Kokomi: F2P Builds Damage Comparison | Genshin Impact

Video is just a damage comparison of attack and hp build while using the F2P Weapon in game. All in all, HP build will still provide the best efficiency for optimal Kokomi Build 🙂

Thanks for watching!

Your Imouto & コーヒーラテ – Hot Time Summer

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Kokomi


46 thoughts on “Kokomi: F2P Builds Damage Comparison | Genshin Impact”

  1. У меня Барбара так же дамажит и даже лучше с холды, а если вейпанет с критом то вообще)). Крч скип скип скип

  2. very nice , hp besto , and i guess try get atk% substats ever the best way n_n, and u didnt used benet, sucroise , mona so thats fun to see she can beat the flower at least if we easy build her nicely n_n

  3. this is obvi just players testing if she can actually be a dps, i don’t get why y’all mad over it, her kit is literally healing, not damaging, let ppl enjoy what they want, as long as they’re not hurting y’all and ur big ass pathetic ego then it’s fine, y’all r so thirsty over dmg, this game isn’t abt competing on who gets highest dmg, enjoy the game w/o comparing dmg ffs and get a damned life

  4. Which build would be better:
    4pc HOD
    2pc HOD 2pc Millelith
    2pc HOD 2px Maiden
    2pc Millelith 2px Maiden

    I have right right now 2pc millelith and 2pc maiden since its all i have but was wondering which set is better

  5. She's really not as bad as people insist her to be. Kokomi is actually without a doubt, the easiest character to build right about now. This is mhy's way of saying or just mine even those artifacts you consider trash on your runs can be utilized by someone like kokomi.
    Kokomi's flexible kit is pretty awesome, that even low ar players can pretty much dominate their way through ar 45 as she can:
    1.) Heal
    Her healing capability is on par with qiqi, probably even higher. Her skill cd's much lower than qiqi so thats a first, but burst-wise, she easily outheals qiqi's since Kokomi's burst is comparable to noelle's every auto and burst heals everyone in the party. The only advantage kokomi's burst heal has on noelle is her attack speed and can easily heal everyone back to full health with 800-1.2k heals per auto. Diona's burst healing isnt really worth the comparison as her burst heal needs you to be on the field and has slower tics (but nevertheless she's good) same with bennett as you rarely reach 90% of your hp with his as it is only capped to 70% (still the best boi).
    2.) She can be your main dps
    Her autos reaches 4-6k when you've reached 30k hp, doubled when using her burst. Use another hydro in the party for that extra healing bonus, which in kokomi's terms also adds damage.
    3.) She's one of the best characters to pair baal, beidou, fischl, and electro traveler.
    Electro-charged comps are one of the best comps you could run. Kokomi with any of these electro characters (but fischl and baal are the optimal choices for her) easily means unli crowd controls. Pair her with thoma, whom of which is coming next update iirc, and you'll get an easy vaporize comp.

    "Mona's much better than her, easily outclasses Kokomi in every aspect except healing."

    That might be the case but mona's aa range is too short, I honestly tried which of the two works better with ei but Kokomi really is the better chouce due to the large aoe of her charged and the range of her autos that are on par with yanfei. But I find it much better to use both, having two batteries are coming off handy.

    If you still insist on saying she's not worth it and degrades other people that are pulling for her, then its best that yall just leave them alone. if you dont want Kokomi and is skipping her banner entirely, why do you preach your opinion at all? Otherwise this is your way of being a salty ass mofo. Let people enjoy kokomi, people does not need to hear your disgraceful parade of woes.

  6. Wouldn't 2p Tenacity + 2p HoD be better on Kokomi ? Or 2p Tenacity + 2p Maiden ? I feel like the 15% Hydro Bonus from the 2p HoD artifacts isn't as strong as the 15% Healing Bonus during her burst, but as for the 4 piece… I dunno, she seems to be a hassle to build. I feel like Tenacity + Maiden would be the best way to go since the scaling on her Healing Bonus during her burst is quite huge compared to simply 30% increased attack, we'll see I guess lol

  7. It's not like I don't like support but I don't know why I don't like her as character
    I've been waiting for too for hydro 5 star and I'm not gonna waste my primogems on her I'd rather get Childe over her

  8. some ppl thought kokomi couldnt crit bc the -100% crit rate worked as a percentage but its actually a substraction
    originally every character has 5% crit rate, so if it was a percentage, she would have 0%, but since its a substraction, 5 – 100 = -95, and as u can see, kokomi starts with -95% crit rate
    in conclusion, u can actually build her crit rate only it will always have 100% less

    math. 😂 (sry if my explanation isnt clear im not a math teacher lmao)

  9. She uses split scaling.. suffers from same issue as Xinyan. Healing circlet is best period tho. Optimally, you have her weapon, run HP sands, Hydro Goblet, HB Circlet and hope you pull HP%, ATK%, and EM/ER and run reverse vape to see her do very respectable damage. Not sure which set is better overall, but 4pc Tenacity is better for team support. Hydro 2pc w/ 2pc maiden or 4pc is solid. Shimenawa is also interesting. I've been playing with calcs.. looks like Shimenawa is really good.

  10. i think a combination of hp and atk would be more of a leveled playing field (maybe prototype amber with atk sands and hp/healing bonus circlet) because hp did more damage during her burst but atk did more outside of her burst


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