Kokomi is UNACCEPTABLE | Genshin Impact

#genshin #kokomi #plsbuff

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23 thoughts on “Kokomi is UNACCEPTABLE | Genshin Impact”

  1. Do Note: I have zero issues with Kokomi the CHARACTER, I have issues with the UNIT. I am not insulting your waifu, I am saying that a $300 pricetag unit should not be weak by any means.

  2. find it crazy how the same 3 4 stars still dominate the game and probably will dominate the game till the end of time because every update ends up buffing or increasing the usages of the 3 gods xingqiu bennet and xiangling

  3. Yh fully agree with most of what u said.
    Tbh tho idm kokomi being weak honestly…just means it's an easy skip and I can finally save more of my primos after Baal and save for reruns. Shame tho.

  4. Completely agree. For one she is too similar to a free 4* unit that everyone gets and no crit is far too big a sacrifice for what you get in return. I have a nice dps build as well as healer build for my Barb and get tons of use from her, but Kokomi’s kit is much more rigid. I get that Mihoyo are being creative in their characters’ kits as we have seen with the Inazuma characters, but whatever they were trying to do with Kokomi just hasn’t worked. For a limited banner 5*, I’d like to see her buffed, not for myself but for those who have spent on her.

  5. Waifu over meta applied when all characters came out equally polished and if not strong at least unique with a good playstyle. There's a reason Beidou is still top of the electro characters even though she's a 4 star and electro is relatively weak. Her counter mechanic and insane scaling without reactions make her on par with some 5 stars. That's before looking at her aesthetics.
    Or Diona who is not as good at adding cryo or damage but is perfect as a quickswap off-field healer, buffer and shielder. She's like 3 supports wrapped into one.

    If Kokomi had anything new to game mechanics her scaling wouldn't be a problem. Like increasing max hp, reducing enemy resistances, removing corrosion from all party members, placing many jellyfish like geo constructs, anything. Or if she was an off-field healer during her burst instead of during her skill like Diona, her playstyle would vastly improve.

    Kokomi mains deserve better and pretending she's okay only encourages Mihoyo to neglect her even more to rush out the next trophy waifu.

  6. her kit is so confusing its crazy, shes supposed to do both damage and healing but if you make a character thats supposed to do both then its either shit at at both and ends up in dumpster or can do both well enough to the point that it ends up being one of broken characters like bennett and zhongli

  7. For the ones that already have kokomi, don't be sad or anything like that. She is a really good option in the NA team or in a team with Fischl and Beidou. I don't have her, but since she has to be on the field to heal more (and the fact she is a healer/tank), I'm assuming her purpose can be to provide reactions for off field characters. I'm not saying that people should pull for her, since you can use any other character in a team with off field characters, but if you already have her and don't know what to do, I'm pretty sure she can be played that way to unlock every single free primogem from the game (abyss and events). I'm not saying this is the only option for her, but I think it is the easiest and most fun one.

  8. I'm not a waifu/husbando kinda guy.
    Grew up playing digimon/pokemon and jrpgs.
    I always wanted decent/stronger monsters and characters.
    When I saw kokomi's kit, I literally saw no value there.
    Tbh mihoyo needs a team to handle character buffs if they are worried about powercreep.
    Powercreep is only a thing when the company ALLOWS that to happen in the first place, so if in the future they hire a team dedicated to buffing older characters… they won't have to worry about releasing stronger characters or making abyss more difficult.
    Buffing older characters will ALSO make their reruns more profitable btw.

  9. Im gonna be honest
    I kinda have a gacha addiction, the moment i have 160+ primogems i pull

    But this the first limited 5 star banner where I don't get the urge to pull and that's because how bad kokomi is
    I would rather lose 5050 and get Qiqi than win 5050 and get Kokomi coz getting Qiqi will atleast let me guarantee a good 5 star like Hu Tao for whom im currently saving for
    And Kokomi being this bad actually helps me save coz i don't get the temptation to pull at all.

    So releasing a character (Unit) this bad that a gacha addict like me isn't getting the urge to pulls says a lot imo.

  10. Isn't this what people wanted? No power creep right ? Just new stuff that looks cool but doesn't shift the meta in anyway. So many people are so scared of power creep but complain when new units aren't strong. Something's got to give.

  11. The opening says everything I feel. I'm 100% "play what you want" and "waifu > meta". TRUST me lol, all I care about is waifus. But there's still a standard. A limit. I'm not going to defend a bad character just because it's waifu. If Kokomi appeared to be any better, she'd instantly be at the top of my list, because her aesthetic is #1. But because she's bad, she's still at the bottom.

  12. Kokomi's kit is just poorly done, to be honest. She was advertised to be a healer yet her E skill only works on a certain range (and it provides nothing but healing) and her burst that requires her to be on the field does not provide that much healing either. Not only that, her ascension stats and her constellation basically don't improve her healing kits at all, instead, it pushes her more to become a burst dps/dps kind of character, so… yeah, it's really poorly done. I honestly don't understand what was Mihoyo thinking when they make her kit like this. :/ She really deserves better, Mihoyo did her super dirty in both storyline and her kit.


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