for Xingqiu
Hi how can I do the photos event on ps4 cause u cant use the camera there
You videos are really helpful sir for us the F2P players. I was searching for chongyun build. Can you make one sir ?
I already have all these 4stars, and I'm also a Chongyun main. I've seen that his c1 is really good, so why not!
(my computer died on the month that he had a rate up banner, so I couldn't roll for that…)
So how many primogems are all these events worth of?
have all the characters except chongyun. but gonna take c1 ninguang for the area damage
When will the key line overflow start?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but hav eternal life.